Questor relishes nothing more than the opportunity to purchase a high-quality company at a bargain-basement price.

Put simply, it stacks the investment odds in our favour and means there is a relatively high chance of obtaining attractive returns over the long run.

However, such opportunities do not usually present themselves amid favourable circumstances.

Usually, there is a clear and obvious reason for any high-quality company’s shares to temporarily trade at a heavily discounted price.

For example, the economic outlook may be tough, the industry in which the firm operates may be undergoing a difficult period, or the company itself may face specific challenges.

In this column’s view, it is imperative to look beyond such difficulties and instead focus on the company’s fundamentals.

Financially sound businesses with a clear competitive advantage are well placed to overcome the vast majority of risks they face.

And when their shares offer a wide margin of safety, it is likely that investors have already factored in a less than perfect outcome.

With that in mind, GSK becomes the latest addition to our income portfolio.

It was first tipped by Questor in January 2019 and has produced an 5pc capital gain since then, although it has never previously been a holding in the income portfolio.

The biopharmaceutical company’s shares have been extremely volatile over recent weeks due in part to ongoing legal proceedings regarding an alleged link between GSK’s former heartburn drug Zantac and cancer. 

GSK is defending itself against the claims but its market valuation has fallen by 13pc in the past month alone.

Although defeat in the courts could prove to be detrimental to the firm’s financial performance, investors appear to have gone at least some way towards pricing it in.

The company’s shares currently trade on a price-to-earnings ratio of just 9.8, which suggests they offer a wide margin of safety.

Despite their recent fall, shares in GSK currently yield a rather modest 3.8pc. This is roughly in line with the FTSE 100 index’s yield of 3.7pc.

This may initially deter some income-seeking investors from purchasing the stock, especially since the large-cap index contains several ‘mega yielders’ that offer high single-digit income returns.

But in Questor’s view there is scope for the company’s dividends to rise at a brisk pace over the long run.

In its latest financial year, for example, the firm’s dividend payout ratio amounted to a relatively modest 48pc.

This highlights that shareholder payouts are affordable at their current level, with the figure being well within the firm’s target range of 40-60pc and suggests that dividends could rise by at least as much as profits over the long run.

Encouragingly, the company’s latest quarterly results showed that its financial performance is continuing to improve.

Sales rose by 10pc, while core earnings per share (EPS) moved 28pc higher versus the same period of the prior year.

This prompted the firm to raise its financial guidance, with it now expecting an increase in core EPS of 8-10pc for the full year.

The firm is also making progress in developing its pipeline of new drugs.

Research and development expense increased by 17pc at constant exchange rates in the first quarter of the year, with it now amounting to over 19pc of revenue.

This is up one percentage point on the same period of the previous year and suggests the company is likely to become increasingly well placed to capitalise on growing demand across its various segments.

Over the long run, this should translate into higher profits.

The company’s financial position, meanwhile, remains sound.

Net interest costs, for example, were covered over 11 times by operating profits in the first quarter of the current financial year.

In terms of GSK’s addition to our income portfolio, there is sufficient cash available following recent sales to fund the purchase.

Clearly, ongoing legal risks present a substantial threat to the firm’s future financial performance. They are also likely to prompt further share price volatility in the short run.

However, the company’s wide margin of safety and solid financial position suggest it offers a favourable risk/reward opportunity.

Furthermore, its relatively modest payout ratio and earnings growth prospects mean it offers significant income investing appeal.

Therefore, it represents a worthwhile addition to our income portfolio for the long run.

Questor says: buy

Ticker: GSK

Share price: 1,526p

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