Every home in the UK is being offered a smart meter in a multi-billion pound rollout that is changing the way we consume and pay for energy.

The devices, which replace traditional meters that have to be read manually, provide real-time readings that detail how much gas and electricity you are using, and how much it is costing you.

But the rollout has been controversial, with plans afoot to use the devices to charge households more to use power at peak times, with cheaper rates available when demand is lower. 

They also allow energy providers to remotely switch those who fall behind on bills over to pre-payment meters.

So will a smart meter help you save energy, or add to your bills?

How do smart meters work?

Smart meters come with an “in-home display”, a device that tracks how much energy is being used more accurately. It sends readings automatically to suppliers, meaning customers are less likely to underpay or overpay for gas and electricity.

The technology also allows providers to offer specialist “time of use” tariffs which vary the cost of electricity throughout the day. Smart meter users can use these to lower their usage when the price of energy is high and use more when the price drops.

Advocates claim smart meters will change user habits by showing how much energy is being used – and at what cost Credit: TOLGA AKMEN/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Ministers are currently drawing up plans to equip the technology with this so-called “surge pricing” function by default. Supporters argue this will allow households to save if their appliances or electric cars are programmed to only draw power when prices are low.

However, critics fear they could penalise customers for consuming electricity when they need it most. 

“By shifting some electricity use away from peak periods, this will ease pressure on the grid and reduce reliance on backup fossil fuel generation and the need for new infrastructure like pylons,” the Government said.

For the moment, time-of-use tariffs remain optional. For most households, tariffs operate in the same way as a traditional meter. Champions of smart meters claim that even without surge pricing, the ability to see how much energy it uses will change households’ habits and lead to lower bills.

The rollout has been plagued by problems

The smart meter rollout has been vastly expensive and repeatedly delayed. Every home was expected to have a smart meter installed by 2020, but the latest figures show just 57pc currently have one installed. Meanwhile, the cost of the rollout is expected to exceed £13.5bn.

Some owners of early models have also received a nasty shock when they switched energy provider and their modern meter turned “dumb” – rendering it no better than a traditional meter.

This is because some “first generation” smart meters became incompatible with the communications network and were unable to send their automatic meter readings. 

This year it emerged that four million households had been hit with shock energy bills because their smart meters were not working properly. The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) said that previous estimates for broken smart meters had been underestimated by suppliers, 

Households with a “dumb” smart meter can ask their supplier to replace it with a modern one. However, a loophole means providers are not obligated to do so, as the rule set by Ofgem only requires that all smart meters be operational by 2025.

Though these issues should not affect new smart meter users, they are indicative of the problems that have plagued the rollout.

And while such stories are rare, smart meters have been known to suffer glitches, resulting in comical instances of households told they are paying tens of thousands for power. In one case, a homeowner’s home display accidentally showed that he had used £40,000 worth of electricity in a single day. You should contact your provider immediately if you believe your smart meter to be faulty.

Another issue is that hardware associated with the devices will need to be upgraded in central and southern England, after the Government and mobile phone providers announced plans to phase out 2G and 3G mobile networks by 2033.

What are the benefits of a smart meter?

The biggest potential benefit is getting cheaper energy deals. Energy firms are expected to introduce more smart meter tariffs that vary electricity costs throughout the day. “Time of use” tariffs drop the price of electricity when demand is low and increase it in times of high usage.

Some of these deals are more complex than others: British Gas’s Economy 7 tariff, for instance, charges a lower rate overnight, which is half the cost of the daytime rate. However, its daytime rate is higher than a standard variable tariff. Overnight tariffs are handy for charging electric cars, and some providers offer specific tariffs for that purpose.

Octopus Energy, meanwhile, offers a tariff which updates rates every half an hour depending on wholesale prices, which can be a double-edged sword in periods of high volatility, though this rate is capped if it goes beyond 35p/kWh.

The policy on smart meters was first championed by former Labour leader Ed Miliband – and later by the Tories – as a way of reducing Britain’s energy use. They had been popular in Europe for this reason.

