Hours after official figures confirmed that Britain was out of recession and back to growth, Rishi Sunak declared that “things are starting to feel better”.

Speaking at a visit to a business in Oxfordshire, the Prime Minister said: “After undoubtedly a difficult couple of years that the country has had, actually now things are starting to feel better.

“Confidence is returning to the economy and the country, and I hope that you’re starting to feel that too.”

The economy is certainly growing strongly by recent standards. GDP expanded by 0.6pc in the first three months of the year, ending an official recession that had lasted for the second half of 2023.

Grant Fitzner, chief economist at the Office for National Statistics, used the word “gangbusters” to describe the performance, noting that almost every part of the services industry is growing while trade also contributed to the rebound.

Compared to other major economies, Britain is certainly a star. Our growth rate topped the G7 for the first quarter, on level pegging with Canada.

The US, which is generally considered to be booming, grew by 0.4pc over the period. Italy’s GDP was up 0.3pc, while France and Germany managed only a mediocre 0.2pc. 

Britain has moved from sixth place among the G7 at the end of 2023, to first place.

If this can be continued – and analysts at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research think it will – then this pace would translate to annual growth of 2.5pc.

That pace was rarely achieved in the decade before the pandemic, with only 2014 and 2017 putting in a better performance.

“We’re seeing growth start to recover to more normal levels after a turbulent couple of years,” says Fitzner.

However, one man’s boom can be another’s anaemic growth.

Compared to the decade before the financial crisis, 2.5pc is somewhat underwhelming. Over those 10 years, GDP growth averaged 2.8pc.

Years of underperformance have also left Britain’s economy comparatively weaker than our nearest rivals. Put another way, we have a lot of catching up to do.

The economy is just 1.7pc bigger now than it was in the final quarter of 2019, just before the pandemic.

Only Germany has done worse, with its GDP barely changed since then after Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine trashed the Teutonic economic model.

By contrast France’s economy is 2.2pc bigger than it was prior to the pandemic, Italy’s 4.6pc, and Canada’s 5.1pc. The US has rampaged ahead to grow by 8.7pc over the same period.

In Britain, output per person is still more than 1pc below its pre-Covid position.

Furthermore, while Sunak is justly upbeat about a return to GDP growth, the end of recession could yet spring a surprise economic trap on the Prime Minister.

Falling inflation has raised hopes that the Bank of England will soon be able to cut interest rates from their current level of 5.25pc. However, Friday’s economic growth data may give some members of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) pause.

At 0.6pc, growth was well above the 0.4pc the Bank anticipated.

The Bank expects growth to be sluggish, with expansion of 0.2pc this year, 0.9pc next and 1.2pc in 2026.

If the economy smashes those forecasts, as annual growth of 2.5pc would, then the Bank may be concerned about a revival of inflationary forces.

George Moran, economist at Nomura, says the strength of the economy “is likely a surprise to the MPC”. 

As a result, he expects the Bank to hold rates for another few months rather than cut in June as the market had expected.

“This is undeniably a strong number and suggests the UK economy is shaking off its woes from 2023,” he says. “For the Bank of England, we think this is hawkish because it suggests that inflationary pressures may be more elevated and the economy may be more tolerant of rate hikes.

“This release further strengthens our view that the Bank will need to keep policy restrictive for longer than markets are pricing to bear down on inflation. We expect the first interest rate cut only in August.”

Bailey and his colleagues have another six weeks before their next vote on interest rates.

Critical to their decision will be any evidence that strong economic growth has fed through into high pay rises, which are a key determinant of the MPC’s thinking, says Andrew Goodwin at Oxford Economics.

“Whether the first cut comes in June or August is finely balanced,” he says.

“The April data for pay and inflation will be key. The pay data will show the impact of the near-10pc rise in the national living wage, while the inflation data will show the impact on core inflation of the annual increases for index-linked contracts and regulated prices [for example train tickets and phone contracts].”

The precise timing of a rate cut is politically important because of its impact on how much people are paying towards their mortgages – around 100,000 homeowners reach the end of cheap deals every month, forcing them to refinance at higher borrowing costs.

The longer the Bank waits before it starts lowering interest rates, the fewer people there will be who feel cheery about their finances come election day.

It might seem counterintuitive to worry that strong growth is anything other than unalloyed good news for the Prime Minister.

But anything that keeps rates higher for longer is a sting in the tail for the Prime Minister.

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