“Frank Field is one of the really good men of politics,” wrote former environment secretary John Gummer in 1998, just after Field had resigned as Tony Blair’s minister for welfare reform.

“Where Peter Mandelson makes enemies, Frank makes friends,” Gummer continued. “His intelligence is obvious but never flaunted, his commitment real and not contrived. What Frank Field believes shines through in all he does. Frank is therefore NOT in the Cabinet, while Peter Mandelson is.”

Despite spending four decades in the House of Commons, Frank Field was in government for little more than a year and was never elevated to high office.

Yet the death of the former Labour MP from cancer last week, aged 81, has generated an outpouring of heartfelt tributes, from senior figures across the political spectrum.

One reason is that, before he entered Parliament in 1979, representing Birkenhead, Field was a formidable anti-poverty campaigner. While founding director of the Child Poverty Action Group, he then simultaneously established the Low Pay Unit – pushing for the introduction of a national minimum wage.

Another reason for the widespread tributes to Field is that during his time in Parliament, he displayed detailed policy expertise in difficult, highly contested areas – including the welfare state, pensions and tax. His commitment to cross-party collaboration in a bid to get things done has won him admirers – including among Conservatives, as the quotation from Lord Gummer above demonstrates.

Yet, despite his determination to tackle poverty, Field often offended his own party’s tribal sensitivities. During the early 1980s, as a lone, fresh-faced backbencher, he inveigled his way into Number 10 and personally lobbied Margaret Thatcher to award a vital government contract to Cammell Laird shipyard, then a major employer in Birkenhead and across Merseyside.

Combining forces with Tory MPs in adjoining constituencies, Field’s campaign was successful – yet, despite the positive outcome, many in his party chided him for working with an opposition government.

Years later, while Field was in government during the first 14 months of Blair’s New Labour administration, he was again undermined by the party machine.

Powerbrokers such as Peter Mandelson and Alastair Campbell were happy to watch as then-chancellor Gordon Brown – spooked by Field’s expertise and determined to control all aspects of welfare and pensions from the Treasury – drummed the minister for welfare reform out of office.

An old-school Christian socialist, Field believed strongly in helping the poor to help themselves by ensuring paid work was available, warning against over-reliance on an ever-expanding welfare state.

With his own constituency ravaged by unemployment, he consistently warned that “benefit dependency”, the sustaining of millions of households entirely on welfare payments in perpetuity, was “degrading” and “economically unsustainable” – seriously annoying more statist Labour MPs.

Field spent brief periods on the shadow front bench during the 1980s, under Labour leaders Michael Foot and then Neil Kinnock – but he was too independent and outspoken for the party hierarchy.

Instead, he made his mark chairing the Commons’ social security select committee for a decade from 1987. Combining forensic knowledge with sharp public questioning, Field forced Robert Maxwell’s estate to pay back hundreds of millions of pounds in employee pension contributions the late tycoon had used in a bid to re-finance his business.

Field pulled a similar trick in 2016, again as a select committee chairman, subjecting Philip Green to an extended Parliamentary grilling, with the retail billionaire agreeing to pay over £350m towards the BHS pension deficit.

During his long public policy career, Field wrote dozens of detailed books and pamphlets on benefits policy and pensions. Despite so little time as a minister, his influence on these subjects was huge – with Field acting as an unofficial adviser to a succession of cabinet ministers working in this area, at their request, whatever their party.

Having studied his writing closely, and co-authored books and papers with him myself, I would argue that Frank Field, despite the political brickbats he endured, was probably the UK’s most influential welfare policy thinker since William Beveridge – who wrote, of course, the famous 1942 report launching Britain’s welfare state.

So what would the UK policy landscape look like had he prevailed and consolidated his power during the New Labour years?

Field’s principle aim in government – “thinking the unthinkable”, as Blair asked him – was to restore the contributory principle, compelling workers to pay into their own individual “pension pots” run by new mutual societies, on top of the basic state pension. Widely admired by industry experts, these ideas were diluted into today’s far less ambitious, employer-based “stakeholder” pension schemes.

Had Field prevailed, perhaps the public finances would now be stronger, with millions of poorer pensioners benefitting from the income-boosting impact of compound interest and long-term investment returns.

Perhaps the UK would now have the 10p starting rate of tax which Field designed, helping to ease financial disincentives to work as the low-paid move from benefits into employment. Instead, workers currently pay no tax on earnings up to £12,571, after which they pay 20p in the pound, making the shift into work much harder.

For decades, Field warned against Britain’s “sick note culture”, with historically high numbers living entirely on benefits, despite a national labour shortage. Existing Tory ministers and their likely Labour replacements are, this very month, worrying aloud about the same thing – and the costs and societal impact are only climbing.

Field was, in my view, just the first in a string of politicians sacrificed in a bid to contain what were to become the huge, and ultimately enormously destructive tensions between Blairite and Brownite wings of New Labour.

While he could certainly be awkward, his overriding instinct was to collaborate, firmly rejecting the party-political point-scoring which too often dominates the UK’s policy debate.

He believed in, and had the courage to attempt, a more co-operative politics – focused on the deep-seated, long-term issues which modern democracy so often finds hard to address.

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