Sir Keir Starmer has fuelled fears that Labour could be planning a tax raid on savings and pensions.

The Labour leader has made “no tax rises for working people” a key commitment in the party’s manifesto.

But in a radio interview yesterday, Sir Keir appeared to define “working people” as those with insubstantial savings.

“People who earn their living rely on our [public] services and don’t really have the ability to write a cheque when they get into trouble,” he told LBC.

“So the sort of people I’m meeting pretty well every day now. It’s quite a big group because these days there are many people obviously not so well off.”

Senior Tories have leapt upon the remarks, with Jeremy Hunt saying Labour had “let slip [its] true plans to raise taxes across the board”.

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves seemed to distance herself from Sir Keir’s comments when asked about them on Wednesday.

She told the Today programme: “Working people are people who get their income from going out to work every day, and also pensioners that have worked all their lives and are now in retirement, drawing down on their pensions.”

Here, Telegraph Money outlines some of the ways Labour could increase the tax take from savers and pensioners if it gets into power.

Scrap or slash the £20,000 Isa allowance

Savers can currently stash £20,000 a year into Individual Savings Accounts and pay no tax on the returns.

Isas are expected to save people a total of £6.7bn in 2023-24. This is up from £4.9bn in 2022-23, as higher interest rates have made the tax relief more expensive.

The growing cost of Isas could make them an obvious target for Ms Reeves if Labour gets into power.

The Resolution Foundation has previously said that Isas are costly for the Government and “overwhelmingly benefit the better off”. It has therefore called for a lifetime cap on the amount that can be saved into an Isa, at £100,000.

But a new government could also decide to lower or scrap the annual allowance entirely. The £20,000 exemption is more than half the annual salary of an average worker (earning £35,000) and, in 2020-21, only 7pc of Isa holders maxed out their annual allowance.

So it is possible Labour could decide to replace the system with something else. The Resolution Foundation said expanding auto-enrolment could boost low levels of household saving.

The think tank’s chief executive Torsten Bell took leave from his role earlier this month to run for Labour MP in Swansea West in Wales.

Cut the personal savings allowance

Labour could raid people’s savings by cutting or reducing the personal savings allowance.

A growing number of people have been forced to pay tax on their savings for the first time because of frozen thresholds.

Basic rate taxpayers must pay tax once they earn more than £1,000 in savings income, dropping to £500 for higher-rate taxpayers.

Neither of these bands have changed since the allowance was introduced in 2016 – despite savings rates having soared over the last few years.

Sarah Coles, of stockbroker Hargreaves Lansdown, said: “It’s worth bearing in mind that for those with substantial savings, both Labour and the Conservatives have a tax sting in the works.

“Once you earn interest beyond the allowance outside an Isa, you will pay income tax. Both parties have refused to address frozen income tax thresholds, which means more people risk moving into a higher tax bracket, where they lose at least some of their allowance, and pay tax on their savings at a higher rate too.”

Cut tax relief for pensioners

Savers get tax relief on their pension contributions at their marginal rate of tax (20pc, 40pc or 45pc).

Helen Morrissey, of investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown, said tinkering with pension tax relief is one option Labour could consider.

“Previous comments from Rachel Reeves have been unearthed where she backed a flat rate of around 33pc of tax relief - this would be a boost to the pensions of basic rate taxpayers but a cut for those on higher and additional rates.

“These comments date back several years and Labour has said it is not current policy but it could prove a tempting option to opt for a flat rate that could be pegged at around 33pc, or possibly even lower.”

Labour could also slash the annual allowance – the amount someone can save into their pension each year before having to pay tax. This stands at £60,000.

Reduce the tax-free lump sum

One way for Labour to raise further tax on pensions would be to reduce the amount people can withdraw from their pots tax-free.

Once you reach the age of 55, you can take 25pc of the amount as a tax-free lump sum. The maximum amount is £268,275.

Simon Allister, of LGT Wealth Management, said: “It must be said that pensions are, at present, very tax efficient indeed for wealthy individuals. There is a conversation to be had about how sustainable that is.

“We have many clients who were net beneficiaries of the abolition of the lifetime allowance. There was always a question mark as to whether Labour would reintroduce the previous legislation. This ‘will they, won’t they?’ was a big point of curiosity for our clients. Our general view was that the Lifetime Allowance ‘ship had likely sailed’, however, we do predict that pensions are an area they will look to tighten.”

Remove inheritance tax allowance on pensions

Pension pots are not currently included in the value of an estate for inheritance tax purposes.

This has led to more and more people loading up their pensions with the aim of bequeathing these to their children and grandchildren.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies, a think tank, has said this is an “eccentric” part of the tax system that needs to be addressed. It has urged the Government to scrap the tax break, estimating this would raise £1.9bn a year in revenue.

Labour has said that it has no plans to remove inheritance tax relief for pensions. But it may feel tempted to follow the recommendations of the IFS as it looks to raise revenue.

Nicholas Nesbitt, of tax advisory firm Forvis Mazars, said: “Perhaps the most anomalous area of pension taxation is the treatment of pension funds on death – they can broadly pass on free of tax.

“It seems entirely possible that a future government would look to tax pension assets on death.”

Equalise capital gains and income tax

There has been plenty of debate around Labour’s plans for capital gains tax, which was conspicuously absent from the party’s manifesto.

Capital gains tax is due on profits worth over £3,000 when people sell investments or second homes.

The rates are charged at 10pc to 28pc. Some have argued this creates a disparity where workers’ salaries are taxed more heavily than “unearned income”.

Ms Reeves voiced her support for raising capital gains tax rates in a 2018 pamphlet called The Everyday Economy. However, she published this six years ago, before becoming Shadow Chancellor.

Bringing the rates in line with income tax would see investors paying higher charges when selling investments or second homes.

Williams Steven, of advice firm Killik & Co, said: “Now is as important as ever to make sure you are utilising any tax allowances you have available – particularly, saving into Isas and pensions – to ensure you are not subject to unnecessary capital gains tax.”

Labour was contacted for comment.

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