One thing many critics of US aid to Ukraine don’t seem to understand is that most of the money actually gets spent in the United States, very often on improved equipment for our own armed forces. For example, some Ukraine aid is being spent getting the latest Iron Fist “active defence” equipment into the US Army’s own armoured vehicle fleets much faster than it would otherwise arrive.

This is happening because the United States typically supports Ukraine by donating older weapons from existing US stocks, and then using the authorized “Ukraine aid” funds to re-equip US troops with newer weapons to replace those older weapons they just gave away.

Quite literally, the roughly $140 billion the United States is spending on Ukraine through the war’s first three years is actually funding a major modernization drive for the US military.

The US Army’s fleet of M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles is a great example of this counterintuitive dynamic. In exchange for giving away old M-2s to Ukraine, the United States is getting new M-2s hot off BAE Systems’ production line in York, Pennsylvania. 

The administration of US president Joe Biden has shipped more than 200 1990s-vintage M-2A2s to Ukraine. The Ukrainian army’s elite 47th Mechanized Brigade has deployed the 33-ton tracked vehicles – with their fast-firing 25-millimetre autocannons and room for 10 crew and infantry – to blunt Russian attacks in eastern Ukraine.

With Ukraine war funds the US Congress approved in 2022 and then again last month – the latter following a six-month legislative blockade organized by pro-Russian Republican lawmakers – the Army is buying a brand-new version of the Bradley, the M-2A4E1, to replace the US Army M-2A2s now in Ukraine.

We don’t know how many M-2A4E1s the Americans are buying, but we do know that American Bradleys sent are replaced one for one. “The Army received funding to procure the M-2A4E1 for every Bradley donated to Ukraine,” the US Army’s office for armored vehicles stated.

The armored vehicle office called the M-2A4E1 “the most modern and survivable version of the Bradley.” Poetically, it’s also one of the first American combat vehicles to get an overhaul based on lessons the Pentagon has learned by observing the fighting in Ukraine.

The M-2A4E1 has all the best features of the M-2A2, including an accurate gun and robust armor protection, and also adds an improved high-definition infrared gunner’s sight and air-conditioning for the passengers. More importantly, it boasts the Iron Fist active protection system – a new kind of defense against missiles and drones.

Most armored vehicles only have “passive” protection – that is, armor and shaping on the vehicle itself that helps it survive enemy fire. New “active” protection aims to intercept enemy fire before it ever reaches the vehicle. 


Most active protection systems – there are a few in use in some of the world’s more sophisticated armies, including the Israeli army – work the same way. A suite of tiny radars arrayed around a vehicle’s turret detects an incoming missile, shell or drone, and triggers launchers firing tiny, precision-guided rockets to shoot it down. Iron Fist and other active protection systems have made a real difference to the chances of survival for Israeli soldiers fighting against Hezbollah and Hamas in recent conflicts.

The M-2A4E1 is one of the first US Army vehicles with active protection. Which makes it one of the first US Army vehicles that might stand a chance in a war like Russia’s wider war on Ukraine, where tiny explosive drones are everywhere all the time along the front line.  

Most armored vehicles carry their thickest passive armor on the fronts of their hulls and turrets – the parts that are likeliest to face the enemy’s own armored vehicles. The problem, in Ukraine, is that drones can attack from the sides, behind and even above, where vehicles’ armor tends to be thinnest.

Active protection systems defend a vehicle from all aspects, not just the front. So the M-2A4E1 with its Iron Fist system should be more drone-proof than older vehicles. Which is not to say the Americans are about to deploy forces to Ukraine; they’re not.

The war in Ukraine has inspired other countries to invest heavily in tiny cheap attack drones, however. Soon, ever-present flying robots could be a problem in every major conflict. The US Army will need active protection on all of its thousands of combat vehicles, not just a few of the newest Bradleys.

But those first few M-2A4E1s, the US Army’s reward for helping the Ukrainian army, are a good start. And the more Bradleys America sends to Ukraine, the faster US soldiers will get active protection.

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