Children with special needs could be forced out of their “comfortable environments” under Labour’s private school tax raid, parents have warned.

They warn those with special needs are missing out on crucial funding because of the huge challenge – and the proposed tax plans could make the problem worse.

In Wales, families are having to wait two-and-a-half years before they can go through neurodevelopmental assessments that will secure their child a state-funded place at an independent special school.

This has left some paying out of their own pocket for a school that can support their child’s complex needs.

Labour’s plans to add VAT to private school fees could force parents to move their child “out of the environment where they have become most comfortable”.

One mother, a Labour voter, said that she will not vote for the party because of its policy.

She said: “Clinicians have informed us that my son’s neurodiversity will have long reaching consequences on his future, will make him vulnerable and will add significant challenges to his life.

“We are in the process of adjusting to this news whilst having to consider how to manage a 15-20pc projected increase on fees or fret that his independent school might be forced to close.”

It comes as the representative body for Welsh independent schools warn that Labour’s plans could force the closure of 18 schools in the country.

‘My son has been failed’

Sarah – who asked us not to use her real name – said her son has been waiting five years for diagnoses of suspected attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

It took three years of repeated referrals before he was finally accepted onto the NHS’s two-year waiting list.

During this time, his mental health deteriorated so severely that he began to self-harm. On the advice of their GP, Sarah and her husband took the decision to move him to a small independent school.

Here, Sarah said he has been much happier. “Some SEN kids can’t cope in the larger classes you get in state schools. My son gets very overwhelmed by sensory stimuli. Now he’s gone from a class of 30 to a class of 10. It’s a smaller, greener environment. He has friends and is happy and relaxed in school for the first time.”

However, the move came at a significant financial cost. The fees add up to £14,000 a year, which she said the family can only afford because their son is on an academic scholarship, so the costs are discounted.

But it may be that she should never have had to pay this money in the first place. A number of children with special needs at independent schools are funded by local authorities across the UK. However, evidence such as a diagnosis is needed so families can convince local authorities their children qualify for funding.

But long waiting times for diagnoses – currently averaging two-and-half years – mean parents of children with complex needs have been forced to pay their own way to get help.

“My experience here in Wales has not been a positive one, we’ve felt very alone,” said Sarah. “It looks more and more like our child has been failed by this system. I know some kids in private schools have fees paid in full by the council but I’d be very surprised if they will agree to do that with our son.”

Now, she is preparing to move her son into a state school as she expects Labour will get into power and impose VAT on private school fees, a flagship policy of the party.

Labour has said it will exempt special needs children from fee rises provided they have an education, health and care plan (EHCP). But this means the parents of over 95,000 children with additional needs who do not have an EHCP could be hit with fee rises.

Sarah said the fee rise “jeopardises the wellbeing and future” of children like her son. Some neurodiverse children struggle in mainstream school and there are very few places available in specialist units.

Because of the extensive waits for assessments, many families are unable to access the LEA support which should be there to help them. Independent schools are a lifeline for families like ours.

“My main point of argument with Mr Starmer is that there are all these hoops you need to jump through to prove your child has a disability,” she said.

“He hasn’t considered the length of time this process takes, or that most people don’t have the time to research all of this, or resources to gain private diagnoses. I feel it is wrong for him to impose a 20pc tax on these children because of their disabilities and naive for him to expect them to have an EHCP to prove that they have those disabilities given the shortcomings of our mental health services.

“It’s hard enough having a neurodiverse child and going through the basics of life. Taxing their education, because you’ve had to pay for a safe environment for them to learn in after the state has failed them, is just malicious.

“I’ve been a Labour voter for the last 20 years and I’m very disappointed by their lack of engagement on this. I no longer feel able to vote for them.”

Long waiting times

An independent review carried out by the Welsh government found that between 2020 and 2022, for every two individuals referred for an autism assessment, only one assessment was undertaken. Since then, the Welsh government has committed £12m to improving neurodivergence services.

Yet families continue to face long delays, making it harder for children to get the support they need.

The average wait time for an assessment for autism or ADHD is two-and-half years, according to Behaviour Support Hub, a disability services organisation in Wales.

“Waiting lists are so long due to insufficient funding from the Welsh Government,” said Enfys Howells, of Behaviour Support Hub. “We are seeing an increase in non-school attendance due to the emotional needs of the child and the individual schools not being able to meet those needs.”

An £80m funding gap

The Welsh Independent Schools Council (WISC), which represents 69 independent schools, has warned that Labour’s policy could force 6,500 pupils to move in a worst-case scenario.

It estimates 1,982 Welsh families will find the fees unaffordable, while 18 independent schools will have to shut their doors, forcing 4,254 pupils to move. This could blow a £80m hole in the education budget, the WISC said, because of lost tax and the cost of funding additional places in state schools.

Emma Verrier, of the WISC, said: “Welsh independent schools provide much-needed support for pupils with special needs and their families. They add vital capacity within Welsh education.

“Labour’s VAT policy risks harming Welsh families, Welsh independent schools, and state provision. It would price many families out of the independent schools their children know and love, causing increased demand for already-stretched state schools.”

Loveena Tandon, of the Education not Taxation campaign, said: “This policy, with its dire consequences, strikes at the heart of children’s well-being. Recent surveys show that nearly a quarter of parents will withdraw their children from private school. 

“This means many will lose the nurturing environments they thrive in, the friends they cherish, and face disruptive upheavals, while also exacerbating the strain on already overburdened state school systems. Improving state schools is crucial, but we can’t get there by pitting schools against each other.”

A Labour spokesman said: “We recognise that there are inexcusable delays in SEND diagnosis because of Conservative mismanagement of our NHS and their failure to recruit the staff needed are a source of real stress for families.

“Labour will invest in a brilliant state education for every child paid for by ending private schools’ tax breaks.

“As part of our plans, we will invest in measures that intervene early with special educational needs, like early speech and language interventions, so that we set all our children up to achieve.

“Places at independent schools that are funded by Education Health and Care Plans for children with special educational needs will not have a higher cost as a result of VAT.”

A Welsh Government spokesman said: “We are working hard to support the increased demand for neurodivergence services. Since 2022, we have invested £12m in a neurodivergence improvement programme to improve neurodivergence services, this includes access to pre-diagnostic support for people with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergence conditions.

“The NHS Executive has reviewed children’s neurodevelopment services – each health board has a comprehensive set of recommendations highlighting how they can make further improvements.”

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