Drones have been around for a long time, but there is no doubt that the last few years have seen an exponential increase in both procurement and use across all theatres of war.

The Iran-backed Houthis have fired over a hundred older ones in the southern Red Sea with almost no success. Warships and naval aircraft have engaged them with everything from million-pound surface-to-air missiles to close-in guns – though most engagements have been by the former. Drones are cheap and they are not hitting their targets, but they are still delivering effect by disrupting shipping while drawing on expensive coalition resources to defeat them.

On Saturday night, Iran fired 250 drones and missiles at Israel. These were defeated by well executed layered defence including excellent intelligence, tight airspace management, fast jet pilots of many countries doing their thing and finally the Israelis’ own land-based surface-to-air missile systems of which Iron Dome is the most well known.

Before both of these engagements, we saw Ukraine making excellent use of the Madura V5 Uncrewed Surface Vessel, in concert with other systems, to drive Russia’s Black Sea Fleet eastward. This has allowed Ukraine’s shipping corridor through the Bosporus to be reopened. 

There is no doubt that drones are here to stay and that one day they might form the backbone of many countries’ armed forces.

One point which not everyone has grasped is that the “drones” we are talking about today – known by various names and acronyms – are using many of the same communications, sensor and targeting technologies long used in missiles and smart bombs to achieve precision attacks. These have become more widespread, and much more available on the civilian market, in recent decades. However in these areas there often isn’t much difference between a “drone” and existing missiles.

In general, a long range precision strike weapon becomes a “drone” or a “one way attack drone” when it is no longer using a jet engine like a cruise missile nor a rocket engine like a ballistic missile. Drones like the Iranian Shahed or Ukrainian UJ-22 are basically petrol-engined, propeller-driven light aeroplanes minus the pilot. They are not much faster or more capable aeronautically than a World War One biplane: but they are much more likely to find and hit their target. Drone boats like the Madura V5 are just unmanned speedboats with a load of explosives.

A flying “drone”, then, is just a very slow cruise missile and a Madura is an unmanned suicide boat. The first clever thing about the drones is that you can have a lot of them because they are cheap, and the second is that they can fly very low (or in the case of boats, be built low to the water) such that surface radars will not see them unless they come very close to the radar.

These two things mean that air defence systems designed to defend against jet aircraft and cruise or ballistic missiles can perhaps be overwhelmed by sheer numbers, and even if they are not they will tend to expend large numbers of expensive, difficult-to-replace interceptor missiles to destroy much cheaper equipment.

But there are good reasons why the world’s armed forces moved on from petrol engines and propellers once better kit was available.

Firstly, slow boats and planes are fairly easy to destroy with basic weapons: that is, with guns. Secondly, radars do not need to be on a ship or a truck: they can be in an aircraft. A radar up in the sky, equipped with “look-down” technology so that it can pick out moving objects against the background of the Earth, can detect low slow flyers and boats hundreds of miles away. This will be how the Israelis and their friends were able to see Iran’s drone armada coming without difficulty.

The radar doesn’t necessarily have to be in a dedicated, crewed radar plane flying from a supercarrier or a shore airbase, either. It can be in a helicopter carried aboard a smaller warship or a fleet auxiliary. And there’s no real need for the radar aircraft to be crewed: the US Navy has already carried out such trials using Fire Scout helicopter drones carrying the Telephonics AN/ZPY-4 radar.

The guns, too, don’t need to be just 30mm or smaller calibres, able to hit only targets close by, mounted only in warships or expensive fighter jets. Radar directed warship main guns in the 76mm to five-inch calibres can usefully fire proximity-fused shells at air targets quite far off, and this will work all the better against a drone with limited or no evasive abilities. Close in, smaller weapons provide an effective backup. Helicopter door guns have already been used to take out drones, too. Lighter guns capable of taking out drones in some numbers are often mounted aboard fleet auxiliaries as well as warships.

