British workers pull far more sickies than foreign-born staff, a care home boss has said.

Geoff Butcher, the chief executive of care company Blackadder Corporation, said there is a “material problem” in the industry caused by younger British workers repeatedly taking sick days or getting signed off.

Mr Butcher, who runs six care homes in the Midlands and employs 300 staff, said the contrast with overseas employees is “significant”.

He said: “We see it by shift pattern. It’s not unusual ahead or after a weekend that we will get people dropping off a shift. Unfortunately, social media quite often provides evidence of why they are allegedly sick – they’ve gone away for a long weekend or they were out at the pub the previous night. It is certainly not infrequent. “

It comes amid growing political alarm over worklessness driving up the welfare bill, after the number of people unable to hold down a job owing to long-term sickness has risen to a record high of 2.8 million since Covid.

How to tackle the issue is expected to become a dividing line in the election campaign, with the Conservatives vowing to reduce the benefits incentive for long-term sickness.

The number of sick days taken by working people also rose to a 10-year high last year, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Mr Butcher said he had noticed a sharp increase in young staff calling in sick since Covid, often citing stress, anxiety or other mental health issues.

It is clear that many are “gaming the system”, he said.

Meanwhile, there had been no such increase among the care homes’ foreign staff, he highlighted.

Mr Butcher said: “There is a significant contrast. In some instances, we have problems trying to control the number of hours that some of our overseas colleagues want to work. We have people who want to do 60 hours a week on their feet.”

He added: “It is just very interesting that quite a lot of our overseas employees seem to manage to work nearly twice as many hours as some of our own.”

Mr Butcher pointed to GPs signing people off without a face-to-face consultation, the ability for workers to self-certify for a week when ill and a change in attitudes to work since the pandemic as the culprits behind the rise.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) suggested that there is strong evidence for a rise in young people taking more sick days since the pandemic.

Jon Boys, its senior labour market economist, said that there has been a reversal in the ages of workers taking the most sick days since Covid struck,

He said: “Before the pandemic, the older age groups had the highest sickness absence. Post-pandemic it was the younger age groups.”

Mr Boys added that while initially this likely reflected younger people getting Covid more frequently, there has been lots of research since showing a sharp rise in poor mental health leading to greater absence.

The share of workers in health and social care who were off sick was at a 10-year high in October to December last year, CIPD analysis of the latest available ONS figures shows.

The large increase in sick days creates acute problems for employers like Mr Butcher, who may only be notified by employees immediately before their shift is meant to start.

Mr Butcher said: “It never gets to the point of impacting safety, but it could do. If you don’t have enough staff, the quality of care is imperilled. That is the ultimate problem here.”

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