Dear Katie,

In January this year, my engagement was called off very suddenly.

A large chunk of the wedding was already booked and paid for, from the venue to my hen weekend, and a bespoke Suzanne Neville wedding dress.

I called Suzanne Neville as soon as I knew the wedding wasn’t going ahead.

Last autumn, after a couple of appointments and a sketch from the designer, I decided to go for a bespoke dress that Suzanne Neville had not made before, using one of their core dresses as the base for the design.

In October my mother paid £4,000 as a deposit to Suzanne Neville, which was half the cost of the dress and accessories which were being made to go with it.

Measurements were taken the next day, but I don’t believe any work had actually started on the dress. 

In mid-January, I notified Suzanne Neville that the wedding was cancelled.

I was told deposits were non-refundable, even though seemingly no work had started, and my first toile fitting was still three months away.

I was told the balance I had paid would stay on file for 12 months.

I appreciate that there would have been costs involved in the planning of my dress to date (the dressmaker’s time in taking my measurements, for example).

But I find it highly unlikely that any fabric had been sourced, as I hadn’t even had my toile fitting which would usually precede the ordering of the fabric for the actual dress.

So I am left in a position where I have paid a huge upfront cost for a bespoke wedding dress, which I now will not be able to wear because I am single.

By holding my deposit for a year, I feel Suzanne Neville is giving me a deadline by which time I need to rebuild my life, find a new partner, and hope he proposes.

Because the dress was a gift from my mum, the guilt I feel over the non-return of the deposit is horrendous. This was her hard-earned money and now it seems it will just be swallowed up by Suzanne Neville. 

– Anon

Dear reader,

I was so sorry to hear about the sudden end of your engagement, which has left you traumatised and deeply upset.

At such a vulnerable time in your life, the very least you could have expected from your wedding dress maker was fair treatment.

But from what I can see Suzanne Neville has failed to deliver this, choosing instead to retain your full £4,000 deposit. 

It says that because you signed its terms and conditions which clearly state that deposits are non-refundable, that it is entitled to keep 100pc of it in the event that you don’t proceed with the dress.

I, however, disagree. 

In consumer law, cancellation deposits are only supposed to be a small percentage of the total cost of an item or service.

Yours was 50pc of the total cost of the dress, even though work on it had seemingly not even been started.

You say you hadn’t even had your first toile fitting, which is where a practice version of the dress is made out of muslin or other cheap fabric, ahead of the real thing. 

It is the case that when a consumer cancels a contract with a business, that business is generally entitled to keep a deposit.

But only an amount that is sufficient to cover their actual losses that directly result from your cancellation.

It does sound as if Suzanne Neville has incurred some losses as a result of your cancellation, and I think it is only right that you should pay for those. 

However, when I asked Suzanne Neville to explain in pounds and pence what these were in your case, it point blank refused.

Instead it offered to hold your deposit for two years instead of one, therefore giving you longer to find a use for the dress. I suggested this was just downright offensive as a resolution. 

Suzanne Neville has continued to hide behind its terms and conditions, even after I reminded it that cancellation charges cannot be automatically deemed “fair” just because a customer has signed a contract.

Those terms are only legally binding if they are fair and reasonable in the eyes of the law.

Since Suzanne Neville has refused to demonstrate that the £4k deposit it is withholding for your non-existent wedding dress is fair, I have advised you and your mother to try to get your money back by raising a small claim via the courts.

You’ve said you will pursue this. Please let me know how you get on, and I’ll update readers on your progress.

Good luck with it.

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