The Bank of England’s losses from its money-printing programme “dwarf those of other central banks”, a leading City analyst has warned.

Christopher Mahon, at Columbia Threadneedle Investments, has warned that Britain is losing three times more on its quantitative easing (QE) programme than the Federal Reserve in the US.

This has significant ramifications for the Treasury, which is obliged to cover tens of billions of pounds in losses as the Bank unwinds its QE programme by selling bonds, a process known as quantitative tightening (QT).

Mr Mahon said: “The Bank of England’s approach to QE has led to losses of almost 5pc of GDP versus less than 2pc in the US.”

By contrast, the European Central Bank’s losses are around 3.3pc of GDP. 

The scale of the Bank’s losses will be a problem for whoever wins the general election, Mr Mahon said, as neither Rishi Sunak nor Sir Keir Starmer “will want to govern with the headwind of QE bills of £5-10bn every few months”. 

He said: “That is putting pressure on the government finances, and means the Government is starting to ask questions to the Bank of England.”

QE, under which the Bank created money to buy government bonds, initially made a profit for the Treasury of more than £120bn.

However, high interest rates and the sale of bonds at a loss mean the Bank is now losing money. Losses are expected to exceed £100bn over the next eight years, according to official figures. 

Since 2009, successive chancellors have said the Treasury would cover any losses on the scheme.

Bank bought bigger share of bond market

Mr Mahon said Britain’s losses are particularly severe because the Bank of England bought up a bigger share of the bond market than the Fed or the European Central Bank.

This was then followed by a move to offload bonds rather than holding onto them until maturity, unlike at other central banks. 

The losses on long-dated bonds are vast.

Mr Mahon points out that the Bank recently suffered losses of up to 70pc on the sale of some long-dated bonds.

The Bank also opted against buying index-linked bonds, which benefit from protection against inflation and fared better during the cost of living crisis.

He said: “The Bank of England chose not to include inflation-protected bonds which fared much better – unlike the Fed, which included such securities in their purchases under quantitative easing.”

This research is likely to fuel the debate over QE, as senior political figures call on the Treasury to limit losses linked to the programme. 

Nigel Farage, the Reform UK leader, recently claimed the Bank could save up to £40bn per year by reforming QT. 

Mr Mahon said: “It is too late to salvage most of the losses but we think scaling back active QT could still reduce overall costs for the taxpayer – albeit modestly.”

Bringing an end to bond sales now would avoid up to £7bn in losses this year, he predicted.

Andrew Bailey, the Bank’s Governor, last month disputed the idea that halting bond sales would save the Treasury any money, as he said it would simply delay losses.

He said: “Different unwind strategies might affect the timing of the cashflows, but they will not necessarily change the lifetime amount accumulated in the asset purchase facility (APF).

“Active sales, for example, incur upfront costs but they also reduce lifetime net interest costs from carrying gilts on the APF’s portfolio when bank rate is higher than coupon payments.”

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