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When people find out that I’m a vet, they often tell me they dreamt of becoming one when they were young. It’s a common dream job for children and I was the same. 

I was especially keen on horses and, because I was good at science, becoming a vet seemed a logical career that would allow me to combine my love of animals with a solid qualification that would stand me in good stead.

From the age of 15, I spent my holidays working on farms, in riding stables and at kennels, getting experience under my belt to boost my application for vet school. I wasn’t paid for a lot of these jobs but they were really enjoyable. I also needed to get at least three As in the sciences at A-level to qualify for a place. 

My training took six years. When I was at university, the tuition fees were £3,000 a year; they are now triple that. It’s a huge amount of money and veterinary graduates of today come out with a huge amount of debt. 

I changed my mind about becoming an equine vet while I was training. I realised I enjoyed working in a team and a lot of equine practice is solitary, driving from visit to visit alone. Looking after horses can also be a very dangerous job. You hear awful stories about vets being severely injured from kicks so I decided to stick with dogs and cats. 

I’ve been a small animal vet for around 10 years. My days are really variable and that’s one of the things I love about the job – you never know what’s going to walk in through the door. I might be doing a consulting shift where I hold 15-minute appointments in three-hour chunks. Then there are operating shifts where you are performing pre-scheduled operations.

That’s often a lot of neutering of cats and dogs and dental procedures. There will also be emergency procedures, for instance when an animal has just been hit with a car. I also have some inpatient shifts where I’ll be in the animal hospital trying to work out what is wrong with our patients and create a treatment plan. 

My week is usually four 11-hour shifts but we often stay late. On average, I’ll do one night shift in a fortnight and I’ll work one weekend in every six. 

I earn around £50,000. It’s a good salary and I have a comfortable life but I don’t think vets are well paid when you consider the amount of training we go through, the cost of that training, the hours we work, the stress and dedication that goes into the job – particularly when you compare us to similar professions such as dentists and doctors who can expect a much larger salary.

What bothers me the most is the public’s misconception of how well we are paid. I think a lot of people think vets are paid more than we are. If I told certain friends and family what I am paid, they would be shocked. 

Sometimes angry clients will say, “you’re only in it for the money, you don’t care about my animal,” and that is a hurtful comment. Veterinary teams are made up of highly qualified and intelligent people and if we wanted to earn more money, we would be doing something else. We are all in it because we love animals and we really care about pet owners.

One of the hardest parts of the job is navigating the financial concerns of our pet owners. Every day I suggest treatment options to clients who can’t afford them. It happens all the time and I do understand how expensive veterinary care is. It is extremely difficult when someone has an ill or injured pet and they can’t afford treatment. 

It’s heartbreaking for everyone involved. It’s frustrating for us vets because it’s very difficult not to be able to do your job and treat an animal in the way you’d like because of the cost. But ultimately, veterinary practices are not charities, we are businesses and need to pay staff and cover overheads.

I wish the public had a better understanding of the value of veterinary care. Human medicine is so subsidised in this country through the NHS that we have no idea how much healthcare costs. We don’t know how much an X-ray or a course of antibiotics costs. 

As with any public facing role, vets receive abuse from the public. Most of our clients are lovely but you get the odd one who is difficult and rude. I have received verbal abuse but I find the nasty online reviews the worst. They’ll put your name in it and it’s usually wildly inaccurate, one-sided. 

You don’t have the right to respond and it’s just out there for the public to see and you can’t do anything about it. I have had other clients stick up for me on these reviews, commenting that they have trusted me with their pets for years. Early on in my career, I just stopped reading the reviews. It’s something our new graduates struggle with and I always say: “just don’t read them”.

Despite the challenges, there’s a lot I love about my job. You really feel like you are making a difference. You get that buzz every day. You think: “I’ve helped all these animals feel less pain or less itchy, and I’ve helped the people that love them.”

It’s amazingly rewarding. I also feel like I’m helping my local community. I look after the pets of the people I see in the supermarket. I love spending my day with dogs and cats. They make me smile and laugh every day. You never feel bored. You’re not stuck behind a computer all day every day. 

People often think the hardest part of being a vet is putting down animals but I actually think we are very lucky to have euthanasia as an option for our pets. Putting down a pet is often extremely traumatic, difficult and emotional but I think, as a vet, it is an honour to be able to give an animal a dignified and pain-free death and provide comfort to owners in that moment.

A lot of people feel a real sense of guilt about euthanising their pets but I firmly believe that the best thing we can give our pets is a dignified end. 

I’ve worked in a country where euthanasia is not commonplace for cultural reasons. It’s actually horrendous watching an animal die. I’d never seen so much pain. It made me really grateful that we are able to put pets down in this country. 

It’s well known that the veterinary profession has a problem with suicide. Vets are three to four times more likely than the general population to die by suicide. Every vet knows another vet who has been lost to suicide. It’s scarily prevalent. 

It’s one of the great sadnesses of the profession, and there are a lot of great charities – for example Vetlife – that try to support the mental health of vets and veterinary nurses. 

People do ask me if the job is what my teenage self thought it would be like. I always say that I am happy as a vet. It’s such a strong part of my identity and I do find it very fulfilling. I struggle to think of what else I would do. 

But I think if I knew as a 15-year-old girl what I know now, I would do something else. I suspect I could probably be as happy doing something that is less stressful, doesn’t take up my weekends and my nights, and earns me more money. When I think about teenage me, I just wanted to work with horses – but actually so much of being a vet is working with people.

Vetlife is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is completely confidential. Call 0303 040 2551.

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