Telegraph readers have chosen Labour’s Gordon Brown as the worst chancellor over the last three decades.

In a poll of almost 7,000 readers, the majority (64pc) named Mr Brown the worst chancellor, citing his controversial decisions to axe tax relief for pension funds and sell Britain’s gold reserves when the price was at a 20-year low.

The poll was included in Telegraph Money’s story on Saturday about the most costly decisions taken by some of the men who have occupied No 11 in the last 30 years.

Among the policies highlighted were the late Alistair Darling’s creation of a 60pc income tax rate and the freezing of tax bands under Mr Sunak in 2021.

After Mr Brown, the chancellor who received the most votes was Kwasi Kwarteng (16pc), whose infamous mini-Budget triggered a bond market meltdown during his brief 38 days in office.

Next was Mr Osborne with 8pc of the vote, followed by Mr Sunak (6pc), current Chancellor Jeremy Hunt (5pc) and Mr Darling (1pc).

Here, readers explain which chancellor they think inflicted the most damage during their time in office — and why.

Gordon Brown

Philip James: Mr Brown was the worst chancellor in my lifetime, and has affected so many people’s pensions, now and in the future.

Mark Bonsey: Gordon Brown’s wrecking of the private pensions industry was classic socialist spite, his selling off of our gold reserves truly idiotic, and his failure to foresee the 2008 crisis was pathetic.

Canute Turner: For sheer malice against any private sector worker with a few savings (private pension raids, 10pc tax starting below starvation level), general incompetence (selling off the gold reserves at giveaway prices), and for piling complexity on complexity until even HMRC didn’t know what was going on, Mr Brown has to take it by a length.

Johnny Harrison: Gordon Brown was by far the worst. He loved to meddle and complicate tax. 

Warren Sheehy: The two biggest things for me about Brown are the doubling in the tax code and selling our gold at rock bottom prices. 

George Osborne

Mark Bonsey: George Osborne’s alleged austerity was just pure nonsense and spin.

Abid Shakoor: Mr Osborne destroyed the dreams of home ownership, especially with Section 24. No wonder we have homelessness going through the roof. Rents will continue to rise as landlords leave the market.

Louise Thomas: In my opinion, George Osbourne was the most insidious and sneering to the up and coming aspirational middle classes.

Rishi Sunak 

Nigel Nicholson: Covid was not a valid excuse to spend billions paying healthy people to not work.

Jonathan Shaw: Eat out to help out and bounce back loans thrown around like confetti mean Sunak is by far the worst chancellor.

Kwasi Kwarteng

John Calverley: Kwasi Kwarteng was the worst chancellor in my book because he created a crisis and was almost immediately thrown out.

Winker Watson: How any poll can not make Kwasi Kwarteng the worst chancellor is beyond me. The only good thing about his stewardship was that he didn’t last very long.

Jeremy Hunt 

Roger Smith: For millions of self-employed, whilst Gordon Brown introduced IR35, it was Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt who deliberately reformed and reversed any changes to the IR35 framework to keep the self-employed disadvantaged who take the trophy as the worst chancellors.

James Singleton: In the face of the oldest party in Europe being wiped out, he dare not implement any conservatism. Taxes at highest levels since just after the Second World War.

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