Pssst, I’ll let you in on a little secret: want to know what the best possible investment is? Your workplace pension.

Now this is not a judgment on your default fund – more on how to review that later – but instead a big pompoms, cheerleading high kick for the scheme itself. 

Because your workplace pension really is the place your money works hardest. You put money in, HM Revenue & Customs tops it up with tax relief, and your employer contributes, too. Triple the purchasing power on fund units or shares. 

Your auto-enrolment contribution is set at 5pc and legal requirements mean your employer will add at least another 3pc, but some employers will match employee contributions up to a certain percentage of salary. 

It is worth finding out the maximum your employer will match contributions to, and contributing as much as you can afford. A good time to increase your contributions is when you get a pay rise, or when you change roles or employer.

Most people leave their workplace pension invested in what is called the “default fund”.

This is the investment you get automatically enrolled into when you start work and the one that most people remain in unless they make a decision to change.

It will be designed to maximise returns for a set level of risk, and in the accumulation phase – that is, while you’re still working and far from retirement – it tends to be invested mostly in growth assets such as equities. 

Each employer will choose which company they wish to provide their pension scheme, or if you work in financial services, some asset managers will run their own.

There is a default pension provider called Nest, which has been set up by the Government and looks after 12 million people’s pensions from more than 900,000 businesses.

So, you may be lucky and find that though you’ve had a series of employers, each time they’ve plumped for Nest and all your money is with the same provider… or you may not. 

Which leads me to consolidation. The biggest reason to consolidate is admin. But which basket do you decide is worthy of all your eggs?

Helpfully, there is an annual report which can help you compare your pension providers. Independent Governance Committees (IGCs) produce a report once a year on behalf of the regulator. 

In accordance with a set structure and parameters they will assess your pension provider on investment performance, whether those investments are appropriate – also called product suitability – stewardship and ESG considerations, client communications and the support your provider offers scheme members, as well as costs and charges.

There will be a conclusion which takes into consideration all of these factors and whether your provider is offering you value for money.

You can also compare performance of your default fund reasonably easily – most defaults are designed with around 80-100pc in equities or higher risk assets in the accumulation phase, so it is a case of apples to apples.

The last five years have been testing for fund managers – the pandemic, war in Ukraine, raging inflation – but they have been the same set of circumstances for all.

Which of your schemes has delivered the best returns over this period? How does that compare to the comparator or index provided in the literature?

The most important things to remember: read your IGC reports, compare your schemes, consolidate where needed and maximise your contributions. 

Saving for retirement, your workplace scheme really is the most powerful tool in your armoury. But you’ll of course have other goals, such as a house purchase, holidays, rainy day savings.

For the employed, let the workplace pot do the heavy lifting for the long term, and then turn to your Isa wrapper suite for medium-term goals. 

Under 40 and looking to buy a house? The Lifetime Isa (Lisa) is what you need.

Here, you get a top-up from the Government to help you reach your goals – 25pc bonus on your savings. The £4,000 Lisa allowance forms part of your annual £20,000 Isa allowance, to maximise your tax-free savings capabilities. 

Choosing your Lisa investments should be determined by the length of time you intend to be invested.

While you want to make your money work hard and maximise potential for return, a house deposit is not something you want to risk losing – house prices won’t drop just because the stock market has.

A multi-asset approach is sensible here, to help smooth volatility and offer some downside protection.

We like a blend of passive equity funds L&G Future World ESG Developed Index and iShares Emerging Markets Equity Index for your developed and emerging market exposure, with a fund designed for capital preservation such as Troy Trojan for some ballast.

The closer you are to a house purchase the greater the proportion that should be in the Trojan fund – reducing risk as you reach your goal. 

Medium-term savings are good to build up in an Isa; always opt for cash for emergencies – you need the liquidity and certainty, and stocks and shares for house renovations, weddings, or that round-the-world trip you’re taking for a significant birthday. Apply the same principles as the Lisa, reducing risk as you approach your financial goal. 

Short-term savings that you expect to draw on within a year – such as winter savings for a summer holiday – you should keep in a cash savings account. You’re unlikely to trigger tax liabilities over a short space of time and small amounts of money, and it is a waste of tax allowances to use an Isa for these purposes.

But what if I am self-employed?

Without your employer to provide a workplace scheme or to top up your retirement savings, here you need to take matters into your own hands.

Luckily, the regulator last year recognised the enormity of that responsibility and introduced a catchy little rule called “Improving outcomes in non-workplace pensions”. 

This means that all providers of Sipps – self-invested personal pensions – such as platforms, wealth managers and banks, have to offer a “default option” akin to what you’d get in a workplace scheme.

They tend to be mixed-asset, including equities and bonds, and are life-styled, meaning that risk is reduced by selling out of growth assets as you approach retirement. 

For example, Hargreaves Lansdown’s non-workplace pension default plan is designed to have around 80pc in equities as you’re working and growing your pension pot, going down to 40pc by the time you reach retirement age.

For most people, this default will be ideal to take care of your retirement savings. Nest has shared that 99pc of its members are in the scheme default fund, and there is no reason why self-employed people should buck that trend.

In fact, self-employed people probably have even less time than the employed to be spending time choosing their investments. The lack of time and inclination has been a blocker to the self-employed building up retirement savings in the past.

But for some, this may be an opportunity to express values, avoid certain sectors or supplement other investments.

For example, if you have worked in a corporate business for 20 years before going it alone, you may wish to use your Sipp allowance to build up satellite holdings to complement the default from your former employer. 

A word of caution before you throw 100pc of your Sipp allowance into building wind farms, however; diversification is key.

The road to retirement is long, and when you get there you don’t want to look back and regret ignoring the basic investment rules. 

Have a minimum 80pc of your retirement savings in traditional assets, a market cap weighted global equity passive fund in accumulation stage for example – iShares MSCI ACWI ETF is a good option.

Then up to 20pc can be used for more esoteric or alternative investments; renewable energy, private assets, impact investments or hedge funds.

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