Would you like Victoria to rate your portfolio? Email money@telegraph.co.uk with the subject line: “Rate my portfolio”. Please include a breakdown of your portfolio, your age and what your investing goals are. Full names will not be published.

Dear Victoria,

I am 27 and started investing about three years ago using a stocks and shares Isa through Hargreaves Lansdown.

I used to have more time and would actively manage my Isa. I also had less money, so I was more comfortable taking risks on certain stocks.

I now have £43,862 in my account, of which £100 is cash. I have listed below the stocks and funds that I have invested in.

As you can see, I have a mix of funds, trusts and individual stocks that I have picked.

While I once fancied myself to pick wisely, I don’t any more. My portfolio has not performed too well and I have chopped around a bit, rather than having confidence in my choices. 

My goal is to hit £1m in my Isa within the next 25 to 30 years (with an average growth of 5-7pc). 

I want to invest most of my capital in funds that reinvest the dividends. 

Please could you help, as I feel my confidence has gone and my current portfolio doesn’t allow me to hit my ambition, and I’m currently debating whether I have made the right decisions.

Thank you very much,


Victoria says:

Dear Ben,

It is great to see you’ve already started investing in your 20s, amassing an impressive pot worth nearly £44,000 and making the most of your tax-free Isa allowance, landing you miles ahead of the pack. 

Don’t panic or be hard on yourself – you’re an incredible example of someone who is taking control of their financial future at an early opportunity, giving you maximum time to reach your ambitious yet achievable goal of becoming an Isa millionaire in 25 to 30 years.

Remember, when investing in funds or investment trusts, that five years is viewed as the minimum time frame in order to smooth out the ebbs and flows that come with the territory of investing in the stock market.

If a fund has not delivered over five years versus rival funds and an index, that’s when I would consider making changes. 

Over shorter time periods I would be more forgiving, particularly if the reason for its underperformance is down to its investment style or approach being out of favour.

Starting with your initial pot worth £43,862, and assuming a growth rate of 6pc per year, my calculations suggest you need to regularly invest about £750 a month to hit £1m in 30 years. 

That might sound a bit daunting, particularly if you’re paying rent or paying off a mortgage, and no doubt you’ll have other living expenses and pension contributions to fund. 

Another way to look at it, which may or may not feel more manageable, is to aim to add £9,000 into your investment pot each year.

If you are eligible for any bonuses at work, those might help top you up. 

If that still feels scary, you might like to contribute less for now, and then as your salary rises over time, increase those regular contributions.

But remember, time in the market trumps timing the market, so the earlier you can invest the better as it gives your portfolio more time to enjoy the benefits of compounding.

Since you feel like you’ve lost your confidence, I’d suggest sticking with funds and investment trusts rather than single stocks.

Collective investments simplify things by providing built-in diversification and can save you the effort of having to track multiple different companies, which can be pretty daunting. 

Having said that, I’d keep hold of AstraZeneca – it’s a nice defensive pharmaceutical play and has performed very well for you – up about 15pc year to date and almost 100pc over the past five years.

Plus, it has some ambitious growth targets to double revenue by 2030 so it looks like there could be more upside potential.

However, your percentage allocation to AstraZeneca of over 21pc is far too high – having so much in one stock is extremely risky and could make or break your overall portfolio return.

At the moment, you’ve got one individual share and nine funds or investment trusts.

I’m not sure how much thought has been given to the overall top-down structure of your portfolio, but I’d suggest going back to the drawing board and considering which funds are core (more “steady eddy” investments) and which ones are satellite (higher risk, with potentially higher reward).

I would aim for about a 70pc allocation to core and around 30pc to satellite.

With the Euros 2024 in full swing, think of core holdings like midfielders. As in football, these are the engine of your investment portfolio that aim to both protect and add value offensively.

I would suggest upping your allocation from 3pc to a much more meaningful percentage weighting in Vanguard FTSE Developed World ex-UK Equity Index, as it is a great core holding thanks to its low cost and wide exposure to almost 2,000 stocks.

This will help provide diversification and reduce risk. 

It also has 74pc exposure to North America, which has been an incredible source of growth thanks to the outperformance of “big tech” in recent years.

To top this up with some core UK exposure, you might like to consider a simple, inexpensive tracker fund like Fidelity Index UK, which is a member of our Super 60 list of rated funds. Check out this list for more investment ideas and inspiration. It tracks the FTSE All-Share Index providing broad exposure to the UK market.

I would also keep hold of City of London investment trust as a core holding. It has a solid reputation and a defensive approach to investing, helping to improve your portfolio’s resilience long-term. It invests in dependable dividend payers on the FTSE 100 which could be powerful if you reinvest the income.

BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced is not a fund I know particularly well, but it appears to be another nice core midfielder for you too.

Its performance has been pretty good over a one-, three- and five-year time horizon and it has achieved a top quartile ranking over three and five years, suggesting it’s in the Premier League of funds.

Moving on to the satellite part of your portfolio, or holdings that could be considered attackers. Like strikers, they can fall in and out of form over the short term, but over the long term you want this area of the pitch to add the most value.

Legal & General Global Technology Index Trust is a top scorer for you, benefiting from the boom in artificial intelligence, boasting the world’s tech titans like Microsoft and Nvidia among its largest holdings. 

Liontrust UK growth is another nice attacker within your portfolio.

But note, AstraZeneca is its top holding, another reason you don’t need to hold too many of the individual shares on top.

You might like to add some emerging markets exposure too for long-term growth – our funds team like Pacific Assets, JPMorgan Emerging Markets and Utilico Emerging Markets.

Jupiter India is an extremely popular fund among Interactive Investor customers, providing access to a fast-growing economy with favourable demographics. But if it does appeal, make sure the fund only makes up a small part of your overall portfolio, due to the associated risks and volatility.

You don’t have any dedicated investments I would consider to be defenders. But given you’re still young, your exposure to bonds via BNY Mellon Multi-Asset Balanced should be enough.

Before we finish, I’m curious about your decision to allocate almost a fifth of your portfolio to income funds, JPMorgan Global Equity Income and Jupiter Asian Income.

Since you’re not in need of supplementary income at this stage in your investment journey, I’d suggest you focus more for growth, holding fewer income-focused funds, particularly when investing outside of the UK, which boasts a rich dividend heritage.

However, if you prefer to keep these funds, make sure to opt for the accumulation versions so you enjoy the fruits of long-term compounding.

I hope this goes some way towards rebuilding your confidence. Don’t be disheartened, you’re doing incredibly well already.

Remember you’re playing the long game, and I’m hopeful you’re on track for lots of goals and trophies.

Best of luck!

Victoria is head of investment at Interactive Investor. Her columns should not be taken as advice or as a personal recommendation, but as a starting point for readers to undertake their own further research.

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