Rejoice! It’s AGM season for corporate Britain again – that time of year when our esteemed captains of industry pretend that they are the victims of some gross injustice in which these modern day superheroes are left with barely two pennies to rub together at the end of another gruelling year. 

FTSE bosses have never been shy about asking for more money. An entire industry in itself has been created with the sole purpose of seeking to inflate executive pay. Every year an army of lobbyists, pay consultants, remuneration experts and PR lackeys are cajoled into trotting out the same tired arguments in a desperate attempt to ensure their clients earn ever more fantastical sums. 

But this time around, the apologists are banging the drum more forcefully than ever: the number of big companies proposing radical pay changes at the top has jumped, according to new research from Deloitte.

Many are trotting out the same feeble argument too, which is essentially this: that FTSE bosses earn less than their overseas counterparts, particularly those in the US, and unless we close the gap there will be some great exodus that threatens Britain’s status as one of the world’s top economies.

This is total nonsense. Firstly, let’s address the idea that UK chief executives are somehow underpaid, though it is frankly absurd that it is even up for debate.

The bosses of Britain’s blue-chip companies earn life-changing sums, and in a short space of time too. The average annual salary of a FTSE 100 chief is £3.8m, which is more than 100 times the typical pay cheque. At some companies, the disparity is as much as 200 times. What’s more, pay rises at the top of UK plc were 9pc last year, compared with 6pc for the typical employee. 

Not only are Britain’s top bosses extremely well paid, they command more generous increases than your average Joe too. So spare us the sob stories and the confected outrage.

Do they earn less than some senior business figures in the US? In some cases yes, but only in some and only relatively speaking – an important point that gets conveniently missed out by those clamouring for British executives to receive even greater sums.

It is difficult to think of a better example of how out of touch UK boardrooms are than a crusade that attempts to paint the most handsomely paid people in society as the sufferers of some terrible inequality. Except that is, the notion that in order to narrow the gap, the already huge disparity between those at the top and the rest of the workforce has to become even wider as a consequence. 

As for the suggestion that there is about to be some great exodus unless shareholders cave into demands for big pay rises, that too needs to be dismissed out of hand. 

There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that Britain is losing talent because of perceived stinginess or that its competitiveness is being undermined by disparity with other parts of the world.  

Show me one FTSE boss that has eloped elsewhere because he or she was able to command a higher salary elsewhere. It simply hasn’t happened, nor do I believe it will. These are nothing more than idle threats designed to scare investors into caving in.

Chief executive pay increases are justified by a desire to see the UK 'shine', claims AstraZeneca's chairman Credit: KEYSTONE/Georgios Kefalas

In an effort to justify ramping up the pay package of chief executive Pascal Soriot from a whopping £16.9m to an even more stonking £18.7m, AstraZeneca’s chairman Michel Demaré claims that it was driven by a desire to “see the country retain and attract successful global industry leaders so that UK-based global companies can continue to shine” – but it already does. 

There are scores of different nationalities to be found among the upper echelons of the country’s largest companies. Perhaps Demaré has forgotten that Soriot is French or that Shell boss Wael Sawan is Lebanese-Canadian? Elsewhere, Unilever chief Hein Schumacher is Dutch; Rio Tinto’s Jakob Stausholm is Danish; Swede Erik Engstrom is in charge of Relx; Diageo is led by an American – Debra Crew; and Glencore head honcho Gary Nagle is South African. That means nearly three quarters of the 10 biggest names on the London stock exchange are headed by foreigners. 

Meanwhile, after Britain, the next best represented country has tended to be the US – a strange aberration if the disparity with America is as much of an issue as Demaré and other alarmists insist it is. 

Could it be that it is being massively overstated? Or, rather than British bosses being underpaid, perhaps a more accurate conclusion is that those in the US are wildly overpaid? “Ah yes”, reply the scare-mongers, “but that won’t stop people fleeing to the States if they know they can earn far more”.

Again, this is entirely unfounded. Soriot’s pay grievances stretch back to 2018 when he confessed to finding it “annoying” that he is not paid as much as his peers. Fast forward to 2024 and Soriot is approaching a decade and a half in charge, so presumably he wasn’t that irked. Earnings of £150m to date no doubt soothed the humiliation.

The truth is the higher pay champions will always conjure up some reason for hiking pay even further. In 2021, Demaré wanted AstraZeneca shareholders to approve another generous rise for Soriot, partly on the basis of his decision to shell out nearly $40bn on rare disease therapy rival Alexion before the deal had even completed, never mind demonstrated that it was a wise use of such a vast sum of money.

The assertion that pay discrepancies are a factor in the decision of some companies to move their listing to the US is equally bogus. There are lots of reasons why a handful have eloped – remuneration hasn’t been cited as a motivation once.

UK boards are trying it on. Investors should stand their ground and call this out for what it is: plain greed.

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