Battered by the financial crisis and pandemic, Britain has lost its culture of risk-taking. In the first of a special election series, The Telegraph examines how this has affected the economy and whether Labour can bring swashbuckling back to the City.

Sir Keir Starmer wants to make Britain the “best place to start and grow a business”.

Getting there will be harder than it sounds.

Three decades of regulatory creep that began with the death of newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell have diluted Britain’s risk appetite and fuelled a vicious cycle of lower returns and lower growth.

Maxwell, who was found floating in the Atlantic Ocean in 1991, plundered his employees’ pensions to prop up his business empire.

But measures aimed at avoiding a repeat of the scandal have left British savers paying a heavy price.

The great recession of 2008 reinforced a growing culture of risk aversion that leading figures in the City warn will be hard to unpick.

‘It’s like boiling a frog’

Tracy Blackwell, the chief executive of Pension Insurance Corporation (PIC), says the crash changed Britain’s psychology.

“I think everything since then has been an attempt to not repeat the excesses of 2008, which is completely understandable,” she says.

“But there’s never been a really honest debate with the public about the cost of doing that.” Blackwell, who has been at PIC since the company was incorporated in 2006, adds: “It’s like boiling a frog.

“Everybody’s felt it build and build and build without actually putting their finger on why it’s happened.”

Many believe the consequences for the UK economy are huge. Productivity has collapsed alongside growth in living standards.

“I do think our nation is appallingly over-regulated to a state that is now almost destructive,” says City veteran Lord Spencer, who founded specialist broker Intercapital in the same year Margaret Thatcher’s “Big Bang” liberalisation wave began.

“I started ICAP in 1986 with £50,000 of my own money and 20 years later, it was a FTSE 100 company. I think it would be impossible to do that today.”

The data speak for themselves.

In the wake of Maxwell’s death, regulators couldn’t stop theft, so they tried to stamp out risky behaviour instead.

Accounting standards were introduced that obliged companies to disclose their pension deficits as a financial liability on their balance sheets, just like a bank loan. Boring and predictable suddenly took precedence over risk and reward and between 1997 and 2021.

UK pension funds cut their exposure to British equities from more than half to just over 5pc. Money that used to be ploughed into shares found their way into bonds.

Companies that used to flock to the London Stock Exchange are now looking across the Atlantic.

A lack of capital and investment has also left the country increasingly dependent on immigration to grow the economy.

But dynamism is far from dead, according to Michael McLintock, the chairman of FTSE 100 company Associated British Foods, which owns brands spanning from Twinings to Primark, and the chairman of The Investor Forum, which represents pension funds, asset managers and other investors.

“The economic lifeblood of the UK is actually strong,” he says, speaking in his capacity as head of the City investor group. “Britain is actually pretty entrepreneurial and they understand what risk is about.”

Britain actually has the most unicorns – start-ups with a value of at least $1bn (£790m) – in the whole of Europe. The biggest challenge is scaling up.

A lack of domestic capital has left much of the UK’s critical infrastructure such as Thames Water and Heathrow airport in foreign hands.

Most of the UK’s “big six” energy companies are foreign-owned, while some of our newest successes, including DeepMind and Arm Holdings, have also been sold.

The risk is that Britain’s corporate stars of the future will also become reliant on foreign cash to grow, meaning the wealth created by them will accrue outside the UK.

Anne Glover, the chief executive of Amadeus Capital Partners, who was one of 10 Labour advisers for financial services, says a lack of big cash to bet on high-growth companies has put the UK at a huge disadvantage compared with countries such as Canada or Australia.

“There’s a huge positive momentum that runs into a crashing brick wall when it comes to growth capital,” she says.

It makes leaders like James Harrison the exception rather than the rule. Harrison, who runs Cycle Pharmaceuticals, made an audacious $466m (£367m) all-cash bid for its US rival Vanda this month.

Sitting ducks for takeovers

It was an unusual move in a world where analysts believe undervalued UK-listed companies have become sitting ducks for takeovers, and one that Harrison believes benefited from the company’s funding structure.

Harrison started Cycle in 2012 with patient capital from the likes of the University of Cambridge. The clue is in the name, and is something Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, has signalled she wants to build through an expanded role for the British Business Bank.

“I’ve avoided that fork in the road that comes for every biotech company in the UK which has seen a lot of them become American. They’ve had to raise funding because their business plan has been that big, shiny new drug that costs hundreds of millions of dollars to prove,” Harrison says.

