The Bank of England is on course to cut interest rates this summer if inflation falls as expected, its deputy governor has said.

Ben Broadbent suggested that borrowing costs could come down from their current 12-year highs within months as inflation comes under control.

In a speech ahead of what will be his final vote on interest rates before he stands down from the Bank, Mr Broadbent said: “If things continue to evolve with [Bank] forecasts – forecasts that suggest policy will have to become less restrictive at some point – then it’s possible Bank Rate could be cut some time over the summer.”

Data released on Wednesday is expected to show inflation of 2.1pc in the year to April, close to the Bank’s 2pc target, with some economists predicting an even lower figure.

Rates have been on hold at 5.25pc since August of last year, but financial markets anticipate a cut to 5pc in June or August with another to follow in the autumn.

Mr Broadbent is the longest-serving member of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC).

Since he joined the panel of rate setters in 2011, he has never been out-voted in his interest rate or quantitative easing decisions, so his intervention in the debate on borrowing costs is particularly significant.

He is leaving the MPC this summer, so has one last vote in next month’s policy meeting.

The deputy governor said that higher interest rates appear to have done their job of stopping the spike in inflation after the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from becoming a longer-term problem.

Inflation has fallen back towards the Bank’s 2pc target in part as energy and goods prices have stopped rising or dipped, he said, but officials have prevented price and pay rises from becoming embedded in the economy.

Mr Broadbent said: “Tighter monetary policy has also contributed to the decline in inflation, both by reducing excess demand and by limiting what might otherwise have been much larger second-round effects.”

He estimates that these “second-round effects” were most pronounced last autumn – and although pay growth is still strong, companies are cautious about raising their prices, suggesting inflation is getting back under control.

Mr Broadbent said: “Firms feel less able than they did last year to pass through in full these higher wage costs.”

He added that most of the ups and downs in the British economy in the past 15 years have been caused by global factors, rather than any domestic policies, saying: “At least 90pc of variations in UK growth over the past fifteen years have been caused by foreign (or at least common) shocks.

“The events of the past few years clearly suggest one should care about events abroad as much as those at home. One should also guard against the tendency to attribute every short-term move in UK economic data – even those over a period of a couple of years – to some domestic event.”

Mr Broadbent also defended the operational independence of Threadneedle Street after the Bank attracted political fire for its failure to keep inflation on target losses on the bonds bought under quantitative easing.

He said: “I’ve little doubt that, had we gone through the pandemic and the war with the monetary regime of the 1970s, in which policy was governed as much by the political as the economic cycle, things would have been a great deal worse.”

It comes as consumer confidence improves, with households increasingly upbeat about their financial prospects and their job security according to YouGov’s tracker of household sentiment.

Expectations for house price growth have also increased, amid anticipation of rate cuts.

It is a different story in the US, where Federal Reserve official Michael Barr said that recent inflation figures have been “disappointing”. Inflation fell from 3.5pc to 3.4pc in April but has remained stubbornly above the Fed’s 2pc target.

Mr Barr said: “These results did not provide me with the increased confidence that I was hoping to find to support easing monetary policy by reducing the federal funds rate.”

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