Women are driving record worklessness because of ill health, analysis has found, as a growing number drop out of the jobs market because of neck and back pain.

More than 1.5m women have dropped out of the workforce because of long-term sickness, according to analysis by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), which blamed rising NHS waiting lists for the crisis.

The figure marks a 48pc increase compared with five years ago, equivalent to 503,000 women.

This means that women account 59pc of the rise in economic inactivity due to long-term sickness over the past five years, compared with 37pc for men.

Musculoskeletal issues, such as back and neck pain, were the biggest driver of women leaving the workforce due to ill health, with the number of women economically inactive as a result rising by 126,000.

Meanwhile, depression, anxiety and mental illness contributed to a 69,000 increase in the number of women classed as economically inactive - neither in work nor looking for work.

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “We need a proper plan for dealing with the sharp rise in long-term sickness.

“It means dealing with the chronic staffing shortages across the NHS and social care that are delaying patients from being seen when they need to.”

It comes amid growing concerns over the worklessness crisis gripping the country, with 9.25 million adults of working age currently economically inactive.

Catherine Mann, a senior Bank of England official, warned in March that the shrinking labour force had become a “very significant issue” for the economy.

Other countries including the US have seen a rebound in people in the labour force after the pandemic. However, Ms Mann said there had been a “dramatic deterioration in the estimated potential supply for the United Kingdom”.

It threatens to pile pressure on businesses that have been struggling to recruit. Jane Gratton, policy director at the British Chamber of Commerce said last month: “We are concerned by the growing number of people not looking for work, with a large chunk of those out of action due to long-term health issues. Until we get more people permanently back into the workplace then the upside risks of higher inflation and interest rates will remain.”

It comes as the Government attempts to deal with the surge of long-term sickness by cracking down on GPs being able to sign people off work.

Rishi Sunak last month vowed to end Britain’s “sick note culture”. Benefits paid to people of working age currently cost the taxpayer £69bn a year.

Speaking to The Telegraph on Sunday, the Government’s new occupational health tsar Dame Carol Black said the GP sick note system was no longer “fit for purpose” given the pressures on the NHS.

She said the current process of being signed-off meant people were able to “lose contact” with the idea of going back to work.

A government spokesman said: “Our £2.5bn Back to Work Plan will help over a million people, including women with long-term health conditions, break down barriers to work.

“We are also reforming the benefits system so that it’s fairer on the taxpayer and makes sure those who can work, do work.

“This includes enhancing support for people with health conditions and disabilities through programmes like WorkWell and reforming the Fit Note process so people can return to and stay in employment.”

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