There’s also a lot of talk about lasers in this role, and indeed there has been for many, many years now. But despite the bold boasts currently being made by the UK among others, there’s reason to doubt that genuinely effective rayguns will be in service soon.

There are various problems with lasers as weapons. One is that lasers normally release more waste heat inside themselves than they put into their beam: in other words they do more damage to themselves than they do to the target. Another is that the tiniest error in the pointing device magnifies over distance and the beam then becomes extremely difficult to hold on the target. Another is that rain, fog, sea spray or cloud normally render a laser useless.

Guns, on the other hand, deliver damage at a distance very well. Shells or projectiles in flight can be tracked by the targeting radar, so that if the first shots miss the following ones can be steered onto aim: and shells can have proximity fuses, meaning that they burst into a cloud of fragments as they get near the target, making it likelier that holes will be made. They don’t care about clouds or rain either.

Even guns might be overwhelmed by huge swarms of much smaller, even cheaper drones, of the battery powered type – though these are short ranged. Perhaps a merchant vessel pretending to be innocent might get close enough to a warship to launch a thousand electric quadcopters with small explosive charges to cripple the radars and flight deck, for example.

There’s probably medicine for this, too, however: the US Tactical High Power Operational Responder (THOR) has shown success by firing radio frequency (RF) energy in the microwave spectrum to reach numerous drones in an instant.

This is a generalisation, but I would say that on balance Nato navies are developing defensive counter-drone systems faster than offensive drones. This is largely because it is easier to adapt and update existing systems to place on current platforms than it is to create new systems from scratch and then integrate for use at sea or on the battlefield.

Nato navies are also relatively well prepared for drones because drone swarms aren’t all that different from manned swarming attacks using basic equipment such as speedboats. The Iranian fast attack craft and low slow flyer swarm threat of the last 20 years and more, devised specifically to defeat some of our systems of the 1980s and 1990s, has compelled Western navies to be ready for such threats. Iranian fast attack swarms – if spotted in time (here’s where the radar aircraft and other forms of intelligence are vital) can be defeated at range using layered defence. If you don’t have those layers and are on your own as we routinely were when operating in the Gulf, then life can be a little bit lonely: but we practised and practised until we ran out of ammo and then ordered some more. 

In other words, from a defensive standpoint, the emerging drone threat is in hand. What has happened to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet is a welcome anomaly but there isn’t anyone who served in the US and Royal Navies in the last 20 years who wasn’t taken aback by the ease with which relatively low numbers of uncrewed surface vessels were able to cause such damage. This is not to be complacent, but such USVs are not getting near a Nato warship unless they are very lucky or very numerous. Even then, most such drones couldn’t catch up with a gas turbine warship in any but flat calm conditions.

So we have quite a lot of the defence sorted out. We have got almost nowhere with offence. As ever, the missing part of the jigsaw is funding. 

On 22 February, Defence Procurement Minister James Cartlidge wrote: “I am clear that looking ahead it is in the uncrewed space that we will increasingly drive the mass of our forces…we will deliver a more potent total military effect in a way that truly strengthens our overall deterrence.”

On 5 March, after it was revealed that the RAF’s specialist drone squadron created four years earlier had conducted zero trials, the same minister said: “Since the formation of 216 Squadron in 2020 there have been no completed tests or trials conducted either in-house or with industry” due to “competing resource priorities”.

In each of the last three years, there has been funding for more than 20,000 flying hours for the RAF’s Eurofighter Typhoon manned jets. The RAF doesn’t care to disclose the cost of a Typhoon hour, but it will certainly not be cheaper than one for a US fighter jet, and that is typically £30,000+ at representative rates. So the RAF spends conservatively £600m every year flying its fleet of Typhoons: but it doesn’t have any money at all for even one, single, measly drone trial.

There’s the say/do gap in all its glory.

Tom Sharpe is a former Royal Navy officer and anti-air warfare specialist

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