The Inheritance Act 1975 allows certain people to claim against a deceased’s estate for “reasonable financial provision”.  Such claims are commonly brought by adult children, unmarried cohabiting partners and those financially dependent on the deceased.  

Whilst we each have unfettered “testamentary” freedom to choose who inherits our wealth and property in this country (unlike some of our European neighbours), the 1975 Act gives the court (in appropriate circumstances) the power to redirect the provision made under a will – or an intestacy if there is no will – using a series of guidelines provided within the 1975 Act.

The number of claims brought under the 1975 Act has noticeably increased over the last decade.  

Three reasons are often cited for this: the increasing value of estates (often driven by high levels of equity in property) making it worthwhile to bring a claim; “blended”’ or modern family structures (e.g. second marriages) and the competing interests arising; and poorly-drafted wills. 

It may also be that people are now more familiar with this type of claim through the stories of others or internet searches. 

Claims under the 1975 Act are sometimes brought alongside other claims which seek to invalidate or change a will, sue the person who drafted the will or seek a beneficial interest in property as a result of a promise made by the deceased or a financial contribution to the property of the deceased.  

The vast majority of 1975 Act claims are settled early and before trial by the exchange or written offers to settle, or at a mediation.  

The legal costs for those that do go to trial can often be eye-watering (six figures is common), as the work required to prepare and defend these claims properly is significant. Such legal costs will sometimes be paid out of the deceased’s estate or by the losing party.  

In deciding whether to make an award to a claimant under the 1975 Act, the court will apply a wide checklist of factors, with a focus on the financial and future needs of both the claimant and other beneficiaries under the will or intestacy amongst other things.  

Claims under the 1975 Act are almost always highly emotive and fraught with bitterness. This can be due to the intimate nature of considerations before the court (finances, health, relationship with the deceased) – and the fact that the dispute often begins whilst parties are still mourning the death of the deceased.  

The legal battles are often fought on principle and a perceived loyalty to the deceased’s wishes or what is “fair”, as well as allegations that the deceased’s mind was manipulated in some way.

Whilst it is not possible to prohibit someone from bringing a claim for reasonable financial provision against your estate under the 1975 Act, certain steps can be taken to reduce both the likelihood of a claim against your estate, and the chances of it succeeding.

Firstly, write a will using the services of a professional. It is astonishing how many people fail to write wills, or refuse to pay for the services of a professional will writer.  

In my experience, many claims (including those under the 1975 Act) against a deceased’s estate could have been prevented or mitigated if the deceased had instructed a good solicitor to draft his or her will. A professionally written will is much more likely to help maximise the distribution of your estate and enable your wishes to be carried out as you intend.  

Tools such as lifetime interests in property and discretionary trusts can be incorporated to satisfy the demands of competing family members and reduce the risk of tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds being spent on litigation fees and depleting your estate.

Secondly, communicate carefully and considerately during your lifetime with your family, loved ones and other beneficiaries.  

Sometimes, disappointed claimants are less concerned with the money, and more with a feeling of being overlooked or abandoned by the deceased.  

For example, if you plan to leave a significant sum to charity, or more money to one child over another, explain to your children why you are doing so, so that they might understand and can ask questions whilst you are available to answer them.  

So many disputes that I see could have been avoided if the deceased had spoken to and explained their decision to those with an expectation of inheritance.

Thirdly, and in addition to the above, write a side letter or “expression of wishes” document. People’s memories fade and their circumstances change.  

A letter of wishes, written in everyday, clear language can help those left behind understand a deceased’s testamentary decisions and how they are to be carried out.  The letter can also help to explain the deceased’s decisions. 

Whilst a letter of wishes is not legally binding, should the dispute end up in court, a judge will be able to read that letter so as to make sense of the reasons behind the will. 

George Woodhead is a barrister at Selborne Chambers in London.  He specialises in property, wills and trusts cases. 

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