Tying the knot later in life is becoming more common. The most recent data from the Office for National Statistics shows that a fifth of marriages are now between those aged 50 and over. 

Along with a new lease of joy and happiness, marriage – or civil partnership – can bring a side helping of financial complexity. 

Often, one or both of those marrying in later life will have been in previous marriages or relationships, perhaps involving children. More than half (56pc) of those getting married over 50 have been either widowed or divorced. 

While this isn’t the case for everyone, there are important decisions to be made concerning finances, assets, housing, and retirement, as you will both have separately built up your own level of wealth and assets, and perhaps debts.

Here, Telegraph Money explains the key things to think about, and how to protect your assets.

Be open when you talk about money

Before saying your vows, and before taking any action regarding your own finances, it’s a good idea to have open, frank discussions about money with your partner. 

David Murray, financial planning expert at Abrdn, said: “It’s always important to be honest and upfront about your finances with your loved ones but in particular when entering into a marriage or civil partnership – and even more so if you have been married previously or have other financial dependants.”

He suggests carving out some time to make each other aware of your financial situations, whether that’s debts or financial ties from previous relationships – as well as sharing financial goals for the future and retirement. 

He added: “You’ll want to ensure you’re on the same page for your future plans, whatever that looks like, and then budget accordingly. This includes saving for any bucket list activities like travelling, as well as aspects like paying off your mortgage, living costs, supporting children and care fees.”

What to do with your investments

It is important for couples to have a frank conversation about investments, to figure out how you both want to handle things. 

You might want to consider investing together to grow your wealth, or to agree that the major assets and the growth of them should remain separate. 

If one partner has a lot more savings and investments than the other, keeping things separate might be preferred to “protect” this income. 

However, it might make sense from a tax point of view (see below) to transfer assets between you – married couples can do so without any tax implications and make the most of both people’s tax-free allowances.

If one spouse or partner pays tax at a lower rate than the other, you could cut your collective tax bill by switching assets to the lower-earning spouse.

Taking financial advice could be a smart move to make sure you’re maximising tax breaks.

Make the most of tax breaks

There are tax benefits that come with a marriage. For example, you can transfer any unused personal allowance to your spouse using the marriage allowance. 

To use this, one member of the couple must earn less than the personal allowance of £12,570, and the other partner must be a basic-rate taxpayer (earning up to £50,270). The lower earner can effectively transfer £1,260 of their personal allowance to their spouse, increasing their tax-free income as a couple.

Being married or in a civil partnership also means that you have double the capital gains tax allowance of £3,000 for the current tax year. Should you wish to cash in some investments, for example, and the gain exceeds £3,000, you can save on your tax bill by transferring assets to your other half to utilise their allowance.

You can also double your inheritance tax (IHT) allowance. Any unused portion of IHT allowance within the £325,000 nil-rate band after death can be passed on to the surviving partner. This means your or your partner’s allowance could double.

How to handle property

If both partners each own a property before they get married, the ownership of property does not change on marriage. 

However, there could be issues if you were to divorce. On divorce, a court has the power to share the assets to meet respective needs, regardless of ownership or how an asset was acquired. The family home will usually be considered a marital asset to be shared regardless of its source. Any attempts to hide or dispose of money or assets before or during divorce proceedings will result in being penalised by the court. If you want to protect certain assets – such as a property – in case of a divorce, you may need to have your spouse agree to a prenup (more on this below).

Divorce may never become an issue but, thinking ahead, if you buy a property together your share of the house will automatically pass to your other half on death.

Should you wish to leave the value of your proportion of a property to your children or someone else, the common way to do this is to change how you own your property and become what’s known as “tenants in common”. This way, your share of the property is recognised as separate to that of your spouse. You could then gift your share to your children, or put it into a trust.

Estate planning and wills

You need to ensure that you can agree on how your assets would be split when one of you passes away. You can specify this in your will to make sure your wealth is passed on as you wish. 

