Social housing rent arrears have almost doubled in a decade as council finances and services are pushed to breaking point. 

Arrears accumulated by council housing tenants surged 73.8pc over the decade between 2013-14 and 2022-23, according to data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), analysed by The Telegraph.

During the past tax year, total social rent roll was due to be £7.7bn. But the share lost to arrears from current and former tenants hit a record 7.2pc – up from 4.4pc 10 years ago.

It means councils are now missing out on more than £500m in revenue every year at a time when many are struggling to balance the books. Local authorities have resorted to dimming street lights, increasing charges on bin collections and closing down libraries in a bid to save money, while council taxes have reached record highs. 

Major cities like Birmingham and Nottingham have recently declared themselves effectively bankrupt, resulting in extra bill rises for locals. 

The rise in arrears coincided with the gradual introduction to Universal Credit, which changed the way housing benefit was paid.

Previously, the benefit was paid directly to the landlord, whereas social housing tenants are now handed the benefit and expected to use it to pay their bills. Done with the aim of giving more control to claimants over their finances, in effect it led to a rapid uptick in arrears. 

While social landlords are able to make a request that a tenant be switched to a direct payment system, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the architect Universal Credit, told The Telegraph that “councils are being really bad with this”, claiming, “it’s mostly in Labour-run councils”. 

The data also suggested increasing leniency with delinquent council housing renters. Over £44.3m in arrears were written-off nationwide last year.

While this is well below the £111m crossed out of ledgers during the height of the pandemic in 2020-21, it remains well above the long-term average.

There were just 1,250 evictions for rent arrears in 2022-23, down from 5,905 in 2013-14. Meanwhile, just under 1.3 million households remain on the waiting list for access to the country’s ever-dwindling social housing stock.

Social renters have largely been spared from the historic increases seen in the private rental market. The average weekly social and affordable rent in England hit an all-time high of £93.42 in 2022-23 – albeit up 4.2pc year-on-year. Private rents were up 6.1pc over the year to January, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

Sir Iain added: “Universal Credit used to have a very tight process by which benefits could be clawed back after a few months of arrears and that was working fine before. But this was slackened during Covid, and people are very quick to spot they are not being chased.”

Councils said they were balancing collecting unpaid bills with providing leniency to households hit by the pandemic and cost of living crisis. 

The local authority wiping-off the biggest sum of its tenants’ arrears in the 2022-23 tax year – just under £4.5m – was Wigan.

Jo Mitchell, assistant director of customer experience and support at Labour-run Wigan Council, said: “During the Covid-19 pandemic Wigan Council made a number of decisions that prioritised the wellbeing of our residents and businesses.

“During these times the write-off of uncollectable or historic rent arrears was not considered a priority as staff and resources were instead mobilised to provide maximum levels of support to all of the borough’s residents.”

Wigan Council claimed the £4.5m figure was the result of a return to business-as-usual after the pandemic, and multiple years of arrears being rolled into one.

Hackney Council – whose £2.5m in write-offs were the second-highest in the country – said: “There are circumstances when despite our best efforts we have to write-off debt, for example, if the former tenant is untraceable or has sadly died leaving little or no estate.

“If it becomes clear we can’t recover the debt, we have to make a difficult but practical decision.”

The figures correspond with a decline in real-terms spending on housing services of 4.3pc in England between 2013-14 and 2022-23.

Local authorities with more than 200 social dwellings are obliged to hold and publish a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) – a ring-fenced fund that legally cannot budget for a deficit.

The main sources of income to the HRA are rents and service charges. The main expenditure items are management, repairs and maintenance, all of which take a hit when the money to pay for them isn’t coming in. Over the course of the 2022-23 tax year alone, HRA reserves in England fell by 2.9pc.  

Councillor Darren Rodwell, housing spokesperson for the Local Government Association (LGA), said: “Councils carefully consider their approach to rents to ensure that a careful balance is made between affordability for tenants and meeting costs for committed expenditure requirements and essential and urgent new works.”

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