What is the real tragedy of Liz Truss? Her supporters will say that she never had the opportunity to see through a pro-growth, freedom-maximising agenda. Her detractors will say it’s that she ever reached Downing Street – 49 days was seven weeks too many.

Watching her many interventions this week, I think the answer is a little more nuanced and far more depressing – there is a way to revive the arguments for free markets and free people the former prime minister once made, but Truss herself is now standing in the way of the comeback.

Truss was on fire in the Chamber during the smoking ban debate. The giggles from her opponents were fuel for that fire, as she took great glee in lambasting the “finger-wagging, nagging control freaks” who want to crack down on the personal decisions other adults might make.

She went after the “health police” with the same gusto she used to bring to her attacks on the “banny state” or the “Nimbys” who stood in the way of housebuilding. It was a joy to watch.

She brought this enthusiasm to her book launch that evening, where her message was the same – a rallying cry to stand up for freedom. It’s these kinds of speeches that turned her into the darling of the free-market Right in the 2010s. She’s got spirit – and a knack for talking the language of liberty.

Contrast this to her other contributions this week, which included a series of interviews about her new book Ten Years to Save the West.

Go one step further, and contrast this to the book itself – a joyful, confident Truss making the case for personal freedom versus a defensive, headstrong Truss trying to rewrite history as if she really did promote economic freedom.

Liz Truss hits out at the 'Left-wing orthodoxy' in her book Credit: Liz Truss/Instagram

“We made mistakes, and I take my share of responsibility for that,” Truss insists at the start of her book. “I could write a whole book identifying what went wrong, complaining about the unfairness of it all and justifying the choices I made. Maybe I will write that book one day, but for now, I believe the situation is so urgent that there is no time for finger-pointing.”

What then follows, unfortunately, is an endless defence of her choices, and a lot of finger-pointing. Many of her culprits are well-known – the “economic establishment”, the “Left-wing orthodoxy”, the “unelected technocrats’’, who she believes sit at the heart of the Office for Budget Responsibility and the Bank of England.

We get some new ones too – her “erstwhile ministerial colleagues” who supported Rishi Sunak and who Truss says spent the leadership campaign “seeking to undermine my plans, saying my agenda was unworkable” (spoiler alert: they were right).

But none of this distracts from the glaring omission in Truss’s book about what really went wrong in Downing Street. For an economic agenda that was billed as both “conservative” and “pro-growth”, it was in reality an exposition in government spending.

This relaxed attitude towards the deficit – and mounting debt – was new for Truss, who had spent the 2010s lambasting Britain’s heavy spending habits.

“Whether you call me a Thatcherite or a committed limited-government Conservative,” Truss says of the leadership election and her run-up to Number 10, “it was pretty clear where I stood.”

This was indeed the debate in the leadership contest that summer, but it Truss who was billed at the Reaganite (happy to run up the deficit to deliver fast and substantial tax cuts), while Sunak seemed closer to the Thatcherite position of tackling inflation (even using tax hikes to do it) before delivering the good stuff.

This dispute started before the summer. Truss goes into detail about the “biggest row” with then-chancellor Sunak in 2021 over his attempt to increase National Insurance to pay for an NHS levy. Truss was vehemently opposed. It’s a noble point she makes, that NI is essentially a “fake tax” that is “just another way of fleecing the British public”.

What is slightly glossed over is that Truss still backed Boris Johnson’s efforts at the time to bolster both the NHS and social care – happy to spend the money, without accounting for it.

Truss got too caught up in the cakeism economic agenda of her predecessor, and it seems from her book, still is. Addressing how international markets rejected her attempt at a borrowing spree, Truss writes that “there had not been a major market reaction against recent spending commitments, including the furlough scheme, which had cost £70bn”.

This is supposed to be evidence of some bias against her conservatism. In truth, it’s a simple distinction between emergency spending and racking up day-to-day spending

Countries around the world got away with pandemic spending because it was understood to be temporary. This was less clear of Truss’s mini-Budget. The combination of spending so much and sidelining forecasts was never going to inspire confidence.

It’s far from the only time readers are asked to suspend their economic disbelief. Not only is Covid spending compared to her mini-Budget, but the Energy Price Guarantee – a mechanism of price controls that subsidised even the richest households – is classified as a “supply-side reform”, while she continues to insist that one of the three pillars of the mini-Budget was “spending restraint.”

Of course, it was the lack of fiscal restraint that did the mini-Budget in – that markets were being asked to fund upwards of £100bn for a year of energy subsidies alongside the tax cuts.

Truss reveals that she and then-chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng “met with the OBR to talk about the medium-term fiscal plan” to get debt falling on Sept 30 – days after the mini-Budget, when the pound was already tumbling and markets were already reeling.

This seems to be the strong piece of evidence for so-called fiscal prudence. It’s not much.

An alternative title might have been Truss versus The World – not even far off what she actually picked for her subtitle: Lessons from the Only Conservative In the Room.

Never mind that Truss kicked most people out of the room who might have provided some of the warnings she was looking for, or that the world trend of interest rate spikes – which she claims was unlucky – was free and accessible information that her advisors were flagging. 

The biggest problem with those 49 days was that the core parts of the plan were not economically conservative.

If Truss is frustrated now that her party champions a low-tax narrative despite taking the tax burden to a near-post war high, just wait till the other side gets a go.

But the liberal, low-tax pushback cannot begin properly until Truss acknowledges that she made the same mistake on the spending side of the ledger. 

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