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I really feel for young people these days. Money just doesn’t go as far as it used to, particularly when buying property.

Interest rates are at levels last seen in the aftermath of the global financial crash, but without an accompanying fall in house prices to balance out the increased cost. As a result it is harder than ever to get on the property ladder.

The average two-year fixed-rate mortgage is now 5.92pc according to the analyst Moneyfacts – not far off last year’s high of 6.66pc, the highest rates we’d seen for 15 years.

At the same time house prices are expected to rise by more than £60,000 over the next five years, says estate agent Savills – despite the tough financial conditions for buyers.

The upshot of all this is that buying a property alone is increasingly unachievable for most people.

While the more traditional option is buying with a partner, another route I increasingly see is buying with siblings. It makes sense. Chances are you have lived with your sibling before, will have a similar approach to running a household and finances, and a built-in level of trust.

Plus, unless something goes horribly wrong, your sibling is likely to be in your life long-term and may even want to stay around the same area.

And it comes with all the benefits of buying with someone else; a bigger deposit, capacity to take on a bigger monthly mortgage payment between you, and even buy a better property in a nicer area. It also reduces financial pressure further down the line with shared bills and living costs.

There is another financial reason why siblings buying together is becoming commonplace – the bank of mum and dad. Over half of under-35s who recently bought a home received financial help, according to a report by Legal & General, with total gifts from parents or grandparents reaching £8.1bn last year.

I suspect there is also an emotional element to this generosity. With kids of my own I can confirm that there is nothing parents like more than seeing siblings getting on and maintaining a good relationship. The added bonus for mum and dad of their gift is that their children are living together – hopefully harmoniously – and the money is used in a way where both benefit.

However, buying with family shouldn’t stop you from taking the same precautions you would if you were buying with anyone else. If it was me, I would still put in place a co-ownership agreement. We like to think our family relationships can withstand knocks, but money can bring out an unexpected side to people and it is worth being prepared. You choose your friends, but you don’t choose your siblings.

A co-ownership agreement is a legal document that covers the rights and responsibilities of the property owners, including the percentage of ownership of each party and how expenses and financial responsibilities will be split.

On top of the house itself there are considerations such as paying for furnishings and bills, and covering the costs of advisers like lawyers. It is really helpful to have as much as possible decided in writing.

This is particularly useful if you aren’t contributing the same amount to the deposit and mortgage; how will you share any increase in equity value if and when you sell, or what happens if you end up in negative equity? It all needs to be thought about.

The other option is buying with friends. I have seen this happen more often, too. As a less tried and tested option, buying with neither a partner or a family member may be met with some scepticism, but I think it’s a great idea. Although of course the advice above about getting protections in place also applies.

In many ways, buying with a trusted friend – maybe someone you know from school – is more reliable than buying with a partner. If you are with a partner you might feel pressure to buy to progress the relationship and as a result you hurry into it.

Bying with a friend, however, isn’t something you’re likely to rush into because you feel you should.

Plus, like siblings, there are great social benefits – you are likely to have a shared friendship group, shared interests and shared life history.

I have helped two or three groups of friends buy together. One was a group of four lads who were childhood friends and as an outsider looking in it shouldn’t have worked – they were all very different. But they were hilarious together and could be totally honest with each other as they knew each other so well.

We all have quirks and foibles but your old friends know them and forgive you anyway – a good grounding for living together, I think. In the end two of the lads bought the others out because the second pair had found long-term partners and so wanted to release their share.

There’s a lesson here: when buying with a sibling or friend make sure you make provision for what happens in the event that someone wants to move out and/or sell up.

I would also go into any agreement to buy together with a clear picture of what the other is hoping to do in the foreseeable future. For example, does one of you harbour a dream to move abroad, or hate their job and is hoping for a career change?

All this matters if you are buying together, regardless of whether it is with friends or family.

Similarly, how you handle your money may not be the easiest topic of conversation to bring up among friends, but making sure your co-owner is financially responsible is critical.

If they default on their mortgage payment you will be on the hook, and if their credit score goes down it could even affect your ability to borrow.

Ultimately this is a business arrangement as much as it is a living arrangement

Whether you are buying with a friend or sibling, I think to be safe, it is worth getting your own lawyers who can also advise on the best structures for your set-up.

One important decision is whether you buy using a joint mortgage as joint tenants or tenants in common. Joint tenants own the property equally, while tenants in common have definition holdings often based on their contributions.

I think buying with a friend or sibling is a great idea, and no matter whom you get on the property ladder with it is still an investment in your future. It is necessary in this day and age to look for slightly more creative ways to own property and this is one way of thinking outside of the box.

One sign of this is that mortgage providers are offering products designed to accommodate the rising need for different first-time buyer options.

Lender Generation H now offers a mortgage that allows for six incomes, four people on the property deed plus additional help from two others.

None of this is ideal.

I would like a property market where home ownership is achievable by individuals who work hard and save properly, but currently that isn’t an option for many.

Buying your first property is exciting and a real achievement, however you do it and whoever you do it with. Just make sure you have everything written down.

Have you bought a home with friends or family in order to get on the property ladder? Tell us about your experience at

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