A male museum worker had a sexism claim thrown out after the judge found that he was the one treating men and women differently in his workplace.

Jonathan McMurray claimed he suffered sex discrimination after being targeted with an “angry rant on men” by a female colleague while working at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in 2019.

He claimed he was subjected to “an abusive rant about gender” during which he was accused of “doing the f---ing bloke thing” in front of museum visitors.

Mr McMurray lost his tribunal bid for compensation after a judge found that he had “irritated” his female co-workers with his behaviour towards them and that the “rant” had not happened as he described.

Employment Judge Noel Kelly, sitting in the Industrial Tribunals of Northern Ireland, heard evidence that Mr McMurray’s behaviour at work “had been markedly different when he was talking to men rather than women”.

His line manager noted that Mr McMurray would speak to female staff as though he was trying to “lecture, inform, advise and educate,” while with men he “asked questions, left space for them to speak and didn’t correct them”.

He went on to dismiss Mr McMurray’s allegation of sex discrimination at work, concluding: “If anyone had difficulties dealing with the opposite gender, it appears to have been the claimant.”

In his ruling, the judge explained that Mr McMurray, a former teacher, had begun working as an education assistant at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in September 2019.

The museum, in Cultra, County Down, is a living history centre, which according to its website is dedicated to “celebrating and preserving everyday skills, customs and traditions that were passed down over many generations in Ulster”.

Mr McMurray’s main complaint focused on an incident on Oct 23 2019, during which he claimed he was “attacked with no warning” by a female colleague, who “launched into a verbal tirade using abusive terms relating to my gender in presence of public and school groups”.

In his witness statement, Mr McMurray said he had intervened to “help” while his colleague was talking to visitors and that afterwards, “she began an angry sounding speech directed against me that accused me of ‘doing the f---ing bloke thing, aren’t you?’”

But the judge went on to find that the “rant” had not happened as described and had been limited to a muttered remark by the female worker, stating “you are a pain in the a---”.”

The tribunal also dismissed a claim that an autistic spectrum disorder, which Mr McMurray was diagnosed with after resigning from his job at the museum in October 2020, should have been spotted by his employers and acted upon.

“The claim of constructive unfair dismissal must fail,” the judge concluded.

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