Like other one-nation conservatives and many Telegraph readers, I have been leaning towards Sir Keir Starmer in this election, for obvious reasons and less obvious ones.

A Labour government is a necessary first step in repairing the fractures of the Union. At least part of the divorce fever in Scotland and Wales over recent years has been driven by a visceral rejection of the Bullingdon Tories.

Once that emotional impediment is removed, the composite nations can make a clearer judgment over whether it is such a good idea to break this tight-knit island into pieces.

Labour is a cure of sorts for Britain’s civil war over Brexit. Few on the British Left have ever tried to earn a living in Continental Europe. Few speak European languages beyond pidgin. Few know much about the EU’s democratic deficit, or its Caesaropapist constitutional structure. Few understand the austerity bias of the legal Acquis.

Their reflexive pro-EU sentiment is based on dreamy abstraction and the glow of holiday travel. It runs through the distorting filter of internal British politics. The Left cleave to Europe because they loathe the Tories. Much of this frivolous Europhilia will dissipate once a Labour prime minister has to deal with Brussels.

Sir Keir's Labour looks set to win the election whatever happens Credit: Wattie Cheung

There is a chance, at least, that Sir Keir’s Labour will leverage public investment enough to plug a few gaps in Britain’s economic infrastructure, and therefore raise the country’s growth speed limit by a notch. Something may survive out of his £28bn plan, the minimum needed to keep the UK in the global clean-tech race.

His ban on new drilling licences for oil and gas is coercive and irritating. Net zero is won only by seduction. It is also irrelevant. The North Sea is a marginal field with a breakeven cost of $70 to $80 a barrel. It will not be worth much as China kills the combustion engine over the next five years, forcing the low-cost Gulf states to cut oil prices and pursue market share.

I do not think that Labour endangers British defence, or that it will debauch the fiscal accounts, or that it secretly conspires to put Britons back under the European Court of Justice. I do not believe anything that CCHQ is cooking up on the Red Peril. Sir Keir has the safest pair of hands on the planet.

However, Labour is going to win whatever happens. The question switches to the margin of Tory defeat, and whether it is in the national interest to annihilate the party of Pitt, Wellington, Disraeli, Churchill and Thatcher. Nigel Farage’s decision to seize the reins of Reform brings the matter into sharp focus.

If there is a secret to the envied stability of British politics over the centuries, it is that two broad-church parties – Labour displacing the Liberals in the 1920s – have been able to tame and co-opt the putschist hotheads on each extreme. Readers may correct me, but I believe that since 1832 these parties have always conceded defeat when beaten.

Trust in Parliament has never fallen below a safe threshold. It is this that shielded Britain against the temptations of fascism and communism in the interwar years. It stemmed contagion from the 1848 revolutions, and the repression that followed. It kept the Jacobins at bay in the 1790s.

I have no animosity towards Mr Farage. He used to invite me to Ukip dinners at La Tête De Lard in Strasbourg when I was EU correspondent decades ago. The French loved him.

It was all pecks on the cheek, and the intimate “tu” form. He employed a French journalist to be his press aide. Few of Britain’s Euro-MPs ever went quite so native in Europe. Such is the Farage paradox.

I once took him to dinner at Au Crocodile, then a Michelin three-star. The bill came in: two coupes de champagne, one bottle of Meursault, one bottle of Nuits-Saint-Georges, two cognacs, or was it four? I was under the table: he went off for beers with the late night crowd. I dared not submit the drinks tab to Telegraph expenses.

The subject of immigration rarely came up. We talked of sovereignty and the treaty creep that was overturning English common law and Westminster self-government, with the collusion of British elites. It was only later that he inhaled the intoxicating fumes of identity politics. He crossed the Rubicon when he joined the Trump cult.

Nigel Farage crossed the Rubicon when he joined the Trump cult Credit: X

It is scarcely a secret that he aims to smash the Tory establishment on July 4 and engineer a merger of Reform with the culture war wing of Conservative MPs, or what is left of them. If this happens, it is the wholesale pollution of British democracy by the foreign bacillus of Trumpism.

This is dangerous. How all of us respond is a defining test of political character.

We can argue over whether or not Donald Trump tried to launch a coup d’etat on January 6 2021, or tried to fix the vote in Georgia. These matters are in the courts.

But it cannot be denied that Trump has never accepted his defeat and has deployed all means to propagate the lie that the election was stolen. Nor can it be denied that 147 House Republicans voted to overturn the result and keep him in power. All evidence is that they would do the same again in even larger numbers.

Once a party behaves in this way, democracy breaks down. You are already succumbing to caudillo falangism.

Nigel Farage is not a falangist but his alliance with Trump takes him a long way in that direction. I do not want any of this imported into my country. Nor do I wish to see the Conservative Party reduced to an overseas branch of the MAGA movement.

Rishi Sunak is not my economic cup of tea. He is a captive of the Treasury view. He has misdiagnosed the underlying cause of Britain’s secular stagnation and seems reluctant to accept that muscular investments by the state are necessary to draw in private capital and lift the UK’s abject level of capital formation.

He listens to pessimists who think that clean-tech is a cost, not to optimists who think it is both a growth accelerant and a gain for national security. He seems not to grasp how perilous it would be for the British economy to lose its global footing in green industries.

I struggle to forgive him for breaking the UK’s bipartisan consensus on climate policy – diplomatic gold dust, thrown away so lightly – and for lacking the courage to confront the stick-in-the-mud wing of his own party.

Yet Mr Sunak is an intelligent man. He has handled the serial shocks of recent years reasonably well, and no worse than Macron, Scholz, Rutte, or Sanchez. On the whole, he projects the image of a tolerant, liberal and forward-looking Britain to the rest of the world.

So yes, I may have to vote for Rishi after all.

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