Described as a “superstar woman in property”, Jo is one of the leading authorities on the luxury residential market and is consistently recognised as one of London’s top property advisors.

Private landlords haven’t had an easy ride over the last few years. Increasing mortgage costs, stricter regulation and weak capital growth have made it much harder to make a profit out of property, while the “hassle factor” of dealing with demanding tenants has prompted many landlords to head for the exit. 

When you can earn 4.5pc on a hands-off government bond, having to deal with a boiler breaking down or a tenant who hasn’t paid the rent doesn’t seem very appealing.

Within the £1.5bn residential portfolio my firm Eccord manages, many of our landlords have spent the last two years in consolidation mode, offloading underperforming or unwanted investments and, for properties they plan to retain, focusing on securing high quality tenants who will stay long-term, reducing the risk of void periods.

For landlords reconsidering their future in buy-to-let, it’s not always a simple question of stick or twist. In certain locations of the UK, such as prime central London, their investment property may be worth only the same, or even less, than they paid for it if they purchased within the last 10 years, since the 2014 price peak. Realising that loss can be hard to accept.

Here are some key factors to consider when deciding your next steps as a landlord, or for anyone thinking of investing in a buy-to-let property.

It’s harder to make a profit than it used to be

The days of buying a property, renting it out and watching the cash roll in are definitely over. In a bid to increase the supply of homes available to buy, over the last decade or so government policy has made it more difficult and less profitable to be a landlord. 

While landlords with a mortgage used to be able to offset mortgage interest against income tax bills, the phasing out of landlord’s tax relief means that income tax must now be paid on their entire rental income, irrespective of mortgage interest costs.

Landlords also now pay more in stamp duty when they buy a new rental property, in the form of a 3pc stamp duty surcharge, and more capital gains tax when they sell (if they have been lucky enough to make a profit). 

Wear and tear allowance, which was worth 10pc of rental income with no proof of expenditure required, has also been abolished, meaning landlords can now only claim tax relief on the cost of replacing furniture and appliances on a like-for-like basis.

Rising costs are eating into returns

The biggest factor impacting landlords over the last two years has been higher interest rates, and those with large mortgages continue to come under significant cost pressures as their existing cheap fixed rate deals come to an end. 

Stress-testing by lenders means some landlords are finding they can borrow 30pc less than before, forcing them to make up the shortfall or sell. 

The cost of maintenance and repairs is around a third more expensive than it was a couple of years ago, and for those with properties in managed buildings, including many in prime central London, service charge costs have risen by up to 9pc in some cases.

Gross yields in central London are typically between 3pc and 4.5pc, which often isn’t high enough to cover mortgage payments, maintenance and repairs, service charges and other outgoings. 

Landlords with the financial flexibility are reorganising their finances to pay down debts, and most are able to increase rents at renewal – but in reality this isn’t always enough to meet their increased costs. 

Premium rents require a premium service

Rents in Britain rose by 6.2pc in 2023 to record levels, but some of the heat has come out of the rental market since the start of this year and we’re seeing more normal conditions return. 

To achieve the highest prices, landlords are having to be much more mindful of tenant experience – responding quickly, carrying out immediate repairs and providing an exceptional level of service. 

Expectations are much higher post-Covid. Many tenants have had to stretch themselves to afford higher rents. And now so many work from home at least a couple of days a week, a noisy dishwasher they were previously unaware of might now be disrupting work video calls from home and therefore they’ll want it to be fixed, which is an additional expense.

At the same time, contractors are busier than ever, and with supply chain delays on many appliance parts, managing tenant expectations with repairs is crucial to maintain good relations. 

Add to this the increasing responsibility of landlord legislation and compliance, and we’re seeing more and more landlords turn to professional property managers to manage their properties for them.

Higher service levels go both ways, though. A recent survey of our own landlords showed that tenant quality is their highest priority, followed closely in second place by the need for maximum rental yield.

In nearly all cases they would rather secure a considerate, reliable long-term tenant, even if they need to accept a slightly lower rental yield or a brief void period in return.

Capital growth isn’t a given

The timely disposal of rental properties is a recurring conversation with our landlords, but many are finding that a weak sales market means they haven’t achieved the capital growth they were hoping for. 

In the case of prime central London, prices still remain below 2014 levels, meaning anyone who bought in the last decade may face selling at loss. It’s a bitter pill to swallow.

On a recent property tour with an apartment buyer with a budget of £2m-£3m, we viewed 10 properties across central London. In eight of those cases, the owners were prepared to accept the same price they had paid for the property – or less.

Those with large mortgages who are coming under serious cost pressure are more inclined to cut their losses and sell, while those who own their property outright, or with a relatively small mortgage, are more likely to sit tight and wait for the sales market to improve.

Property is still seen as low risk

New landlords we’ve seen enter into the market over the last year have mostly been so-called “accidental landlords”, in other words homeowners who have tried and failed to sell and so fallen back on the rental market temporarily – or those buying with a dual purpose, such as to live in themselves in the future. 

Yet despite the many challenges, buy-to-let will always be a feature of our property market. Unlike stocks and shares, bonds and crypto, bricks and mortar is tangible. It’s something we can touch, see and understand. 

There will always be people who find themselves with a pot of cash to invest. 

We have worked with grown-up children who have inherited money and want to build a long term property portfolio, divorcees investing a proportion of their proceeds, and parents renting a property out in the medium term with plans for their children to use it in the long term. 

Many of our clients in the music and media world simply feel most comfortable with property as an asset class.

In all of these cases, while mindful of yield and capital growth potential, they are focused on having somewhere familiar and safe to put their money long term. To them, property is, and always will be, a choice they feel comfortable with. 

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