What do riots in Kenya, Liz Truss, a renewed currency crisis in Brazil and growing market jitters over the outcome of French parliamentary elections this weekend all have in common?

Answer: they are all early tremors of the all-encompassing fiscal earthquake to come.

In Kenya, at least 23 people were killed and more than 300 injured in protests last week against the steep tax rises the government wanted to impose to head off fiscal calamity and default.

In Britain, Truss’s short-lived premiership was brought to an ignominious end when markets rebelled against her unfunded tax cuts.

In Brazil, the currency and stock market are in free-fall amid rising anxiety over the spending plans of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Left-wing government.

And in France, credit spreads have widened in anticipation of sweeping electoral gains for the hard Right and Left, both of them with delusional tax and spending plans in the face of an already burgeoning deficit and debt-to-GDP ratio.

Virtually the world over, public debt is completely out of control. With the spending pressures of ageing populations yet to fully make themselves felt, there seems little chance of the corrective actions needed, or none that seems politically possible. Only when the entire floor caves in will governments realise their peril.

Sometimes the most obvious observations are also the most insightful, and so it is with the late Herb Stein’s celebrated remark that “if something cannot go on forever, it will stop”. Stein, a one-time economic adviser to President Richard Nixon, was referring mainly to rising federal indebtedness.

Then still less than 50pc of GDP, it has today reached the heady heights of 123pc, with no apparent end in sight to its upward trajectory.

Yet even now, there’s little sign of impending denouement. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that the federal deficit will stay well above 6pc of GDP in each of the next five years, with federal debt swelling to 136pc of GDP by 2029.

Looking still further ahead, the nonpartisan US Congressional Budget Office reckons that, given the present trajectory of tax-and-spend, public debt will further increase to 172pc of GDP by 2054.

Yet neither of the two presidential candidates seem willing to commit themselves to the required budgetary restraint. Meanwhile, markets remain as accommodative as ever.

Even the IMF, which in an “Article IV” annual health check on the US economy last week recommended tax rises and spending cuts, admits that because the US has no difficulty funding itself in world markets, there is no particular urgency.

Beyond repeating the old cliche that it is good to fix the roof while the sun is shining, Kristalina Georgieva, the IMF’s managing director, appeared surprisingly relaxed about America’s debt-fuelled doomsday machine.

This may have more to do with the fact that the US is still the IMF’s biggest shareholder than the “without fear or favour” approach that is meant to instruct its analysis – but there is at least some justification for Georgieva’s unconcern.

Appetite among international investors for US assets remains not just undimmed but wholly insatiable. Ahead of the pandemic, around 18pc of the global pool of money seeking to invest beyond national borders went to the US. Today that proportion has grown to 32pc.

From energy security to high levels of productivity growth, superior technology and a flexible and still growing labour force, the US economy seems to have it all.

With its dominant reserve currency status, nobody wants to bet against the mighty greenback, making the deficit relatively easy to finance. Even at 172pc of GDP, US public indebtedness may therefore still be sustainable.

Until, of course, it is not. That’s the thing about markets. Everything seems calm and normal, giving everyone a false sense of security even when the lights are flashing red. Then suddenly they turn. It doesn’t take much, as Truss discovered to her cost.

IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva appears surprisingly relaxed about America's debt-fuelled doomsday machine Credit: Olivier Hoslet/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

It’s one thing for the US, a dominant and dynamic economy, to max out the credit card, but quite another for almost everyone else.

It’s sometimes said that provided you have your own currency, debt doesn’t matter. In extremis you can always print your way out of trouble. This is nonsense.

The point of no return happens well before governments start monetising the debt, and once they do it’s game over: rapid currency depreciation and rampant inflation quickly follow, as we have seen repeatedly in emerging markets.

It’s true that advanced economies are in general better placed to sustain high debt-to-GDP ratios than most countries in the developing world.

Debt-to-GDP in Kenya, for instance, is still below 75pc of GDP, or not that much higher than Germany relative to output. Kenya is also a high-growth economy, with some chance therefore of outgrowing rising debts.

Yet it is still in fiscal crisis, with nearly 30pc of all government revenue eaten up by interest costs. Attempts to raise the tax burden to match have prompted riots, followed in short order by a screeching about turn. This merely confirms the sense of instability, further increasing Kenya’s cost of borrowing, which in turn further adds to the risk of default.

Rising interest rates since the pandemic mean that many developing economies are spending more on debt-servicing costs than they do on education and healthcare. It’s a downward spiral to oblivion. The World Bank reckons that nearly a half of all emerging markets are vulnerable to a debt crisis.

Supposedly “rich” economies are assumed to be largely immune to these trends, but for how much longer? In Europe, France’s increasingly perilous fiscal condition shelters within the walls of monetary union with Germany. Patience is wearing thin. The German cheque book will not forever stand ready to pay for French profligacy.

Even in Japan, which has long defied convention with debt to GDP in excess of 250pc, reality seems finally to be biting. Once prohibitively expensive for foreigners, tourists are racing to take advantage of a yen so weakened by years of money-printing that even Tokyo seems like a cheap city.

As for the UK, we are on the same upward borrowing trajectory as everywhere else, with debt to GDP expected to reach more than 110pc of GDP in five years’ time, according to the IMF.

In making this forecast, the IMF has assumed that vague promises of future spending cuts to ensure the UK stays within its fiscal rules will not be met – which is almost certainly correct in view of the imminent change in government.

When something cannot go on forever, it will stop. Nobody can tell you when. But such is the degree of political make-believe over what the state can provide that we may already be past the point of no return, so stop it will – in Britain and beyond.

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