Memo to Bank of England-obsessed pundits and their Fed-fixated counterparts across the pond: stocks don’t need rate cuts – not in Britain, America, or anywhere.

Cut, hike or hold, central bank actions routinely means little – their talk even less. Here is proof.

So many people wrongly presume piles of PhDs and institutionalised processes make central banks all-knowing. They think central bank chatter – from the BoE to America’s Federal Reserve to the European Central Bank – is prescriptive and their policy moves critical. Wrong! 

Consider Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey’s recent prattling about rising UK wages spurring inflation – the dreaded “wage-price spiral” so many bonkers bankers fear. Nonsense! Nobel laureate Milton Friedman decisively debunked such thinking in the 1960s. Wages always follow inflation, never lead it. We are slow to learn. 

Once again, the global inflation rate’s 2023 decline amid continued hot UK, US and eurozone wage growth showed this. The UK inflation rate peaked in October 2022 at 11.1pc year-over-year and has fallen to 2.3pc presently. Yet wage growth didn’t peak until June 2023. It still runs at 5.7pc year-on-year.

If wages drove inflation, inflation rates would be higher, not lower, than wage growth rates. The mid-1970s’ extreme wage deals brokered by unions representing British coal miners fanned the myth of wage-price spirals. But they didn’t. Even those deals followed inflation’s rise; they didn’t lead them. 

Nor is central bank talk prescriptive, or their policy moves crucial. They react to conditions more than cause them. How so? Widely held expectations, like inflation, are already in market capital prices – always.  Plus, monolithic wrongheaded economic training spurs policymaker groupthink. 

Consider “forward guidance”, this is code for central banks’ forewarning of upcoming policy moves. Its aim is to prevent surprises. Instead, it routinely sows confusion when later decisions deviate, which they commonly do.

Exhibit A was former Bank boss Mark Carney’s famous flip-flopping in the 2010s, earning him that “unreliable boyfriend” moniker.

Exhibit B: Bailey’s November 2021 switcheroo, when he excitedly touted an imminent Bank Rate hike. But, then (surprise) he decided to wait, roiling markets (and earning him the same label as Carney).

This isn’t just a British phenomenon. In May 2022, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the Fed “wasn’t even considering” 75 basis point hikes. But it then increased rates that much the very next month… and three out of four months thereafter. 

Other central bankers are also proven to be unreliable.

In late 2021, ECB President Christine Lagarde said, “Conditions to raise rates are very unlikely to be satisfied next year.”

By July 2022, the ECB hiked 50 basis points, the first of 10 increases. 

It isn’t all their fault. The economy is complex. Data vary. Interpretations change. But if none of these central bankers know their next moves, how can you? 

You can’t. Yet most investors keep scrutinising policymakers for clues. Pundits dissect their every word as if they were translating the Dead Sea Scrolls. Or they read into their silences. 

My advice? Don’t bother. Even if you could, it wouldn’t help. 

Central bank actions don’t dictate economies. Yes, you read that right. Consider this. Commercial banks generally borrow short-term funds to finance longer-term loans. 

Hikes theoretically raise banks’ funding costs, cooling lending – and growth. This time? Global deposit gluts emerged after Covid-era lockdowns limited consumers’ spending options. 

From the end of 2019 through to the end of 2022, UK banks’ sterling deposits soared almost £570bn – a 17pc rise. That kept banks’ funding costs low, undercutting the impact of rate hikes.

More recently global lending slowed but isn’t yet problematic. UK loan growth is just 1pc year-on-year, but has been creeping higher since September’s -2.7pc year-on-year low – that’s without rate cuts. US loan growth is 2.2pc year-on-year, down from 7.8pc a year ago but still positive. Besides, a slowing after 2021 and 2022’s lending booms is natural.

Regardless, pundits assume stocks need rate cuts. No!

At the time of writing, the FTSE All-Share had gained 28.9pc since October 2022’s low – and was 21.6pc above pre-hike levels, hitting all-time highs in May.

America’s S&P 500 gained 51.7pc in dollar terms since October 2022’s low, exceeding pre-hike levels by 25.6pc – all whilst the Fed has fiddled. Similarly in Europe stocks rose 53.5pc in euros since their September 2022 low and almost 40pc since ECB hiking began.

Last week’s ECB rate cut and intra-day 1pc stock market jump made it seem causal but those short-term swings happen just often enough to re-fuel the myth of central bank omnipotence.  

Globally, economies grew throughout rates’ rise. Yes it was uneven, as with Britain’s GDP slide in 2023’s back half. But even that reversed early this year, without cuts.

Yes, some industries like property face headwinds from rates. But if the broad economy is growing, what suggests rate cuts are needed? The “high” rates pundits bemoan were normal 20 to 40 years ago. 

Don’t worry about central banks, be they “hawkish,” “dovish” or spouting jibberish. 

Fixating on the Bank of England, European Central Bank or the Fed merely reveals pessimism – fuelling stock prices up the “wall of worry” bull markets famously love to climb.

Ken Fisher founded Fisher Investments and built a fortune estimated at $6.3bn. He writes a monthly column for Telegraph Money.

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