Five hours after union leaders kicked off what was billed as a dramatic face-off with Labour officials to discuss the party’s workers’ rights plans, both sides emerged surprisingly triumphant.

Sharon Graham, general secretary of Labour’s biggest union donor Unite, said after last month’s meeting that the “workers’ voice has been heard”. 

Both sides agreed to schedule another gathering so that Labour could finalise the details of its so-called New Deal for Working People with the unions. Sir Keir Starmer had avoided a bust-up.

But then the July 4 election was called and there was no time for another marathon meeting after all. A week and a half after the first discussion with union leaders, Labour published its revised plan, now called Labour’s Plan to Make Work Pay.

Union insiders say they felt blindsided because the wording didn’t match the demands made during the five-hour showdown.

The agreement was to “go away and look at it again,” says one official close to the meeting. Instead, their fears about “watered down wording in areas such as fire and rehire, zero-hour contracts and concerns about consultations” all remained in place.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham called out Labour's watered down commitments to workers Credit: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

Graham immediately attacked the new plans, which were originally drawn up by Angela Rayner, saying they had “more holes in it than Swiss cheese”. Although other unions, including Unison and the TUC, were more supportive of the package, Unite slammed the “number of caveats and get outs” in the wording of the document it had spent hours debating.

Unite was the most vocal critic because far more of its members are in the private sector, where many of the practices targeted by Labour are more pronounced.

Areas of contention include the dropping of a complete ban on zero-hour contracts in favour of a ban on “exploitative zero-hours contracts,” as well as a watered down version of a ban on “fire and rehire” practices, and a softer approach to a ban on work emails and calls out of hours.

Union chiefs were also irked by Labour’s insistence that various pro-worker pledges won’t be adopted until there has been a formal consultation process with businesses.

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves tried to soothe concerns by insisting that “fire and rehire” will still end except for in extreme circumstances, such as when a company is facing bankruptcy.

However, tensions were inflamed further last week after business leaders published a letter backing Labour. It was signed by former Heathrow chief John Holland-Kaye, who Unite accused of employing “fire and rehire” tactics during the pandemic, something the airport denies.

“Labour must immediately distance itself from John Holland-Kaye,” Graham railed. “The Heathrow example is why there must be a total ban on fire and rehire to prevent such a cynical practice ever being allowed to happen again.”

Labour's union backers criticised the party for welcoming John Holland-Kaye's endorsement Credit: Yui Mok/PA Wire

The demand put Sir Keir and Reeves in a difficult position. The letter was part of Labour’s efforts to win round corporate chiefs, something they see as key to convincing voters they can be trusted with the economy.

“I want to lead the most pro-growth, pro-business Treasury our country has ever seen,” Reeves said in a speech at Rolls-Royce last week, just as Unite was issuing its demand.

Labour’s pro-business stance has put it on a collision course with unions who question whether the party is leaning too far towards corporate Britain. It comes just as Jeremy Corbyn reignites his accusations that Sir Keir is trying to purge the left wing of his party.

The disquiet among Labour’s union backers is also unsettling business leaders.

A boardroom veteran who has engaged extensively with Labour in recent months fears that the party’s business friendly attitude will fade fast if the party wins power.

“Everyone who thinks they have Keir Starmer on speed dial will find that their calls stop being answered [if he wins],” the boss says, adding that his peers are naïve to think that their current level of access will last forever.

He thinks Labour’s pledge to be both pro-worker and pro-business is a stretch.

“It’s impossible,” he argues. “But in an election campaign the main objective is to stop any toys falling out of the pram, so they’re trying to tread a very fine line. It’s good politics.”

UK Hospitality chief Kate Nicholls, who represents pubs and restaurants and regularly speaks to both Labour and unions, is more optimistic.

“This isn’t something which is either good for business or workers, it has to be good for both,” she says. “Some in the union movement might have a different opinion but there’s a broad recognition that you need employers with you on this journey.

“There was fearmongering that jobs were at risk because of the introduction of the minimum wage [in 1997], but that didn’t come to pass as everyone worked together. Good businesses want to be good employers.”

TUC general secretary Paul Nowak argues that Labour’s plans for workers “could be a game changer for millions” and “will stop good employers from being undercut by the bad”.

However, Sir Keir hinted that some business chiefs may be disappointed by Labour’s plans at the party’s business conference earlier this year. He said the employee rights overhaul his party was planning would be at a scale that’s “not been attempted for decades” even if it “might not please everyone in the room”.

There are limits to how far Labour can afford to annoy business: the party is now very dependent on the executive class for funding.

Sir Keir has looked beyond the trade unions who traditionally bankroll the party as he races to fill Labour’s coffers.

Last year Labour accepted nearly £13m in private donations, its highest ever and more than the £5.8m received from unions. The largest single donation was £4.5m, from Autoglass boss Gary Lubner.

Labour has sought new sources of funding as union membership is not the force it once was.

“Around one in four employees in the UK are members of a trade union, a level that has remained broadly stable over the past decade,” says Hannah Slaughter, a senior economist at the Resolution Foundation. 

“This is well below the levels seen in the 1970s and 1980s, with today’s membership increasingly focused among older employees and those working in the public sector.”

Unions remain a significant financial backer of the Labour Party. Unite has donated more than £13m to Labour since January 2019, according to the Electoral Commission.

Tensions between Unite and the pro-business wing of Labour run deep. Sharon Graham’s predecessor Len McCluskey once vowed to purge remaining supporters of Tony Blair from the party and “kick the New Labour cuckoos out of our nest”.

Reeves and her party appear confident that they can ride out the backlash to their workers’ rights plans. However, the campaign is still in its early stages: Labour must walk a fine line if it is to win over business without damaging the relationship with its union backers beyond repair.

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