It has taken over three weeks, but Sir Keir Starmer just made his first major misstep of the election campaign.

Having repeatedly insisted he would not hike taxes for “working people” during an interview on LBC, the Labour leader finally articulated who they are: “[those] who earn their living, rely on our services, and don’t really have the ability to write a cheque if they get into trouble”.

In other words, millions of Britons – including pensioners, savers, those who use some private services – may not be covered by his triple lock tax pledge.

The Labour leader’s timing is impeccable – it has just been reported that the number of millionaires leaving Britain is expected to double this year to record highs, likely prompted by Labour’s tax raid on non-doms and independent schools.

According to the investment migration firm Henley & Partners, some 9,500 people with assets of £790,000 or more are forecast to leave the country.

And who can blame them?

Already, the burden on individuals fortunate enough to earn a six-figure salary is so great that only substantial tax cuts would diminish the sense of having to run faster just to stand still.

Yet we are moving in the opposite direction – due to fiscal drag, by 2028-29, the Exchequer will be raking in an additional £44bn. Another 400,000 people will have been pulled into paying the 45pc top rate of tax, their hard-earned cash poured into crumbling public services in one of the worst conceivable returns of investment.

It’s hardly as though a cash-strapped Labour Party, committed to ensuring those with the “broadest shoulders” pay their “fair share”, will ease the burden. If anything, those emigration figures look modest.

But it’s not just workers who will get the unluckier end of the tax stick. Despite protestations to the contrary, it now looks like Labour could bring capital gains in line with income tax in a damaging blow to our beleaguered economy.

As Arthur Laffer has warned, hiking capital gains tax (CGT) can lead to lower tax receipts, lower wages, fewer employment opportunities and, ultimately, a higher welfare bill.

Between Gordon Brown’s pension raid and what is being signposted from the current Labour leadership, bookending a decade of zero interest rates, our gross savings rate has plummeted to 17pc, compared with 29pc in Germany and 23pc in Singapore. Today, Britain’s savings levels are closer to those in Burkina Faso than they are in France.

This matters. Our economy is choosing short-term consumption over long-term investment. We are choosing jam today for bottlenecks and shortages in the future. Britain is now the OECD nation with the lowest business and government investment, and our stock market has faced years of gloom. 

The Labour leadership keeps promising economic growth only to flirt with policies that, if not directly contradictory to that goal, will have nothing to do with encouraging it.

How far they will go is anyone’s guess, but a wealth tax no longer looks to be beyond the realm of possibility. Some senior Labour MPs have publicly endorsed the idea, despite evidence strongly indicating it will cost more than it raises.

Then there’s the rumoured overhaul of the council tax banding system, which IFS analysis suggests could lead bills to rise by an average of £1,230.

There’s Sir Edward Troup, Rachel Reeves’s tax adviser, describing pensioners as “codgers” who are “undertaxed”, and the rumour Labour will prune pension tax relief.

There’s the war on landlords, with promises to scrap “no fault” evictions and ban them from selling their properties in the first two years of a new tenancy. 

There’s the Labour manifesto, with its Race Equality Act and state-run energy company.

There’s the VAT on private school fees that will force more pupils into a struggling state sector, leading – as Emily Thornberry recently admitted – to class sizes expanding further.

There’s the renationalisation of rail and plans to strengthen trade unions.

The idea that people are only “working” if they are on the verge of destitution, or that state dependency is some moral imperative, may come as a nasty shock to those who build and create much of the growth in this country.

Labour is putting Britain on a path to serfdom. Ignoring economic literature shows tax hikes damage growth by disincentivising saving and work, discouraging enterprise and distorting consumption. Bigger shocks lie ahead.

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