Showing face in the House of Lords to claim a £300 daily attendance fee was once so widespread that a peer was brazen enough to leave a taxi engine running outside the Houses of Parliament while he signed in. Minutes later, he was back in the car and on the road home.

Similar tactics are now taking place in corporate Britain. As more and more bosses force staff back to their desks, employees are finding ways to bend the rules.

Enter “coffee badging”. Equivalent to the politicians showing face for 10 minutes, it refers to the practice of conspicuously clocking in before sneakily leaving shortly after. The phrase refers to performatively grabbing a coffee near a manager to earn a “badge” before leaving.

“People will go in for a meeting so that they’re seen to be there but then disappear straight afterwards regardless of the time,” notes one FTSE 100 boss, who is concerned about the increase in “performative behaviours” among staff.

A third of UK workers who are able to work flexibly admit to “coffee badging”, according to a survey by tech company Owl Labs.

Online forums and TikTok posts are abuzz with people discussing the new workplace trend. 

“Seen plenty of it in our place, even the managers do it. Show up for the big ‘mandatory but not really mandatory’ on-site meetings in the morning, and home at lunch,” a worker writes on Reddit.

Another says: “Lots of people in my office badge in, log in, leave at lunch. It’s against firm policy but if my employees do this, IDGAF [I don’t give a f---]. I’d rather they not quit on me after being stuck in afternoon traffic.”

Under TikTok posts of people parodying the idea, social media users confess to doing it a lot. “I run out as soon as no one is looking,” says one.

Companies are responding with tactics of their own, including so-called “office peacocking” where managers attempt to make the office as exciting as possible so that people actually want to be there. That can include everything from free food and drink to massages and more unusual perks such as in-office entertainment.

Despite their best efforts, most employers have found that nothing they can do beats the allure of simply being at home.

Dr Nahla Khaddage Bou-Diab, a leadership expert who runs a bank in Lebanon, argues that the perks being dished out by companies are irrelevant. Staff can see right through them.

“You can’t dress up control,” she says. “Office pantries, extravagant drinks rounds and team socials aside, return-to-office initiatives are, at their core, orders.

“Staff will ultimately resist the return to the office. For the last four years, they’ve experienced a whole new level of flexibility and humanity not seen before. Passive acts of resistance – ‘coffee badging’, for example – might only be the start.”

Some staff are engaged in active resistance. At the Office for National Statistics (ONS), employees have been asked to return to the office two days a week. The move has sparked uproar and union bosses have told civil servants to protest by refusing to comply.

“Employees are hired to do a job, not to be watched at work,” argues Frank Weishaupt, the chief executive of Owl Labs.

“Tempting workers back with office perks or enforcing a return to the office mandate is a dead concept.”

Try telling that to Sir Jim Ratcliffe.

The industrialist and Manchester United chief has ordered the football club’s staff to return to the office full-time from June or seek “alternative employment”.

Seeing through any attempts at coffee badging, the billionaire pointed to hard data – email traffic was down 20pc when staff worked from home.

Bosses are getting frustrated with their lack of control, with one manager at another company saying that productivity is much worse and team culture is “not what it used to be”.

Major law firms and accountants have started to monitor office attendance in a bid to crack down on those who refuse to come in, reviewing swipe-card entry data to see not only how often workers enter the office but also when they leave. 

As more and more companies get tough on attendance, “coffee badgers” could soon find their office passes revoked altogether.

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