When you marry any will you have previously made is revoked. You should therefore update your will after the wedding or civil partnership, adding any names and beneficiaries you would like to pass your wealth on to and removing any names that are now no longer relevant (such as a former spouse).

However, it’s perhaps better to at least start this conversation before you tie the knot.

Nearly half of adults admit to never updating their will – and 47pc of people who have updated their will have not done so in more than 10 years, according to a study by will writing service Farewill.

When it comes to inheritance planning it can be beneficial to talk to those involved, such as grown-up children. Talking to loved ones about finances can feel awkward, but not only can it help remove some of the pressure many parents feel when thinking about how and when they’ll pass on their wealth, it also helps avoid unexpected surprises – and potential disappointment. 

With stepchildren potentially in the mix you might want to explore setting up a trust to leave your own money to your own children, if that’s what’s agreed.

Trusts are a complex area which typically need to be set up correctly by a professional who can help with making sure you have enough capital and income for your own lifetime, while making provision for children and grandchildren so that more assets can be passed on in the most tax efficient manner.

Plan for pensions and retirement

Your retirement plans might change when you marry later in life. If one spouse is closer to retirement than the other you may need to revisit existing plans for one or both of you.

If you have a private pension you might want to make sure the “nominated beneficiary” is up to date to ensure the right person gets your pension pot when you die. You can do this by updating the “letter of wishes”, which is held with your pension provider. You should do the same for any work pensions, if either or both of you are still employed or not taking pension benefits yet. Note that these letters are not legally binding, but are kept in mind when the provider ultimately decides who it should pay your existing pension to.

This might also be a good time to consolidate your pensions – doing this can help you get a better idea of your overall pension savings, and may be easier to keep track of. Make sure that transferring the money doesn’t mean giving up any benefits or incurring large charges. 

In some cases for state pensions (and benefits) your entitlement may change if you get married or remarry. Make sure to check so you’ll know in advance of any significant changes to your income.  

If your spouse or civil partner dies you might be able to increase your state pension, depending on your partner’s date of birth. You could inherit 50-100pc of your deceased partner’s state related pension.

Don’t forget insurance

If you have health insurance through your employer you may want to add your new spouse to the policy. This will allow them to benefit from the perks of your policy. 

Additionally, if you have life insurance you might want to name your new spouse as the beneficiary to make sure they receive the payment on your death.

There is also the option to get couples’ policies but the level of cover and cost may be affected if, say, one partner has an existing health condition.

Consider a prenuptial agreement

To protect the assets built up before you met, you might want to have something in writing about what would happen should you split in the future.

A prenuptial agreement is a contract to outline ownership of your assets, and details what would belong to who should the marriage break down.

Interest in pre-nuptial agreements in Britain is rising, according to Caroline Keeley, partner and head of family law at TWM.

She said: “Enquiries have multiplied dramatically in the last couple of years. The increased use is partly being driven by people entering second marriages who want to protect their assets for the children from their first marriage.”

Ms Keeley highlighted that a prenup is not only about protecting current net worth, it’s also about protecting potential future wealth. 

“If you’re an entrepreneur with a growing business, or a senior executive with potentially valuable share options, you may want to prepare a prenup just to protect the windfall you might get from the sale or IPO of that business. You can also protect potential future inheritances.”

Prenups are not just about safeguarding the assets of the financially stronger party, it’s also about protecting the other person in the relationship and giving them a degree of security.

Ms Keeley recommends leaving plenty of time to draw up a contract: “Aim to contact your solicitor at least three months before your wedding,” she said. “This ensures time to gain a general understanding of matrimonial law and draft an agreement you’re completely satisfied with before it is sent on to your partner who should then follow the same steps with their solicitor.

“For a prenup to have legal weight it needs to be shown that both sides knew what they were signing, which is why showing that legal advice was given is essential.”

There are a number of companies who promise to deliver a prenup online within minutes. While the process might be convenient and more affordable, if things go wrong in your marriage and you end up in court you run the risk that these quick-fix agreements might not hold up. It’s safer to use a solicitor to draw up such a document to ensure it’s done correctly.

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