Growing up on a council estate in a single parent family, Jack* always had an inkling that he’d one day be a wealthy man.

And despite a decade of debt and financial struggle throughout his twenties, now in his mid-thirties, this hunch has turned out to be bang on the money. 

Jack has recently started making £100,000 a month, which translates to yearly earnings of £1.2m. This puts him among an elite group of just 25,000 earners in Britain who form not the top 1pc, but the top 0.1pc.

We won’t mention how Jack’s making this kind of money, as he’s desperate to disguise his identity from family and friends, who he says “live in a very different world” from him now. 

He’s terrified of being perceived as arrogant or “having changed”, should the true extent of his financial position be realised by those close to him. 

Because of this Jack is only just finding out that being such a high earner can be really rather lonely.

Hear Jack’s full story on Katie Morley’s new podcast: Money Confidential.


While he can’t deny that earning this much has been a major thrill, Jack can’t help feeling terribly guilty when he sees friends slogging it out in other careers for relatively peanuts.

He says those in “noble” careers like the medical profession earning “less in two years than that he earns in one month” feel the most unjust. 

He also thinks about people he knows in the armed forces who’ve risked their lives and suffered physical and mental harm, and feels uncomfortable at how comparatively “easy” making all this money has been for him. 

It’s possible that Jack may be suffering from a psychological condition called “sudden wealth syndrome”, says financial psychologist, Stephen Goldert, who himself coined the phrase. 

Sudden wealth syndrome is characterised by isolation from former friends, guilt over a change in circumstances, and an extreme fear of losing their money. It arises when someone earns or is given a lot of money very quickly.

He told me on The Telegraph’s Money Confidential podcast that Jack is sensible to proceed carefully among his peers at the moment.

He’s seen clients who’ve rapidly come into substantial wealth be ostracised from friendship groups, and feel like their financial fortunes have actually ruined their lives. 

His advice to Jack is to take stock, realise what his true values are and first identify a couple of trusted friends whom he might confide in to start with.

Jack is probably going to have to “go public” at some point, he says, as in his experience, hiding wealth forever is rarely a realistic option. 

Also on the show we also hear from another £1m-a-year earner also from humble beginnings, but who is now very much “out and proud” about her money.

Business coach Lisa Johnson’s story bears spooky similarities to Jack’s – she was also raised on a council estate, and she spent her twenties and thirties drowning in debt. 

But by her forties, Lisa had figured out a way to earn seven figures by working just 15 hours a month. It sounds like a dream come true for most, and was too for Lisa.

Yet her achievement left her feeling desperately unhappy.

Partly due to being bullied at school for being poor, she says she viewed wealthy people as “bad”, now including herself in that group.

She says she was desperate not to be “that horrible person driving through the council estate in a Porsche”.

Unlike Jack, who is right at the beginning of his journey into serious wealth, Lisa has already had some time to come to terms with her sudden rags to riches situation.

She ended up seeking help from a money coach, who helped her shed her feelings of shame and fears of “being a bad person”.

Nowadays, Lisa is so comfortable talking about money (and how much of it she’s got) that she broadcasts it regularly on her social media channels, and thinks we should all be talking about our salaries openly in the pub.

Few of us hearing Jack and Lisa’s stories will be able to relate to dealing with such vast sums of money.

But I’d be interested to know – how did they leave you feeling? Do you sympathise with their working class guilt, or has it left you reaching for a “tiny violin”, so to speak? 

How have their stories made you feel about your own situation? Do you agree with Lisa that we should all be more open about our salaries?

You can let us know in our poll, reply to me in the comments, or send me an email or a voice note to with your thoughts.

And finally, I am looking for people to appear on future episodes, so if you’ve got something to get off your chest or you need some advice, send me your money dilemma by filling in my contact form below.

You can listen to this week’s episode here, and if you like what you hear, you can follow along here to be alerted to future episodes.

*Name has been changed

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