HMRC has launched fresh action against 2,700 victims of the loan charge scandal – despite an official government review ruling that they should be freed from the tax bills, The Telegraph can reveal.

Contractors who were considered exempt from the charges now say they have been left terrified, with just 60 days to pay up before interest payments begin.

The tax bills come despite the loan charge, which affected 60,000 workers including nurses, and teachers, being linked to 10 suicides.

Paul Carroll thought the nightmare was finally behind him, until a 17-year-old tax bill landed on his doorstep in February.

“I can’t describe what it was like when that brown envelope came through the door,” he said. “It was soul-destroying.” 

The letter stated that Mr Carroll owed HMRC £43,000, along with £21,000 in interest.

He had just two months to pay the liability, otherwise the tax office would add a 5pc surcharge.

Mr Carroll is one of 2,700 taxpayers in the past two years who have received a letter from HMRC, out of the blue, demanding payment of a life-changing sum of money.

The letters – called section 684 notices – are being used to target people who were taken out of the scope of the loan charge by the government-commissioned Morse review. 

The Morse Review shortened the retrospective reach of the loan charge, sparing those who were involved in schemes before 2010 from crippling bills.

But since 2022 HMRC has started using the little-known and controversial section 684 power to claw back the tax from these individuals.

The tax bills are so old that the interest alone often adds 50pc to the overall bill.

‘I thought that was the end of it’

“I thought that was the end of it. I didn’t get any more letters,” said Mr Carroll, who entered into loans pre-2010.

Mr Carroll took out loans on three credit cards to stop more interest accruing and to avoid further charges. He still has not cleared the debt.

To make matters worse, HMRC recently wrote off 100 of the tax bills by accident – then reissued them “immediately”.

The Telegraph understands that later this year, a group of 200 loan charge victims will face HMRC in a court hearing. The Loan Charge Action Group has written to Lord Morse calling HMRC’s use of the notices a “clear abuse of power” that undermines the recommendations of his review. They argue that this use of section 684 notices is unfair and should not be allowed in this context.

Around 60,000 contractors were hit with crippling tax bills after entering schemes in the 2000s and 2010s which saw them paid via loans from an umbrella company rather than through a conventional salary. Many joined these schemes due to the introduction of IR35 “off-payroll working rules” in 2000.

This meant income tax and National Insurance were not being paid – although many contractors thought they were paying tax through their fees to the umbrella firm. 

The schemes were often marketed as HMRC-compliant. 

Mr Carroll said: “I remember asking the company, ‘is it all above board?’ and they said ‘yes, we have a tax registration number’. I only found out later that that was a tax avoidance scheme number.”

For years, HMRC left tens of thousands of contractors to enter into these schemes.

Then, in 2016, the tax office introduced a piece of retroactive legislation called the loan charge to recoup the money it had failed to collect. This resulted in bills running sometimes into six figures.

The Morse Review withdrew about 10,000 contractors, including Mr Carroll, from the charge because the law before 2010 was not clear. But HMRC is now chasing around 2,700 of them using section 684 powers.

For many this has reawakened a decade-old nightmare.  

‘Nothing for 10 years and now this’

A second loan charge victim said they received a section 684 notice in March this year. “Nothing for 10 years and now this,” they said. “I honestly don’t know what to do or who to trust.” 

Another, who asked to remain anonymous, is being chased for a 14-year-old tax bill after receiving a section 684 notice last year. “I can’t afford the sum alone, let alone the penalties and interest they add. Mentally, it’s been a massive strain,” he said. “They’re going to do a lot of damage to a lot of people with this.” 

The victims must pay the tax back along with penalties and interest for paying late. HMRC also adds ‘forward interest’ if the individual cannot pay on time. 

Matt Hall, of contractor advice firm Armadillo Support, said: “Interest rates have varied over the years but are currently 7.75pc per annum, and HMRC adds a further 1pc ‘forward interest’ for those who need long term payment plans.”

Rhys Thomas, a tax adviser at WTT Consulting, said the letter was “carefully designed” to ensure a tax demand was made without a challenge from the individual. 

“The section 684 notices are quite remarkable. They’re very tight on timelines, they don’t give any sense of the actual liability and they don’t give any sense of the due diligence HMRC have carried out.

