Sir Keir Starmer must prioritise setting out Labour’s spending plans as “dark clouds” loom over Britain’s public finances, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned.

The think tank said that with limited borrowing room and taxes already high, the public must be informed of Labour’s spending plans as July’s general election looms.

“There are cuts on the way with absolutely zero sense from the main parties about where those might fall,” the IFS said.

Labour has been cautious about spelling out its precise spending plans, but the IFS said Sir Keir and Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, must be transparent with the public.

It added: “For a party to enter office and then declare that things are ‘worse than expected’ would be fundamentally dishonest.

“The next government doesn’t need to enter office to ‘open the books’; those books are transparently published and available for all to inspect.”

Rishi Sunak called the snap election on Wednesday after inflation fell back close to the Bank of England’s 2pc target and economists said Britain’s growth was going “gangbusters”.

However, official data published on Friday which recorded a sharp dip in retail sales in April threatens to undermine the strength of the recovery.

Sales volumes slumped by 2.3pc between March and April, according to the Office for National Statistics, amid unusually wet weather for the month.

Compared with April a year earlier, sales were down 2.7pc.

This represents the sharpest drop since December, when the economy was still in recession.

Clothing retailers suffered a sales drop of more than 10pc compared with April 2023, with sales of household goods down by more than 6pc and even grocers feeling the pinch with a 2.8pc drop for supermarkets and food stores.

Peter Arnold, UK chief economist at EY, said the retail data combined with weak business surveys indicate the economy is slowing down from the strong growth spurt at the start of the year.

“It’s clear that the retail sector is still struggling to generate much momentum,” he said, predicting a slowdown in GDP growth from the impressive 0.6pc expansion in the first quarter of 2024.

It suggests that households are not yet making the most of falling inflation, rising incomes and the boost from national insurance cuts, choosing instead to save their money or spend it elsewhere.

Mortgage holders may also be struggling with higher repayments, as the Bank of England has held interest rates at the 16-year high of 5.25pc.

Online retail spending in April also fell, declining by 1.2pc compared with March.

Overall, retail sales are still 3.8pc below their pre-Covid level.

Weaker growth threatens to worsen the Government’s financial position, as does any delay to interest rate cuts from the Bank of England, which are now expected in November instead of July, as previously predicted.

In its report, the IFS said weak growth and sustained high borrowing costs are “the worst of both worlds”.

It added: “For a Chancellor with a goal of reducing debt as a fraction of national income, things have arguably never been so bad.”

The IFS said the Government is also facing rising costs for compensation, most notably to victims of the infected blood scandal.

“The fiscal outlook might even have deteriorated since the spring, as central banks have indicated that they intend to keep interest rates higher for longer, and the scale of the bill for various compensation schemes has become apparent,” the analysts said.

The Government has attempted to stress the differences between its financial plans and Labour’s.

Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor, last week said tax rises would follow in the event a Labour government is elected “as sure as night follows day”, while he said the Conservatives would aim to lower the tax burden over time.

Darren Jones, Labour’s shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, said: “After 14 years of Tory chaos, we are under no illusions about the challenge an incoming Labour government will face. We will have an incredibly tough economic inheritance.

“We have promised to deliver an immediate injection of cash into our public services and will then get to work to turn the country around.

“The country needs change and only a Labour government can turn the page on Tory decline. Our first steps will deliver economic stability so we can grow our economy and start to rebuild with Labour.”

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