One of the best litmus tests for the long-term success of a company is how well it deals with a downturn. Get it right, and the business emerges stronger. Get it wrong, and any existing problems just get worse.

Vestas Wind Systems sits in the first of these two camps. As a manufacturer of wind turbines, the Danish company, whose shares are available through most British brokers, felt the full force of the slump in the market for wind power that took hold just over two years ago.

The group clocked up heavy losses in 2022 after soaring inflation and rising interest rates forced developers to put new wind projects on hold and rampant cost increases meant existing contracts quickly became unprofitable.

But, to its credit, Vestas rapidly worked through its legacy contracts, prioritised pitching for new work at more sustainable margins, and introduced a string of product improvements along the way. By the end of last year, the group was back in profit, operating more efficiently, and celebrating a record increase in new orders.

With inflation finally coming under control and central banks preparing to lower interest rates, Vestas is now particularly well placed to benefit from a much-anticipated recovery in new wind power projects. Analysts are forecasting strong increases in revenues and profits both for this year and for the next several years ahead.

The group has attracted the backing of some of the world’s best-performing fund managers, six of whom own Vestas stock. These professional investors are among the top 3pc of the 10,000 equity fund managers tracked by financial publisher Citywire. Their conviction means that Vestas has a AAA rating from Citywire Elite Companies, which rates businesses based on their backing by the world’s best investors.

One of them is Jonathan Waghorn, manager of the Guinness Sustainable Energy Fund. “Wind has been a very difficult market over the past 18 months – higher interest rates and the inflationary spike we’ve been through have increased costs for what are already capital-intensive businesses,” says Waghorn.

“But Vestas is far and away the best quality bellwether for a wind equipment manufacturer; and if you look at its order growth and book-to-bill ratio [a measure of how strong demand is], they show that we’re in for a very interesting upturn for wind power.”

There are several reasons why Waghorn may prove right, on both counts. The most significant is the energy transition, under which most of the world’s economies will gradually phase out polluting fossil fuels and increasingly generate their energy using cleaner renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydro power.

Wind currently meets around 17pc of Europe’s electricity demand, according to industry mouthpiece Wind Europe. With the EU Commission aiming to get that figure to 50pc by 2050, and currently falling dramatically short, new wind farms are going to have to come onstream thick and fast – with installed wind energy capacity forecast to surge from 255GW to as much as 1,300GW over the period.

With economic conditions becoming more manageable, Vestas stands to be a strong beneficiary of renewed demand for its turbines. In this, it will be a beneficiary of generous wind subsidies, not just from the EU, but also in the US, under President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, and other countries.

And then there are some company specifics worth noting. To illustrate its ability to win business, in 2022 – the year it was loss-making – Vestas notched up orders equivalent to 11,189MW of generating power and had a backlog of contracts worth €49.5bn. By the end of last year, it had added a further 18,386MW of orders and its backlog reached €60.1bn.

As well as manufacturing turbines, Vestas is also increasingly offering service contracts to maintain them. Not only does this make more of its revenue recurring, but the Ebit margin (on earnings before interest and taxes) is much higher, at just under 22pc last year, against just 1.5pc for the group.

Analysts reckon services will generate close to a quarter of this year’s €18.6bn of expected sales and the majority of profits forecast to be €980m.

A company that can do this well in a downturn should positively flourish when the market thrives again. 

Questor says: buy

Ticker: OMX:VWS

Share price: DKkr189.35 

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