Whether these tariffs benefit you depends on how much electricity you typically use. Households with high electricity consumption stand to save the most by taking advantage of cheap overnight rates – to charge an electric car or a home battery, for example. 

More useful for gas-reliant households is the demand flexibility service (DFS). This scheme, overseen by the Electricity System Operator and handled by individual providers, offers households money back on their energy bills if they avoid using electricity at times of high demand. Households must have a smart meter to participate.

This could mean opting to run your washing machine during the day, rather than when you finish work, or waiting to run the dishwasher in the morning rather than just after dinner. 

Doing this makes it easier for the grid to manage supply during busy periods when margins are tight. 

Providers typically contact customers via email with an initial invitation to sign up. Their versions of the scheme will all have their own names (such as Octopus Energy’s Saving Sessions) and quirks (Shell Energy, for instance, offers customers the option to enter a prize draw for Amazon vouchers and other gift cards).

If you have a smart meter and your provider is registered with the DFS, have a search through your inbox to see if you can find a sign-up link. However, the money saved isn’t going to blow your mind: typically participants save between £1 and £5, according to the Centre for Sustainable Energy. 

Data privacy concerns still weigh heavy

The chief concern of smart meter critics, besides the cost of the rollout, is the potential privacy concerns that come with a household’s data being transmitted to a supplier.

Although smart meters send meter readings to your energy supplier, they do not store your name, address or bank details. Energy firms are adamant that only they can see your data and that information cannot be passed on to a third party without the customer’s explicit permission.

According to Octopus Energy, not even the network operator can read a customer’s electricity data as it is encrypted before it reaches them.

A Privacy Charter drawn up by the Energy UK trade body, however, states that organisations with which your supplier has a contract may be given access to the information collected from your meter.

It also stated in certain circumstances the police or other organisations, including industry bodies involved in preventing and detecting theft or fraud, could be given access to your data in accordance with data protection law.

Direct debit customers who fall into energy debt also risk having their smart meters switched to prepayment mode – effectively cutting off their energy supply – without a provider needing to enter a home.

In the past, providers chasing customers who had failed to meet bill payments could secure a warrant to enter a home and “force-fit” a prepayment meter, which must be topped up before any energy can be used. 

However, smart meters can be switched to a prepayment setting remotely, allowing energy companies to bypass the courts.

Ofgem maintains that it expects suppliers to “use the remote switching facility fairly and appropriately” and is monitoring how suppliers closely.

Smart meter pros and cons

Like most things, smart meters come with benefits and drawbacks; some people love them, some people don’t. The main pros and cons are summed up below.

Can you refuse a smart meter?

Smart meters are not mandatory and billpayers can refuse to have the devices installed, and you can do this indefinitely.

However, energy companies can force customers to replace their current meter if it is deemed a safety hazard or is no longer functioning correctly.

Consumers who already have a smart meter can ask for the device to be removed at any time. However, suppliers can charge customers a fee to cover this cost.

How much energy am I wasting?

Many do not realise how much it costs to leave appliances on standby, according to British Gas. Households waste up to £147 a year by leaving their appliances on standby, the provider warned.

“Vampire devices” such as microwaves, TVs and washing machines drain energy, and bank accounts, when left switched on at the mains.

Leaving a TV on standby costs £24.61 a year, while leaving a Freeview box plugged in at the mains adds £23.10 to annual bills, research by British Gas found. The luxury of leaving a microwave on standby costs households an average of £16.37 a year, while a washing machine and tumble dryer add £4.73 and £4.79.

Bigger families tend to lose more to “vampire devices”. Computers left on standby add £11.22 to annual bills, while game consoles and printers cost £12.17 and £3.81 respectively.

Even phone chargers left connected to the mains cost households £1.26 a year, a sum that can quickly multiply for bigger households.  

Smart meters give households more accurate data on how much their own home is using. Proponents of the devices claim that gives customers more information on usage and ultimately saves money and energy.

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