They could surely have done a bit better than this.

Without wishing to demean the 120 or so businessmen, financiers, lobbyists and entrepreneurs who have signed a letter to The Times backing Labour, the first thing to note is that while they are all no doubt high achievers, the list of signatories is hardly top drawer.

One City grandee describes it as “embarrassingly lightweight”: there is not a single FTSE 100 chairman or chief executive among them. Every premier league business leader seems to have turned Labour down.

One must assume that the Tory counter, when it comes, will be rather more impressive, though I suspect that even the Tories will struggle.

Knowing that they can’t influence the outcome one way or another, and that to name a side might disadvantage you with the other lot, most of the big cheeses of business and the City will choose to stay out of the fight.

But what’s particularly striking about the letter is that it is as vacuous as Labour’s campaigning message itself – “change through stability”.

No-one would disagree with the central point, which is that “for too long, our economy has been beset by instability, stagnation and a lack of long-term focus”.

But it is quite a leap from this statement of the bleedin’ obvious to believing that Labour offers solutions. Beyond insisting that the situation demands fresh faces, the signatories give no reason for believing that it does.

It’s obviously true that the past eight years since the vote for Brexit have not exactly been prime examples of good government. The defining characteristics have instead been chaos and drift.

So much so that the preceding six years of Tory-led government seem like a golden age of calm and sound judgment by comparison.

This they were not, of course. The years following the financial crisis were fraught with problems and mishaps. What’s more, there is good reason to believe that the austerity imposed at that time led directly to the vote for Brexit, which then acted as a profoundly destabilising force both in the economy and the Tory party.

Many business leaders continue to regard the decision to leave the European Union as an appalling act of economic self-harm, and look forward to Labour slowly moving the UK back towards some form of participation in Europe’s single market, if not the EU itself.

Old beliefs die hard, and it is perhaps this residual resentment over the assumed damage inflicted by Brexit that persuaded the signatories to back a supposedly sanitised Labour over the Conservatives.

It wasn't until Liz Truss's short-lived premiership that the Tories' poll rating fell off a cliff Credit: REUTERS/Toby Melville

Looking at the Tories, they see only division and dissent. There is no reason to believe this is going to improve if by some miracle Rishi Sunak wins a fifth term for the party.

The Government’s reputation for cohesion and competence among business leaders was further undermined by the pandemic. This was badly mishandled from the start, even if it is hard to argue that things would have been any better under Labour.

At the time, the political consensus around lockdown, furlough and the Government’s various other hugely costly initiatives aimed at mitigation was pretty much universal. If anything, Labour would have done even more.

In any case, it wasn’t until Liz Truss’s short-lived premiership that the Tories’ poll rating fell off a cliff. Up until that point, they had broadly maintained a slim lead.

Thankfully, there has been little in the way of lasting economic harm from the mini-Budget debacle, but the political damage for the Tories was catastrophic.

Nothing Rishi Sunak has been able to do since has succeeded in turning things around. Worse, lots of mistakes have been made in trying.

In the search for tax revenues to shore up the public balance sheet, the Government has done some particularly ill-advised things, including simplistically accepting static modelling without regard to wider behavioural consequences to justify a crackdown on non-doms. This has already prompted significant capital flight and a consequent reduction in spending power in the wider economy.

Similar shortsightedness has instructed the taxation of North Sea oil and gas, where what began as a windfall tax has become a permanent feature of the business landscape.

The effect is to generate more revenue from existing, fast maturing fields, but to progressively kill off investment in new acreage, further undermining future energy security.

Cuts in the annual tax free allowance on capital gains and dividend income meanwhile further reduce the incentives to invest in the productive economy.

Only the limitations of space constrain me from listing myriad other examples of penny-wise, pound-foolish policy masquerading as necessary fiscal consolidation. None of them do anything for growth, even if they enable the Government to just about scrape over the line in meeting its fiscal rules.

But don’t believe that Labour, newly rebranded after the madnesses of Corbynism as the “party of business”, is going to reverse these measures in pursuit of the business vote.

Far from it. Much more likely is that it will double down, and introduce a whole new slew of them in its hunt for revenue. Tax initiatives we already know about include the reintroduction of the lifetime limit on pensions saving and the imposition of VAT on school fees.

Harmonising rates of capital gains and income tax is only the most obvious of the temptations the Treasury will dangle before Rachel Reeves as she attempts to reconcile Labour’s spending priorities with the economy’s growing inability to fund them.

And so here we are, with the Prime Minister running around like some kind of unguided missile, firing off one policy initiative after another in the hope that at least one or two of them might hit the target.

None of them is helpful to the economy, yet all carry some sort of a cost. Each one in itself is not enough to break the bank, but add them all together and pretty soon we are talking serious money.

Both the national service and “triple lock plus” initiatives are, moreover, directly aimed at older cohorts, adding to the sense of policy that routinely favours the vote-heavy past and the old over the future and the young.

As for the business signatories to the Labour letter, they should be careful what they wish for. The promise to reform the planning system is more than outweighed by the commitment to further regulate the labour market.

Rather than backing one party over the others, business leaders should instead be asking themselves whether Britain is any longer a place where they would want to invest and create wealth.

If the answer to that question is no, then Labour’s offering of change through stability is not going to shift the dial.

Predictability is a necessary component of sustainable growth, but it is not in itself sufficient. I see very little in the Labour offering that delivers the building blocks the economy so desperately needs.

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