Anyone betting on Labour’s rail nationalisation plans to herald a golden age of cut-price train journeys will be sorely disappointed.

Given the fanfare surrounding the policy launch, passengers spending £4,000 a year to stand each day from Woking to Waterloo could be forgiven for imagining that Labour had at least promised cheaper tickets. The cost of riding the rails has shot up since the pandemic, even as delays have gotten worse.

Yet the strategy – dubbed Getting Britain Moving and set out in a 28-page brochure emblazoned with a union flag and a train sweeping through a bucolic landscape – offers no such assurance.

Instead, the document pledges that a Starmer administration would introduce a “best-price guarantee,” aimed at ensuring passengers are offered the cheapest available fare on their chosen route.

While that’s welcome news for people mistakenly overpaying for tickets, befuddled by the multiple options typically available, it’s hardly cause for wild celebration on the concourse.

Shadow transport secretary Louise Haigh came clean on Labour’s pricing plans for Great British Railways (GBR) at a press conference on Thursday.

“I can’t today set out that we will lower fares,” she said. “But we have said that we will simplify them, that we will make them more accessible, more transparent and more trustworthy for passengers.”

The report says prices should be kept at a point that works for both rail users and taxpayers, highlighting the central tension when it comes to the railways. Even if nationalised, ministers will be reluctant to lavish funding on a sector that, while important to the economy, doesn’t universally benefit all Britons, at least on a daily basis.

In many ways the privatised railway has been a victim of its own success. After a tough few years, passenger numbers soared to reach levels last seen after the First World War.

However, the railway, with its often ancient infrastructure, struggled to keep pace with demand, leading to the overcrowding and delays that have come to blight the network. Fares remained high as the Government prioritised the reduction of subsidies and sought to move toward a user-pays approach.

Slashing ticket prices, conversely, would require an increase in subsidy, something Labour is reluctant to fund given the numerous other calls on the public purse and its determination to stick to fiscal rules.

A Labour government under Sir Keir Starmer would also have to contend with pressure from MPs and unions to end almost two years of rail walkouts by accepting higher pay claims that would eat into the rail budget.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch praised Labour’s commitment to nationalising rail franchises as they expire as “in the best interests of railway workers”. 

He said the move should be “a first step to completely integrating all of our railway into public ownership.”

Labour is also taking on a huge technical challenge by making simplification of the railway’s labyrinthine ticketing system a key plank of its strategy.

The numbers are daunting – Labour reckons there are 55 million various fares, discounts and ticket types.

Their ambition to cut that down builds on existing Conservative plans, but that won’t make it any easier to deliver.

“There are so many ticket types, restrictions and points of purchase,” says Mark Plowright, director of online retailer Virgin Trains Ticketing. 

“Passengers certainly want a simpler model, but there’s no agreement on what it should look like. So it’s going to be baby steps.”

Labour has also pledged to introduce innovations including automatic compensation, digital pay-as-you-go and digital season tickets across the whole network.

Plowright says the existing fare structure is so complex that Labour will need a completely new system to deliver on its promises. That could take several years.

Other elements of the Labour plan are set out in only the broadest of brush strokes.

Labour would develop a long-term industrial strategy for ordering rolling stock – the trains themselves that run along the tracks – to end the boom-bust cycle that has pushed trainmakers Alstom and Bombardier to consider closing their UK plants.

While the promise of a “strong pipeline of work” will be welcomed by manufacturers, the changes could mean less competition for orders as work is shared between them – sustaining jobs but most likely pushing up costs. That too may make it harder to reduce ticket prices.

Labour said it will stop short of nationalising the railway’s rolling stock, given the multi-billion-pound cost, with GBR continuing to lease trains after taking over franchises.

It pledged to review financing structures for future orders, in partnership with private capital, and plans to eliminate barriers to sharing trains across the network.

Also remaining in private hands will be the rail-freight sector, which must be prioritised as much as passenger traffic, Labour says. Trains will be given unimpeded paths rather than constantly halting to let expresses pass. Investment in freight trains and terminals will be encouraged.

Shifting freight onto the rails is seen as critical to meeting decarbonisation goals, with a single train able to haul a load equal to 129 lorries.

Rail Partners, which represents companies such as FirstGroup – parent of the Avanti West Coast franchise – that face effective expulsion from UK rail should the policies be carried through, say Labour is making a mistake.

Chief executive Andy Bagnall said: “Creating a thriving railway for customers and taxpayers does not have to be an ideological choice between a monopoly railway in public hands and one that delivers private investment and innovation through franchising.”

He believes there is already an alternative model available that meets both goals. GBR could model itself on Transport for London, which answers to Mayor Sadiq Khan while relying on private sector companies to run its trains.

Europe is currently shrugging off its history of monolithic state railways and seeking to replicate the British model by using competitive tendering and public-private partnerships.

As others look to our systems, Labour appears to be looking backwards. And while simplifying the system is a valid aim, many passengers would be forgiven for thinking Sir Keir and his party have missed the mark with no guarantee that ticket costs will fall.

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