“If you receive a letter that doesn’t contain a demand, you might think ‘I don’t need to do anything’ but after 30 days they can then send you a demand. Individuals’ options to defend themselves are greatly reduced if they miss the representation.”

However, a representation can be rejected – and, Mr Hall said, often are.

“HMRC doesn’t have to accept any representations. There is no statutory process for this,” he said. “In practice I am not aware of HMRC ever accepting a taxpayer’s representation.” 

After 30 days, HMRC will send a tax demand, or a “closure notice”. At this stage the taxpayer can appeal.

But, Mr Hall said, “The appeals are little more than a can kicking exercise at this stage for those simply unable to agree payment terms with HMRC.”

HMRC said it is clear on section 684 notices that a tax demand will later be sent.

‘HMRC are making the rules up as they go along’

A section 684 notice allows HMRC to disregard the PAYE system. PAYE regulations make it an employer’s responsibility to deduct tax. 

But with a section 684 notice, HMRC can shift the liability from the employer to the individual. 

Keith Gordon, of Temple Tax Chambers, said HMRC had had this power for years but it had only been used for “very innocent purposes” until recently. 

“For instance, when I was a student and I took on a summer job, HMRC would turn off the PAYE rules as otherwise my employer would deduct tax from me and I would have to claim it back at the end of the summer. That meant, I would not get a PAYE credit for any tax that would otherwise have been deducted. But it did not matter as I was receiving my full wage without suffering any tax.”

One of the first contractors to receive a section 684 notice was Stepehen Hoey in 2017. Many others began receiving them after the Court of Appeal ruled in 2022 – in R (Hoey and others) v HMRC – that where there was an avoidance scheme HMRC could retrospectively remove the obligation to deduct tax and shift the liability to the taxpayer.

Mr Gordon said: “HMRC are ignoring the fact that the employees have already had the ‘tax’ deducted from their salary which the promoters have pocketed as fees. 

“As far as I can see, they only invented this use of the power in 2017 and they’ve been making it up as they go along. Had this been legitimate, they wouldn’t have needed the loan charge – they needed a way of getting around the PAYE credit.”

Mr Hall, who represented Mr Hoey, said that during the case HMRC had relied on unpublished internal guidance to argue that they were correct in exercising a section 684 notice in this way. 

He said: “HMRC are using this power – one never previously used in this context and governed then only by hidden internal HMRC Manuals – to retrospectively relieve ‘payers’ (end users, employers or agencies according to context) of a liability HMRC had long failed to assess.”

Lord Morse said in his review that HMRC should continue settling pre-2010 cases “under their normal powers” and where they had “appropriate grounds, and a legal basis, to do so”.

HMRC said it noted the use of these powers in its evidence to Lord Morse.

But tax advisers have questioned whether Lord Morse would have considered the section 684 notice within HMRC’s “normal powers”.

Mr Gordon said: “Morse may not have even considered this power. I suspect it didn’t feature in his thinking.”

HMRC argues that the PAYE credit can be disregarded where the scheme involved an offshore employer.

Mr Thomas said some contractors have had their notices withdrawn on the grounds that the scheme operator had a UK presence. 

“HMRC say they can come after the individual where the employer was operating offshore. But what was commonly the case was these schemes had UK front companies – so to all interested parties, it seemed it was in the UK. But HMRC is blanket-issuing these notices.”

Mr Thomas’s firm WTT Consulting is currently seeking a Judicial Review for 200 clients who have received a section 684 notice from HMRC, with a hearing to be set later this year.

Lord Morse declined to comment for this story. 

A HMRC spokesman said: “Lord Morse recommended we use our normal powers to investigate and settle cases taken out of the Loan Charge. This is exactly what we’ve done but only where there are appropriate grounds and a legal basis to do so.

“We appreciate there’s a human story behind every tax bill and we take the wellbeing of all taxpayers seriously. 

“We recognise dealing with large tax liabilities can lead to pressure on individuals and we are committed to supporting customers who need extra help with their tax liabilities.

“Our message to anyone who is worried about paying what they owe is: please contact us as soon as possible to talk about your options.”

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