Robyn*, 25, had already been using ChatGPT to assist with day-to-day tasks when she spotted a listing for a role as a counter fraud investigation officer with HMRC amid her job-hunting last summer.

Artificial intelligence (AI) chat website ChatGPT was created by OpenAI and released to the public in November 2022. Users are able to have conversations with it and make requests. Its abilities range from answering pub quiz questions to sifting through complex data.

Robyn had previously used ChatGPT to summarise lengthy work emails, solve basic maths problems and understand nuances in Spanish grammar. She’d even used it to help a friend come up with a funny description for her dating profile.

The initial part of HMRC’s job application consisted of a long list of generic questions similar to those Robyn had answered countless times during applications for other roles, and it had taken her hours. Enlisting the help of ChatGPT to speed up the process seemed like a no-brainer.

Robyn said: “I gave ChatGPT the questions from the job application, along with what the job advert said HMRC was looking for, plus everything about me that might be relevant. ChatGPT then gave me lots of ideas, and helped me phrase my answers. I used a mixture of what it told me and my own thoughts.”

Robyn’s faith in AI paid off – she received an invitation to interview by email shortly afterwards. While she was grateful to have made it this far with the help of OpenAI’s software, she assumed she’d be on her own from then on. It surely couldn’t be possible to cheat a job interview using ChatGPT, she reasoned.

But when HMRC told Robyn that the interview would be held over a Zoom call – and that she would have between two and five minutes to answer most of the questions – it became clear that she would be able to take her tactic all the way to the end of the process.

During the interview, Robyn had two web browser windows open on her laptop simultaneously – one with the video call with HMRC’s recruiters, and the other with ChatGPT. She primed the bot by telling it that she was having the interview for the role of Counter Fraud Investigation Officer with HMRC, and that she would be given scenarios to determine her ability to “make effective decisions”.

The first scenario saw Robyn attend a theoretical house search where a suspect may have been smuggling illicit goods into the country. She suspects this question was worth the most marks in the eyes of the interviewers, as she had five minutes to prepare an answer to it – more than any other. 

The recruiters asked her how she should respond if approached by a neighbour telling her they suspected that the person was “storing dodgy goods in a nearby garage”. 

ChatGPT provided a detailed list of six key steps to take, which she relayed to the interviewers in her own words.

For another question, when Robyn was asked how she’d deal with colleagues holding contrasting viewpoints to her own, ChatGPT gave her a lengthy answer that felt too impersonal. To fix this, she simply gave the bot a further instruction to give her a more concise, colloquial answer.

For the duration of the interview, Robyn let ChatGPT do the thinking while she did the talking. She estimates that there were eight questions in total, of which she answered roughly half with the help of the chatbot.

“I tried not to repeat the answers back word for word, but I used the ideas the AI was giving me,” she said.

For the interviewers, ChatGPT’s judgement seemed adequate – Robyn received a job offer several weeks later. 

“I’m not sure if I would’ve passed the interview without it,” she said.

‘It’s so easy to use AI’

“I think it’s ironic that a team working in counter fraud investigation can’t recognise a fraudulent response that a candidate didn’t come up with,” said Robyn. 

“I understand that AI can be difficult to detect, but why aren’t there measures in place to prevent it happening? For example, I wouldn’t have been able to do it if the interview was in person, or if I didn’t have several minutes to prepare my answers. They’ve made it so easy to use AI.”

Ultimately, she turned down the job.

“In the end I wasn’t sure it was the field I wanted to go into – plus I clearly like doing fraud myself,” she joked. 

An HMRC spokesman said: “Using generative AI to respond to interview questions is classed as plagiarism. Any individual found to have plagiarised their application, would have their application withdrawn or face disciplinary action if they had been hired.

“Doing interviews remotely over video is standard practice in public and private sector organisations.”

‘People could use AI to demonstrate skills they don’t have’

Robyn is not alone in using AI to help with a job application. In a survey of 2,000 students and graduates carried out in 2023 by recruitment software provider Arctic Shores, seven in 10 respondents said they would consider using AI to complete a job application or assessment in the following 12 months.

Keith Rosser, group director at recruitment firm Reed, believes that the popularisation of artificial intelligence has major implications on the job market – both good and bad.

Mr Rosser said: “For jobseekers, AI has the potential on the positive side to be a leveller. For those less suited to the traditional job application process, it can help them reframe their CVs or respond to certain questions. 

“Having said that, there need to be red lines in terms of how much it’s used. With a case like Robyn’s, where there’s somebody using AI as part of the interview process itself, organisations need to have clear views on whether they think it’s acceptable. There’s a danger that people could use AI to demonstrate skills they don’t have.”

Mr Rosser described how some AI services are able to apply for hundreds of jobs on behalf of candidates while they sleep, while one website, Enhancv, can generate an immaculate CV in seconds. 

However, he noted that employers have also begun to use AI in the hiring process.

“There’s a dilemma for employers – they’re receiving more job applications because of AI. How do you sift through them? We’re facing a dystopian reality where AI is applying for jobs for people en masse, and AI is assessing those applications on behalf of the employer,” he laughed.

Mr Rosser believes that traditional recruitment processes are in trouble. 

“I can envision a world where CVs and mundane pre-interview questions are made redundant. I think the future of recruitment is more human – assessing soft skills and potential, how a candidate fits.”

What can employers do now to combat the use of AI in their recruitment processes?

“One way to stop people using AI is to move to in-person interviews, but lots of companies have reduced their office footprint since the pandemic. You can also do timed assessments that make it difficult for AI to provide the answers,” Mr Rosser said.

“Plus, in our recruitment processes, we certainly wouldn’t give people several minutes to answer a question during a live interview.”

*Robyn’s name has been changed for anonymity purposes

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