Eight billion euros are waiting to help rebuild Britain’s energy systems – but it could all flow to European rivals unless ministers start making decisions on our future electricity supplies, a leading energy boss has warned.

Mike Lockett, who runs the British assets of Uniper, the giant German state-owned electricity producer which produces 7pc of UK electricity, wants to clean up his fleet of six gas-fired power stations so that the millions of tonnes of CO2 they generate can be captured and buried underground.

But he says government delays in making crucial decisions, bringing in legislation and building key infrastructure are putting that investment in peril.

“This is the key challenge we face. We are happy to invest our earnings into decarbonisation. We can provide power generation and carbon capture on our sites.

“But we can only do it when there’s the proper infrastructure to take that CO2 away and dispose of it. And we have to have the financial incentive to do it as well.”

Lockett is referring to the UK’s three-decade flirtation with carbon capture and storage, a technology which holds out the hope of making fossil fuels clean, but where Britain’s green ambition has repeatedly hit the buffers of economic reality.

The UK’s first carbon capture project was proposed two decades ago – only for shocked Labour ministers to pull the plug in 2005 when they realised the likely impact on consumer bills.

Labour’s Conservative and Lib Dem successors cancelled their own projects in 2012 and again in 2015. Carbon capture, they had all realised, would add an estimated 20pc to power generation costs, hitting consumers or taxpayers right where it hurts.

Carbon capture and storage is, however, an essential technology for reaching net zero, according to the Government’s Climate Change Committee. So seven years ago our latest government decided to try again – promising companies like Uniper that this time they meant it.

Today, however, there are still no operating CO2 disposal projects. And that is why Mr Lockett, Uniper’s UK chairman, is getting impatient. “We’ve got a real sense of momentum, and we’ve got a target of capturing 20 million to 30 million tonnes per annum of CO2.

“But we need to see those next steps. We want to see financial investment decisions finally made on the UK’s CO2 transport and storage systems.

“We want to see contracts awarded for carbon capture plants and projects such as our own, and then momentum turned into real action. It’s becoming critical.”

What’s at stake in simple terms is around €8bn (£6.9bn) set aside by Uniper for investment in low carbon power generation, to be spent by 2030. A chunk could come to the UK but other countries are available.

Uniper is an international energy company that operates roughly 22.5 gigawatts generation capacity across Germany, Holland, Sweden and Hungary, making it one of the world’s largest power producers.

Well over half its generation comes from gas and coal – and Uniper has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2040.

Lockett is in a hurry to cut carbon. Later this year he will take a big step towards that goal by shutting down Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Britain’s last coal-fired power station, sited just south of Nottingham.

The station is due to close in September, finally ending the UK’s reliance on burning coal, the dirtiest of fossil fuels, to generate electricity.

Since it opened in 1967, Ratcliffe’s four massive boiler units have generated 550 terawatt hours of electricity – enough to power the entire nation for around 18 months.

But they also consumed around 16,000 tonnes of coal a day and generated 8-10m tonnes of CO2 a year, making it one of Europe’s biggest emitters of greenhouse gases.

The UK is still reliant on power stations like Ratcliffe. In January, when the nation was hit by a period of windless, cold weather that left wind farms unable to cope, all four boilers were powered up.

That was, however, probably the last time they will all run – and Mr Lockett’s attention is now focused on his remaining fleet of gas-fired power plants.

They include a large but ageing power station at Connah’s Quay in North Wales, another equally large one on the Isle of Grain in Kent, and four smaller ones – collectively providing 4-5pc of the UK’s electricity.

“We want to decarbonise all our plants using a combination of carbon capture and storage, low carbon fuels, such as hydrogen, or biomethane. We’ve drawn up plans for each of them and carbon capture storage in the UK market is one of the key routes to do that.”

What’s missing, however, is the political leadership and that, says Mr Lockett, is becoming a problem.

The UK will finally end its reliance on burning coal when Ratcliffe closes in September Credit: Andrew Fox

At Connah’s Quay, for example, the plan is to knock down the existing power station and build a new one, fired by gas but with carbon capture technology to pipe its CO2 emissions out beneath the Irish Sea. The Government has pledged to build those pipes – but so far it hasn’t happened.

At Grain, similar technology would collect the CO2 and pump it into ships that would take it to a CO2 graveyard deep under the North Sea. But again there is no kit in place – and with an election looming, little sign of any decisions being taken.

Mr Lockett suggests that such indecision is fatal to big infrastructure projects. “Many organisations like ours are ready to make big investment decisions, but they need to have confidence that their investments will not be stranded in the future.”

Continuity is key for the election too. “The key thing for us is whatever happens in the election we need to see consistency of policy. We need to see whoever’s in government continuing those policies and ploughing ahead with decarbonisation.”

What if they don’t? “We are really positive about our investments in the UK. But we’ve also got other core markets – and they are looking for investment too.”

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