Most of the time the flurry of economic statistics amounts to so much sound and fury, signifying nothing. But this week could be different. Wednesday’s inflation data could be a game-changer.

Inflation has fallen a long way from a peak of 11.1pc in October 2022 to 3.2pc in the latest published figures for March. But this coming release (for the month of April) promises to see a big drop in one month. I reckon that the rate could fall to 2pc, or even just below. The Bank of England is forecasting 2.1pc.

Readers will be familiar with the debate that rages between economists on the importance of the money supply as a determinant of inflation. You could see the sharp fall in inflation over the last year as the result of earlier weak growth of the broad money supply.

But the proximate reason for the big impending drop in inflation on Wednesday is what happened at this time last year. Last April there were large rises in prices, pretty much across the board, reflecting adverse international influences on energy and food prices.

These large rises will fall out of the annual comparison and this April’s price rises should be smaller. The 12.3pc drop in the Ofgem price cap on April 1 this year will on its own reduce inflation by 0.4pc. In addition, food inflation seems to have fallen sharply.

Forecasting inflation for the next month or two is largely a matter of arithmetic. What happens thereafter, though, is about economics. And the outlook is not all plain sailing.

Pay inflation has remained pretty high, with the latest figures showing it stuck at 5.7pc, far too high to be consistent with the 2pc inflation target. The recent large increase in the National Living Wage (NLW) is not helping, particularly since people slightly above the NLW will have seen their differentials reduced and will want some recompense.

Only last week, Huw Pill, the Bank’s chief economist, was emphasising the continuing threat from high pay inflation. It is indeed possible that pay inflation will stay high and that inflation will later rebound. But I doubt it.

Pay inflation is normally a lagging indicator. When inflation was driven up in 2021-2, pay was slow to respond and as a result, real incomes were squeezed. It has been slow to fall as this process has gone into reverse and real incomes have recently been rising.

Although the Bank will be worried that what happens to pay inflation will have a key bearing on what happens to price inflation, in the months ahead I reckon that price inflation will have a strong bearing on pay inflation. As inflation falls below 2pc and possibly even heads down towards 1pc, this will be a powerful drag on the rate of pay settlements, especially since the overall state of the labour market has been loosening.

How will the Bank of England respond to Wednesday’s inflation figures? The judgement on interest rates is finely balanced and will largely turn on the detail of the inflation numbers. There is room for a nasty surprise.

The recent large increase in the NLW, which took effect at the beginning of April, may have caused some businesses to increase their prices. Moreover, there is a large group of administered prices which are adjusted in April, reflecting inflation at the end of last year.

The inflation figure could easily fall sharply from 3.2pc but still be left significantly above the 2pc inflation target. A figure of about 2.5pc is perfectly possible. If something like that transpired it would surely scupper the chances of a June rate cut.

Furthermore, even if the inflation rate does hit 2pc on Wednesday, a June rate cut is not in the bag. The recent data release showing that the economy grew by 0.6pc in the first quarter of the year was a rare bit of good news. But when it comes to inflation prospects, good news is usually bad. The worriers at the Bank will be concerned that stronger demand growth in the economy will serve to sustain price pressures.

Still, hitting the inflation target, and with every prospect of falling below it in coming months, is a powerful argument for reducing rates. My guess is that this will win the day and interest rates will be cut by 0.25pc at the Bank’s next meeting in June.

But thereafter it gets trickier. The behaviour of the pound may be critical. We are running a substantial current account deficit and there is a case that the pound should be lower to boost competitiveness in both domestic and export markets.

If the UK is cutting rates and the US Federal Reserve is not, or not so much, then there is a risk that the pound could weaken a fair bit. This would attenuate the fall in inflation and might even cause it to spike up later, before pay inflation has been thoroughly subdued. And, of course, international energy prices are easily capable of springing a surprise.

There is a good case for interest rates to fall to 3pc by the middle of next year but this outturn is far from guaranteed. Even if the Bank cuts in June, this does not mean that it will be rushing to cut rates thereafter. It might want to proceed slowly, seeing how pay, energy prices and the pound behave.

A good deal would depend upon how the economy performs and on fiscal matters. The Chancellor of the Exchequer may stage another “fiscal event” in October or November, the traditional slot for the Autumn Statement, announcing some tax cuts.

If he is soon afterwards replaced by a Labour chancellor, presumably another fiscal event would follow before long. That might or might not reverse this autumn’s tax reductions but it could involve some increases in government spending plans. That would tend to boost aggregate demand and weaken the case for rate cuts.

Roger Bootle is senior independent adviser to Capital Economics.

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