The election is being fought against a backdrop, as spelled out by the Institute for Government, of  “the worst hospital performance in NHS history… prisons at crisis point… a Crown Court backlog [that] is now the worst on record… [and] rising demand and budget cuts having forced local authorities to cut prevention and universal services”.

This is a far from comprehensive list.

Labour’s campaign strategy is to blame the Tories for all these problems; the Conservatives’ counterpunch is that Labour has no plans to fix any of them. They are of course both right.

The Conservative Party’s track record over the past 14 years rather speaks for itself, which is why all the polls indicate the electorate has given up on them. Labour’s “solutions” could fit on the back of a florist card’s envelope.

Just look at the topline numbers. Labour is looking to raise £8.6bn of extra taxes. The Tories have sought to present this figure as a bombshell and say it will take the tax burden to record levels. But it was already heading there: Rachel Reeves’s plans come on top of £23.5bn of future tax rises already announced by Jeremy Hunt as a result of the freeze on personal allowances.

Of the £8.6bn in fresh revenue, £5.2bn is supposed to come from reducing tax avoidance (that old chestnut) and changes to how highly mobile, incredibly well-advised, non-domiciled UK residents are taxed. The biggest chunk of new money can therefore be safely filed under the heading: highly speculative.

Combine this with £3.5bn of extra borrowing and (with a smidge held over for a rainy day) we get an extra £12bn of public expenditure a year. Some £7.3bn of this will be swallowed by the NHS without even chewing. That leaves £4.7bn for everything else.

Given that total public expenditure this year is £1.23 trillion it is hard to disagree with Paul Johnson, the head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, who described the spending increase as “tiny, going on trivial”.

Beyond this, Reeves waves airily towards nebulous reforms of the planning system, improvements to the Brexit deal and other unmentioned “tough choices” as the means to boost growth.

Of course, there’s no point in criticising Starmer’s gang for an election strategy that looks likely to propel the party to power with an absolutely stonking majority. If you’re pushing at an open door there’s no need to come up with a complicated plan to cut power to the building, fast-rope out of a helicopter and apply explosive charges to the windows.

But the fact remains there’s a gaping hole where the UK’s post-Brexit economic model should be. One faint glimmer of hope is that the Labour high command has given every indication of realising that, for all the myriad problems it will face on day one in government, boosting investment needs to be at the very top of its agenda.

The party has been assiduously courting the business community over the past two years and has learned how to speak its language. However, while ending the political chaos of the past few years is a prerequisite to unleashing fresh investment, it is very unlikely to be sufficient.

As the old adage tells us, it takes money to make money. Both Tory and Labour plans are massively hamstrung by fiscal rules, which require the Government to ensure debt is falling as a share of GDP over a five-year period.

Such self-imposed strictures are designed to prevent governments from over-borrowing in order to shower the electorate with short-term goodies. But they also inhibit longer-term policies designed to boost growth. The elusive trick is finding a middle way.

One option would be to come up with rules that not only assess debt but also the country’s assets. In some ways this isn’t such a radical suggestion. Investors can only tell whether a company’s balance sheet balances because it contains both liabilities and assets. Why shouldn’t countries conduct a similar audit?

Part of the answer is that the switch to this kind of system would be expensive. Another is that it can be hard to value national assets – like roads and hospitals – that you can’t really sell.

On the flip-side, if you don’t put a price on the nation’s infrastructure, there’s no incentive to invest in it and eventually, as we can now so clearly see, everything starts turning to dust. What’s more, there’s nothing to stop assets that can be sold getting flogged off for less than they’re worth to fund fiscal bungs.

A side benefit of adopting this approach would likely be greater latitude from the market to borrow against public assets. As Andy Haldane, the former Bank of England chief economist and an advocate for new fiscal rules, says: “Financial markets know it is the value of the house, not the mortgage, that matters.”

Debt-based fiscal rules also cause governments to pull in their horns when economic shocks hit, often accentuating the downturn, rather than helping to boost growth in the hope of ensuring the dip is as shallow as possible.

New Zealand, often a pioneer in monetary and fiscal matters, adopted this approach in the 1980s and has produced pretty consistent primary budget surpluses since. The IMF has been encouraging other countries to follow suit for years.

In a little-noticed passage of her recent Mais Lecture, Reeves made a commitment “to report on wider measures of public sector assets and liabilities at fiscal events, showing how the health of the public balance sheet is bolstered by good investment decisions”.

Does this mean that Reeves, freshly installed in Number 11 Downing Street, would tear up the old fiscal rules and start assessing the nation’s finances in a more holistic manner?

That seems very unlikely.

Labour will need a couple of years of steady-eddying before the markets trust it to make such a big move. Ultimately, the short-term plan, such as it is, boils down to sitting tight and hoping a cessation of political chaos results in at least a modest improvement in the outlook.

But if Labour does get lucky and the economy starts growing, Reeves may eventually have the wiggle room to be a little more radical. My hunch is the promise she’s most eager to break is that of sticking to her predecessor’s fiscal rules.

If it’s not, it should be.

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