Many people were surprised by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s remarks last week, when he welcomed the Bank of England’s decision to keep interest rates on hold at 5.25pc. But was this really such a contrarian idea?

Lower interest rates would have relieved the pressure on the 1.5 million people with mortgages to roll over this year as well as helped the many businesses struggling with current interest rates. 

Helping homeowners and businesses would surely improve the chances of the Conservative Party at the coming election, which most commentators assume is in the forefront of the Chancellor’s mind.

However, the Chancellor may not be entirely mad in his praise for Bank Governor Andrew Bailey’s decision. I imagine the Chancellor, like many Conservative MPs, know that a large proportion of their constituencies rather like higher interest rates. After all, according to the Commons Library, 42pc of Mr Hunt’s constituents are over 50 years old and have probably paid off, or almost paid off, their mortgages. 

As people over 50 are more likely to vote Conservative, why wouldn’t the Chancellor want them to enjoy higher returns on their savings for a little bit longer? After all, constituents tend to return governments if they feel wealthier under that government’s leadership.

We often hear about the plight of homeowners having to remortgage at rates four or five times the level of their original, virtually free, mortgages, but we rarely hear about the millions of savers who have received little to nothing for their prudence since 2009. 

Even young people who have never had a reason to not spend all of their income immediately are now learning the joys of saving. The savings rate is now 6.5pc which is the highest it has been since 1997, with the exception of the Covid lockdowns when non-essential spending was banned.

Mr Bailey and the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) also seemed happy to keep interest rates high, voting seven to two to keep rates on hold last week – hardly a knife-edge decision. The two committee members who voted for an increase in rates as recently as February are now happy to keep them at 5.25pc; so there is some softening of their stance. Only one MPC member, Swati Dhingra, has been voting for a cut since December 2023 and she was joined this week by a second member. But the rest of the MPC, including Mr Bailey, have steadfastly voted to maintain the 5.25pc base rate since August 2023.

With GDP growth at 0.6pc in the first quarter of 2024, the MPC’s decision may look justified but we must not forget 2023 where the first quarter GDP growth was not only the highest in 2023 but also the only positive quarter. The UK’s quarterly growth was all downhill after that. And expectations of a rate cut in 2023 probably fuelled first-quarter growth, just as similar expectations have in 2024.

I suspect most MPC members voted to hold UK base rates to keep the value of the pound steady relative to the US dollar, although Mr Bailey claimed in an interview that he was not worried about US rates. 

If this is true, that is great news as the US is on a completely different economic trajectory from the UK. US first quarter GDP annualised growth rate was 1.6pc, although this was lower than expected.

Unlike the UK, the US is the world’s largest oil and gas exporter and has the cheapest commercial electricity in the developed world, coupled with massive fiscal stimulus from the Inflation Reduction Act. Consequently, US markets have cut their expectations for six interest rate cuts this year to now only one. And that cut is not expected before September. But US CPI data out this week, may push this out further.

Decoupling the US and UK interest rates will move money from UK to US treasuries and push up the value of the US dollar relative to the pound. A higher US dollar will make commodities priced in US dollars more expensive in Britain, especially oil and gas prices. 

Higher energy costs will increase the price of manufactured goods, transport costs and electricity production. Which in turn could increase the UK’s retail and consumer price indices. On the other hand, a lower pound will also make UK exports more attractive in US markets, and the US is the UK’s largest export market for both goods and services.

Mr Hunt may fear the fallout from the chattering classes for whom a lower pound means their holiday will be more expensive while the comedy circuit may accuse him of “crashing the pound” even though both UK and US interest rates are out of his control. 

But there are many reasons why the Chancellor should not accept high interest rates and an artificially strong pound – notably company insolvencies.

Company insolvencies have increased in the UK from around 15,000 in 2017 to 26,600 in 2023. In the first quarter of this year, another 6,044 UK companies became insolvent. Besides the number of companies going out of business, we should also worry about the type of businesses going under. Of the 25,156 companies in England and Wales that went into liquidation last year, 17.4pc were in the construction sector, 16pc were in the vehicle wholesale, retail and repair sector, and 14pc were in food and beverage services.

All of these sectors are doubly susceptible to high interest rates not only from their own borrowing but also from the reduction in consumer spending caused by higher rates. In addition, the expectation of lower rates in the future will also lead to postponed house buying and car purchasing decisions. So we may see an increase in insolvencies in the vehicle and construction sectors if interest rate cuts are pushed out until the autumn. 

The Chancellor increased corporate taxes from 19pc to 25pc with the expectation of increased revenues but this will only raise additional money if UK companies make a profit. If companies are driven out of business by high interest rates, the Treasury gets nothing.

Mr Hunt claimed last week that he “would much rather that [the MPC] waited until they’re absolutely sure inflation is on a downward trajectory than rush into a decision they had to reverse at a later stage”. 

However, there is no reason for interest rates to be stable. It was completely normal in the days when Baron Eddie George and Lord Mervin King were Bank of England governors for rates to change slightly almost every time the MPC met — tailoring the interest rates to suit the latest economic information. It was only during Mark Carney’s reign that we had years and years without any change in ultra-low rates.

Although cutting interest rates is a competency of the MPC, the Chancellor shouldn’t be content to see high interest rates reduce economic growth or drive companies in critical sectors out of business even if this benefits savers. 

Expressing annoyance at the MPC’s decision will not alter interest rates, but it will at least direct angry homeowners and business owners to where the blame belongs.

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