More than a dozen super-sized families with at least 13 children are claiming an estimated £229 pounds every week – at a cost of almost £1,000 a month to the taxpayer, the Telegraph can reveal. 

The 15 families with at least 13 children are among almost 24,000 households claiming child benefit for six or more children, at an annual cost to taxpayers of £150m, according to data obtained50 under a freedom of information request.

Child benefit is paid at the rate of £25.60 for the oldest child and £16.95 thereafter, with the annual benefit bill now totalling around £13bn. There is no limit to how many children you can claim for. 

The areas of the country with the highest number of families claiming for 10 children or more were Hackney, London (40), Birmingham (25), Salford (20), Haringey, London (10) and Bristol (10).

The figures will fuel the debate about whether the benefits system encourages people to have more children, while financial constraints puts pressure on those who earn above the welfare threshold to limit the size of their families.

Child benefit is available to all parents but is clawed back by the Government through the tax system for people who earn more than £60,000. Once they earn more than £80,000, all the benefit is lost. The limits increased in April, having previously stood at £50,000 and £60,000, following changes announced in the Budget. 

The Government estimated the change would provide an average boost of £1,260 for around half a million working families.

Len Shackleton, editorial and research fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: “These figures are startling: most couples would be aghast at the prospect of 10 or more children.

“Any reform of child support always runs the risk of plunging some groups into serious poverty, but our current system produces perverse incentives and is not a good look politically. It needs to be changed. Having large families should be a personal choice supported by the parents who can afford it and are prepared for the lifestyle. It should not be a choice apparently encouraged by the benefit system.”

He added that, given the current birth rate is below that required to replace the population, the burden of old-age dependency was likely to grow.

“There is a case for doubting whether levels of financial support currently on offer have much effect on the birth rate, but it is certain that our current set-up is illogical and confusing. Different eligibility rules and financial cut-offs apply to support for children, for child benefit and for free childcare,” he said. 

“Perhaps we should be encouraging childless couples to have a child, parents of one child to have two, or parents of two children to have one more. But very large families may not be good for parents or children, and a high proportion of such families are likely to be a continuing heavy burden on the taxpayer.”

Before the 2010 coalition government, the benefit was universal. The limiting of child benefit payouts has reduced the number of families – particularly those with one and two children – who claim the handouts.

The Women’s Budget Group think tank has called for the tax clawback on child benefit to be abolished and for the handout to become universal once again. It said in March that the “high income child benefit charge” worked in practice as “an additional tax affecting only families with children”, pointing out that when the tax was first introduced it affected one in eight families in the UK. It said, before the threshold was raised, it was on track to affect nearly one in three, or 2.5 million households.  

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