“And all the really big venture capitalists that can sign cheques of $100m plus all tend to be American. So if they subsequently fail, they fail. And if they subsequently succeed, they become ever more American.”

This is because US money is usually accompanied with the temptation to float on the Nasdaq to bring in more cash.

Glover at Amadeus adds that a lack of capital means entrepreneurs are spending more time trying to find suitable investors.

“Our entrepreneurs here generally raise money every 18 months but often more frequently than that,” says Glover. “And they can spend as much as 30pc to 50pc of their time fundraising.

“In the US, they get it done in 10pc or 20pc of their time which means they’re spending 80pc of their talent on building a great product and team and satisfying customers. And our teams are just distracted and stretched and always on the road trying to raise capital.”

And then there’s the ever-expanding rulebook.

Analysis by the Centre for Policy Studies of National Audit Office (NAO) data in 2019 found there are around 90 regulatory bodies in the UK that spend nearly £6.1bn of public money every year. While some have been shuttered, others have popped up in their place, leaving the regulatory environment anything but simple and stable.

“We face a barrage of regulation, most of which is saying the same things in different ways,” says James Palmer, a senior partner at Herbert Smith Freehills.

“To be honest with you, a lot of the new rules are wonderful for the legal profession because they mean everybody needs to spend more money with us, but they are not good for the country at all.”

Palmer, a mergers and acquisitions specialist, says the box-ticking has become more onerous.

“When I started out as a lawyer nearly 40 years ago there would be a couple of paragraphs in a company’s accounts describing several directors’ remuneration,” he adds.

“We now have two executive directors in a public company, but probably between 25 and 30 pages describing the remuneration and incentives of those two directors. I think that is ludicrous.”

‘A ludicrous mismatch’

It’s one of the reasons Spencer is staying away from the boardroom.

“I ran a public company for 20 years and we found that the proportion of time spent by the board discussing business opportunities was progressively overtaken by regulatory issues.

“What was our diversity policy? ESG? To the point where more than half the board’s time was devoted to regulatory and compliance issues that don’t make a dime of difference to the profitability of a company.

“To me, that’s a ludicrous mismatch and it’s one of the reasons why I haven’t taken a position in a public company since.”

Palmer has some sympathy for the regulators. “On the one hand, we’ve got all political parties telling them, ‘We want growth, so don’t impede growth.’ But every time anything bad happens, they turn around and blame them and say, ‘Why did you not stop this happening?’

“We’ve started behaving as if it is the state’s job to fix everything.”

Labour wants to be the party of wealth creation. But it also mentions some version of the word “regulation” no fewer than 27 times in its manifesto, including a commitment to a new “Regulatory Innovation Office” to “promote innovation”.

It has also outlined plans to introduce “binding regulation” on AI, a “tougher system of regulation” for energy providers”, and “new powers” to block bonuses to water executives and to “strengthen regulation” of children’s social care.

It wants to finish what Rishi Sunak started and create a new football regulator – a pledge that followed the failed attempt by clubs to form a breakaway Super League, as well as the collapse of Bury FC in 2019.

Labour wants to finish what Rishi Sunak started and create a new football regulator Credit: CARL COURT/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

But Palmer fears this will harm the UK. “Do we really need to be the first country in the world to have a statutory football regulator? If you regulate a club so that it could never go bust, it is certainly going to invest less than clubs in other jurisdictions which are not as similarly constrained,” he says.

“And over time, you will build in a risk aversion, bureaucracy and additional cost, as well as a reduction in speed of decision-taking.

“Now, if football was the most important thing for all of our livelihoods, I’d be fine about it. I believe banks should be regulated. But if we regulate all of them, what costs will that entail? And will we still have the world’s leading Premier League in 15 years time?”

Some believe leopards don’t change their spots. McLintock says he has little hope that red tape will be reduced over the next five years if Labour comes to power.

“I think that the natural instinct of parties to the Left of centre is to want to control and direct and plan. And that is always accompanied by more direction, more regulation rather than less. I hope I’m wrong but that would be my analysis.”

Blackwell, who has previously warned about a proliferation of so-called “arm’s-length bodies” – organisations to which the Government has delegated responsibility – warns: “I think very quickly a Labour government is going to realise they can’t do as much as they’d like to do because they don’t actually have control.”

Spencer says that a safety-first mentality risks leading to permanent stagnation. 

“It’s just like driving,” he says. “If you really want to de-risk road accidents then reduce the speed limit to zero. There will be no disasters but nothing will ever get done.”

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