One swallow does not a summer make, but three in a row may indeed be indicative of a decisive change in the weather.

First we had much better than expected first quarter growth, then a reasonably encouraging write-up from the International Monetary Fund, predicting among other things that the UK is likely to have the fastest rate of growth over the next five years of any G7 country other than the US.

And finally after nearly three years of mayhem, we have seen inflation returning to a semblance of normality.

It is against this backdrop that Downing Street has plumped for an early July election, the theory being that, though the Government is still way down in the polls, the economic news is unlikely to get any better than this, and it would be as well to take advantage of today’s break in the clouds while it lasts.

Early indications are, moreover, that there is virtually no room within the scope of the Government’s fiscal rules for tax cuts later this year, which renders waiting around for an autumn election fairly pointless. There will be no more scope for pre-election giveaways then than now.

On the economic front, then, the news is unlikely to get any better. But there is still plenty of scope over the months ahead for things to go horribly wrong, so better now than later.

The optics are further enhanced by Downing Street’s apparent largesse in finally settling with victims of the infected blood scandal, righting a great wrong that has dragged on for decades.

The Prime Minister’s speech earlier this week on this shaming example of public sector mismanagement, cover-up, and Treasury penny-pinching struck just the right note; with an election looming, he will have been only too aware of the need to prioritise contrition and generosity over the stale cynicism of monetary consideration which has blighted past attempts to confront the matter.

But is any of this enough to turn the electoral tide back in the Government’s favour?

Downing Street is entitled to take a degree of pride in getting inflation back towards target without having to go through with any more than a short-lived, shallow and technical recession.

It could so easily have been different, as indeed the Bank of England forecast it would be in the immediate aftermath of Liz Truss’s disastrous mini-Budget.

Back then the Bank was predicting one of the longest recessions in living memory, together with a doubling of unemployment by 2025.

In the event, joblessness has barely risen at all and there has been no prolonged economic contraction.

It’s true that the main reason worse outcomes were avoided is that energy prices have come tumbling down almost as fast as they rose when Russia first invaded Ukraine.

The Government cannot take credit for a price adjustment which has little to do with its own actions, but is instead determined by international markets.

Yet one thing ministers did do was provide a relatively generous package of support to help households through the energy price shock; without this relief, the wider economic fallout would have been considerably greater.

Downing Street can therefore reasonably claim to have played its part in delivering today’s “soft landing”, with inflation returned close to target without crashing the economy.

Even so, it’s too early to declare victory. This may also have helped instruct the Prime Minister’s thinking in calling an early general election.

Look beyond strongly deflating gas and electricity prices, and the story on prices is still one of some concern. Certainly it will give the Bank of England pause for thought before beginning the long march back to lower interest rates.

The fall in inflation is not as big as expected, and so-called “core inflation”, which excludes volatile energy, food, alcohol and tobacco prices, is still running at almost double the Bank of England’s overall inflation target.

At 5.9pc, moreover, the inflation rate for services remains stubbornly high. The same is true of the component of inflation that reflects housing costs for owner occupiers. This actually rose in April, from 6.3pc to 6.6pc.

Wages are also still rising at a rate which is incompatible with the Bank of England’s inflation target. In the round, then, this week’s data suggests that we may have to wait just that little bit longer before interest rates start to fall again.

Possibly, it won’t happen this year at all, which again leaves Downing Street with little reason for further delaying the election.

There is, however, one particularly nasty fly in the ointment. This may seem a fairly obvious point, but there is a big difference between the rate of inflation and the level of prices.

Ministers tend to gloss over the distinction, and with reason; the rate of inflation may be returning to normal, but the level of prices very much isn’t and indeed never will.

It is this latter measure that voters feel in their pockets when they complain of prices being so much higher than they were. Prices have risen by more than 20pc since inflation first departed from target around three years ago, and in aggregate will never see that level again.

Inflation may be normalising, but prices are still going up. It is this one-off hit to disposable income that people remember most, not the fact that policymakers have succeeded in bringing the rate of inflation back down again.

Memories eventually fade, and given time, rising wages ought to enable incomes to catch up with prices, but for the moment the pain of the adjustment is acutely felt, and it’s pure poison for the Government’s chances of re-election.

What is more, hopes of imminent relief for those having to refinance two and five-year fixed-rate mortgages over the coming 12 months have been dashed anew.

Mortgage rates – which are priced off interest rate expectations, not the official Bank Rate – have come down a tad in recent weeks, but they remain much higher than borrowers are used to.

For this group of people, the punishment of much higher interest rates is only just about to bite; they are unlikely to feel well disposed towards an incumbent government asking for votes.

It is on the other hand easily forgotten that they are far from being the biggest group of homeowners. Those who own their houses outright exceed those with a mortgage by some margin – around 28pc of UK households against 22pc.

For them, high interest rates don’t matter, and because they are also likely to have substantial cash savings, they should actually benefit from them. Unfortunately for Rishi Sunak, it is one of the abiding laws of politics that you get punished by the losers while gaining little if any credit from the winners.

To go early might seem a gamble, but then again what has he got to lose?

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