Members of the G7 economic alliance, meeting in Turin, Italy, agreed Tuesday to end usage of coal for power generation by the year 2035, a mere 11 years into the future. But, as with so many international deals like this one, there’s a catch. 

Really, there are two catches. The first is the addition of a qualification stating the member countries will phase coal out by 2035, or “in a timeline consistent with keeping a limit of 1.5°C temperature rise within reach, in line with countries’ net-zero pathways”. That’s a pretty major exception in and of itself yet the ministers agreed to add a second qualifier, stating the deal will apply only to what they refer to as “unabated” coal plants, defined as any plant that is not accompanied by a probably hugely costly and energy-hungry carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. 

The pair of major qualifiers were reportedly needed to obtain sign-off by the US, Germany and Japan, all of whose power grids still rely on coal to provide a significant share of baseload power. The usage of CCS to provide abatement for coal-fired plants is also conveniently consistent with the new Clean Power Plan issued by the Biden EPA a week earlier.

Even with those caveats, however, this effort to rob power grids in the West and Japan of so much affordable, stable, round-the-clock baseload generation comes at an inauspicious time. Electricity demand is rising at an accelerating pace, driven by new demands by AI, electric car charging needs, and new industrial plants for the manufacturing of EVs and renewable energy parts and equipment. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman told a gathering in January that the power needed for AI and its data centers alone will require a doubling of generation capacity in barely a decade. 

The G7’s announcement highlights the divide between the climate alarm-driven machinations by western governments and the ongoing growth of coal usage by China, India, Indonesia, and other developing countries in Asia. The contrast is especially stark where China is concerned, given its continuing permitting of more and more new coal plants despite public pledges to start cutting back. Indeed, Greenpeace claimed China permitted more new coal plants during Q3 2023 than it did in all of 2021. 

In its annual global survey of coal usage published this month, the Global Energy Monitor finds that worldwide operating capacity for coal rose by 2 per cent last year, led by China’s domestic growth. China accounted for fully two thirds of the 69.5 gigawatts (GW) of global coal-fired power generation capacity growth during 2023. And, despite its pledges to focus on reducing its carbon emissions, the Xi Jinping government appears set to exceed its 48.4 GW expansion during 2023 over the course of 2024. 

Indonesia came in second on that list of 2023 coal capacity additions with 5.9 GW for the year. India was third with 5.5 GW, with Vietnam, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Korea, Greece and Zimbabwe rounding out the top 10. 

As mentioned above, the US EPA has endorsed CCS as the best available “proven” solution for abating carbon emissions from both coal and natural gas power plants, but it also bears pointing out that no power plant in the United States today is currently abated using this technology. The marriage has been attempted at 5 different US coal plants, but none of the projects have proved successful. No one has yet attempted such a wedding between CCS and a natural gas plant. Thus, the utility of attempting to abate emissions in this way remains entirely speculative. 

Meanwhile, as the US and many fellow G7 countries are now moving to try to eliminate natural gas plants, China and other developing economies are simultaneously demanding more and more of the abundant and cheap commodity. Just this past week, China State Shipbuilding Corporation announced a deal to build 18 new LNG tankers for Qatar, as that nation moves boldly to expand its own LNG export capacity. That move comes just three months after the US government placed an indeterminate hold on the permitting of domestic LNG export terminals. 

What it is all boiling down to is an appearance of unilateral surrender of energy security – and of all industries which need energy, especially including AI – by the western world to China. History will not look kindly on the leaders of this forced march to subservience.

David Blackmon had a 40 year career in the US energy industry, the last 23 years of which were spent in the public policy arena, managing regulatory and legislative issues for various companies. He continues to write and podcast on energy matters

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