Wall Street chief executives and billionaire tycoons gathered in the Palace of Versailles last week to hear President Macron deliver a call to arms for Europe’s biggest banks.

Flanked by paintings of Napoleon, the French leader used a set-piece investment summit to urge greater consolidation of the European Union’s €26 trillion (£22 trillion) banking sector.

With JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon looking on, the man who once called for an EU army turned his attention to a new geopolitical weapon: Europe’s centuries old lenders.

“If I speak about Europe in comparison with China and the US, the situation is not so good at this time,” he said, breaking convention and delivering his speech in English, not French. 

“We have to change…to be competitive.”

One strand of this competitiveness is Macron’s push for a single capital markets union to unite the EU’s fragmented financial institutions, which include a banking union.

Asked if this meant a Spanish bank would be allowed to buy a French bank, he told Bloomberg, “Yes, for sure.”
“We have to open this box and deliver a single-market approach.”

Macron wants to unlock Europe’s massive resources of capital in the race against the US and China.

JP Morgan chief Jamie Dimon and other Wall Street titans were present to hear Macron pro-market banking speech Credit: Ludovic Marin/AFP

Banking remains one of the few industries which is not part of the single market in the eurozone, a fact the famously integrationist Macron wants to change to boost Europe’s sluggish economy.

In doing so, he is also hoping to give Paris a headstart in the post-Brexit battle for financial services against fierce rivals across Europe.

Massive European bank mergers are nothing new, but – with the exception of the emergency rescue of Credit Suisse by UBS – they haven’t happened for a while.

Before the financial crisis, deals such as Spanish giant Santander’s £8bn deal for Abbey National in the UK and Italy’s largest bank Unicredit acquiring German giant HVB showed the vaunted ambitions of bank bosses during the eurozone’s golden period.

Then the €70bn takeover of ABN Amro by Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander and Fortis happened, and things changed. The deal soured, poisoning the well of pan-European tie-ups for the next 20 years.

Since then, banking grandees across the Continent, such as Santander’s Ana Botin, UBS’s Sergio Ermotti and Unicredit’s Andrea Orcel, have been gun-shy about large takeover moves, a situation Macron is hoping to change.

“There’s this growing realisation that Europe has been left behind the US and parts of Asia,” says Andrew Stimpson, head of European bank research at KBW.

“Europe wants to get a lot done, whether it’s the digital or green transition, and it knows it needs a lot of capital. It’s got a lot of capital. But at the moment, it’s all been invested elsewhere.”

In a rambling two-hour speech at the Sorbonne last month, President Macron railed against the fact that €300bn of EU savings go to finance the USA every year. “This is absurd,” he said.

According to Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at Brussels-based think tank Bruegel, geopolitical situations such as Ukraine have created a new sense of urgency for EU leaders to tap into the Continent’s strengths and boost innovation and investment.

“One of those areas unquestionably is the financial sector,” he says.

At the same time, a new wave of banking M&A would undoubtedly benefit French banks, who are likely to be the predators rather than the prey.

Europe’s largest players are overwhelmingly French, with BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Groupe BPCE, Société Générale and Crédit Mutuel comprising half of the top 10 largest EU lenders by assets, according to S&P.

French banks also account for about 28.4pc of European banking assets versus only 8.7pc for Germany and 9.7pc for Spain. The UK is second to France with 20.8pc.

For France’s famously protective stance, the pronouncement that EU rivals could come and buy French banks was close to sacrilege.

Yet Macron, ever the shrewd operator, is more likely making a devil’s pact to capture some of the post-Brexit financial services jobs flowing out of London, analysts said.

“Macron is saying ‘I am willing to break some French taboos for the sake of this integration because otherwise it will never happen’,” says Mr Véron.

“He wants Paris to become a major international financial centre. And this is an acknowledgement that France cannot have it both ways. He cannot have France as a major international financial centre and keep its traditional protectionism for the banking sector.”

It was not lost on many that Macron’s pro-market banking speech came on the same day that JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley were in Paris for the summit.

Wall Street banks have been keen for France to change its labour laws to make hiring and firing easier.  

But could we ever see a BNP and Deutsche Bank merger, or a takeover of Unicredit by Santander?

Europe’s senior bank bosses are split on the merits of a banking merger boom.

In the wake of Macron’s comments, Jérôme Grivet, Crédit Agricole’s top executive, backed the idea, saying Europe needed “bigger and more powerful banks”.

Sergio Ermotti, chief executive of UBS, who recently led the takeover of Crédit Suisse, also expressed similarly pro-merger views, saying Europe “can’t just rely on a crisis” to facilitate consolidation.

Still, the prospect of retail bank mega-deals seems unlikely for now.

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, the low-key chief executive of BNP Paribas, said that Europe’s patchwork quilt of regulations underpinning retail banks made the task of consolidation harder.

Unlike the US, where a bank from California could easily buy a Texan bank with minimal friction, a cross-border European deal would make little financial sense as the costs would be too high, he said.  

Another main barrier is the lack of an EU-wide deposit protection scheme, which would provide Europe-wide protection for savers in the same way the Financial Services Compensation Scheme protects Brits. 

“It’s still tricky to see cross border M&A happen without it,” says Mr Stimpson.

“But (Macron) is the first leader of a major eurozone country to say ‘I would allow someone to buy one of my large banks’.

“He has to have that reciprocated from enough eurozone leaders for it to be a viable change.”

'Consolidation in Europe would be a good strategy', says Jose Manuel Campa, chairman of the European Banking Authority Credit: Nathan Laine/Bloomberg

In Spain, the recent BBVA bid for Sabadell has got tongues wagging over whether a deal could prompt more cross-border deal-making.

Benjamin Toms, a bank analyst at RBC Capital, says it is more likely than not that Europe will experience more deal-making, owing to supportive regulators and investor demands.  

“Big cross-border M&A is treated with a little bit of scepticism because it normally comes with quite a sizeable upfront capital hit and there’s a relatively large amount of execution risk,” he said.

“However, investors see consolidation as a good thing long-term, because it creates pricing powers in the markets where you gain market share.”

Macron’s merger push has won broad support from regulators.

In the wake of the comments, Jose Manuel Campa, the head of the European Central Bank, said he was “very happy” to hear the remarks.

“Consolidation in Europe would be a good strategy of the banks,” he said.

“We need to think more of European interests in an effective market rather than individual national interests.”

Macron’s proposals are the most ambitious for a generation. But – as Napoleon could tell him – not all grand European projects end in success.

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