Email your tax questions to Mike via email: 

Dear Mike,

I wonder if you could settle a matter.

I am having a minor disagreement with my solicitor, which I think/hope I will win, and she is taking further advice.

Unfortunately, my mother has recently died leaving an estate valued at £801,765, plus interest in the tax year to the date of death of £7,682.38. So, a total estate of £809,446.84.

My father sadly died in 1986 (aged 59) leaving everything to my mother. His grant of probate stated an estate not exceeding £40,000, which included the house they lived in at the time. Property prices were much less then!

My mother remarried in 1989 and my step-father has since died, but I have discounted his estate as it went to his children.

My mother moved into a care home in August 2022 and sold her house (a different one to where she lived in with my father) in April 2023 for £354,813, net of estate agents’ costs.

This amount is included within the £801,765 figure above.

I think that I can use my mother’s nil-rate band of £325,000, plus my father’s nil-rate band of £325,000.

I also think that I can use my mother and fathers’ residential property nil-rate band of £175,000 each, giving me a total of £1,000,000 nil-rate band.

My solicitor is not sure about using both £325,000 nil-rate bands.


Dear Paul,

The rules on the transferable IHT nil-rate bands can be confusing. You and your solicitor are not alone.  

The basic rule is that you calculate the proportion of the nil-rate band used on the first death of a married couple. The amount that is then available to be claimed by the executors on the second death is based on the unused proportion of the amount of the nil-rate band that is applied at the time of the second death. The HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) manuals explain this here.

It does not matter that the first death occurred before the rules were introduced in October 2007. For civil partners the same rules apply, but only if the first death was on or after 5 December 2005 when the Civil Partnership Act became law.

Your solicitor’s concern is presumably that your mother remarried and that your step-father left his entire estate to his own children, thereby using some or all of his own nil-rate band.

Fortunately, the law provides for the circumstances where one survivor outlives more than one spouse, as outlined in the HMRC manuals here. It means the unused proportions of the nil-rate bands of both your mother’s husbands can be added together. 

This is, however, subject to an overriding limit of 100pc of the nil-rate band at the death of the survivor – in this case your mother. The manual explains this here, together with a worked example.  

You have not said whether your step-father utilised all his available nil-rate band on his death, but I don’t think it will matter if he did. This is because none of your father’s nil-rate band was used at his death. It follows that your mother’s executors should atomically have available her own nil-rate band of £325,000, and also be able to claim the same amount based on the transfer from your father.

The residence nil-rate band operates in a similar way, but with a few complications. Your mother died after April 2020, so the full amount of the residence nil-rate band available will be £175,000. This additional IHT allowance applies where someone dies leaving their home to their children or direct descendants. 

You say your mother sold her house nine months before she died in the care home, so it might appear that the relief would be lost. Fortunately, however, it should not prevent her executors from claiming the equivalent relief under the “downsizing” provisions. These are explained in one of my previous articles.

The transferrable residence nil-rate band of £175,000 from your father should also be available in your mother’s case, although possibly not required given the size of her estate. As the HMRC manual makes clear here, it does not matter that your mother remarried after the death of your father, the same principles apply. 

Both the transferrable nil-rate band and residence nil-rate band must be claimed by the executors within two years of your mother’s death.

In summary, I agree with you that the executors should be able to claim a combined nil-rate band sufficient to prevent IHT arising on the estate of your mother. 

As your executors have probably explained, no capital gains tax (CGT) should arise on the sale of your mother’s house. Although the normal rule is that CGT relief ceases to apply in full nine months after the property was no longer to be your principal primary residence, this is extended to three years when someone moves into a care home.  

Mike Warburton was previously a tax director with accountants Grant Thornton and is now retired. His columns should not be taken as advice, or as a personal recommendation, but as a starting point for readers to undertake their own further research.

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