Pensioners risk running out of money in retirement as record numbers raid entire pensions pots to cope with surging remortgage rates.

Almost half a million pension pots were emptied when they were accessed for the first time during the 2022-23 tax year, figures show.

Savers took a record £5.3bn in cash, paying income tax of three quarters of what they withdrew, to cover rising mortgage bills, according to the Financial Conduct Authority.

Of the 420,727 pots taken in full, the average was around £12,500, but tens of thousands took pots worth more than £30,000, the Financial Conduct Authority said. This was up from around 395,000 the prior year.

The most common age group for those making total withdrawals was 55- to 64-year-olds, who have not yet reached state pension age, with 294,694 pots accessed. It was three times those accessed by the next age group, 65- to 74-year-olds, at 114,601.

Pensioners are already under pressure due to the freeze on tax thresholds, and experts warned that those taking money now could run the risk of running out of money in retirement.

Jason Hollands, of Evelyn Partners said: “One of the factors likely driving higher withdrawals from pensions will be the need to aggressively pay down mortgages. For those who took out fixed rate mortgages at the record low rates available a couple of years ago, the prospect of refinancing these with interest rates at the highest level since the 2008 global financial crisis hangs over them like Damocles Sword.

“Some of those tapping into their pension pots to cope with budgetary pressures could be in a position to rebuild their pots with ongoing contributions. But for those who can’t or don’t, early access might raise the spectre of running out of funds later in retirement.”

Paul Leandro, of consultants Barnett Waddingham, said: “The FCA should not be surprised by the increasing levels of cash withdrawals from pension pots, but they should be worried. The current pension landscape looks dire. Not enough contributions going in, coupled with too much cash being withdrawn too early, makes for a very bleak future ahead.”

He added pension freedoms introduced by George Osborne 2015, which allowed savers to take a 25pc tax-free lump sum at the age of 55, opened up “Pandora’s Box”.

“The temptation to draw cash rather than secure retirement income is great, especially in light of the cost-of-living crisis. Some withdrawals may be sensible and financially sound, where the individual has suitable resources, but most are not,” he said.

Clare Moffat, of Royal London, said: “Some people might be taking out larger amounts because they’re paying a deposit on a house for their children, the Bank of Mum and Dad idea. It’s a concern if they then need that money in retirement, because it’s locked away in a house they don’t own. People underestimate their longevity, but they might live for a lot longer than they think, and dipping into the pension pot can have a dramatic impact on retirement.”

The figures also show that 69pc of people taking their pot in full did so without consulting either regulated advice or the Government’s PensionWise service.

Ms Moffat added: “Most people know about being able to take 25pc tax-free cash from their pension, so when they get to 55 they might be thinking ‘I want to access that now’. Perhaps they want a new kitchen or to go on a holiday.

“Taking financial advice is important. If someone is still working then taking money out as a cash lump sum, where 25pc is tax free but 75pc is taxable, might not be tax efficient.”

A third of pots fully accessed by 55- to 64-year olds were also over £10,000, which could potentially trigger the so-called Money Purchase Annual Allowance. 

Exceeding the allowance means a pension saver effectively loses their tax relief, because once you access your pension for the first time you can permanently limit the amount you can contribute in future. The allowance was £4,000 in 2022-23, but rose to £10,000 last year. 

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