The Bank of England is today seeking to get better at forecasting following a review by the former US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke.

It follows an underwhelming history of predictions by the Old Lady, from underestimating inflation and then overestimating it, to wild errors on pay growth and economic output.

Here, we explore five of its biggest recent blunders.

1. The Bank thought inflation would be transitory

In May 2021, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey said that price pressures would only be temporary.

Back then, he said: “So the really big question is, is [higher inflation] going to persist or not? Our view is that on the basis of what we’re seeing so far, we don’t think it is.”

It was a message he repeated consistently throughout the year. In July 2021, Mr Bailey used his Mansion House speech to stress that “it is important not to overreact to temporarily strong growth and inflation”.

The Bank surprised many analysts by opting to keep interest rates at a record low of 0.1pc in November 2021, instead of increasing borrowing costs.

Even before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine had triggered a global energy crisis, CPI had nearly tripled from 2.1pc in May 2021 to 6.2pc in February 2022. The ensuing cost of living crisis is ongoing nearly three years later.

2. Then it underestimated the scale of price rises

The Bank of England made its first interest rate rise in December 2021. But even after the Monetary Policy Committee acknowledged it needed to act to combat inflation, it underestimated just how high prices would rise.

Energy prices were rising long before Russia launched its full scale invasion of Ukraine in late February 2022. In its February 2022 MPC report, the Bank forecast that inflation would peak at 7pc that spring.

The Bank could not foresee the war or the impact it would have on global energy prices then, but growth in the consumer price index rapidly surpassed its forecasts to hit 9pc in April 2022, when the gas price crisis was only just beginning.

3. Next, it overestimated them

Then the Bank swung its forecasts too far the other way. In August 2022, the Bank released a new forecast that soaring energy prices and high wage growth meant inflation would rise to “around 13pc” that autumn. 

In reality, the peak was far lower, at 11.1pc in October 2022.

4. It forecast a massive recession that did not happen

In November 2022, the Bank said the UK would fall into the longest recession on record.

High energy prices and falling real household incomes meant gross domestic product would drop by 0.5pc in Q3 2022 and by 0.3pc in Q4 and continue shrinking for two years in total, the Bank said.

This never happened. Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows the economy actually grew in Q2 and Q3 2022. In May 2023, the Bank of England was forced to make the biggest revision in its GDP forecasts in its history.

Although the UK fell into a very mild technical recession, defined as two consecutive quarters of falling GDP at the end of 2023, new data on Friday suggests it is already over.

5. It was wrong on the tightness of the labour market

One of the Bank’s biggest problems with forecasting is the extent it has underestimated the tightness of the labour market.

In August 2023, wage growth hit 8pc, 0.8 percentage points higher than the Bank had expected.

Speaking to the Lords Economic Affairs Committee in February, Mr Bailey criticised the models the Bank has been using to estimate wage growth.

He said: “We have a number of models... that estimate wage equations. None of which, frankly, has performed well.”

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